Tuesday, 28th June 2011 Area Meeting, Kells Civic Offices


Cllr. O. Fox


Cllr. E. Cassidy, Cllr. C. Yore, Cllr. B. Reilly


Cllr. J.V.Farrelly


Mr K. Stewart, Kells Area Manager, Mr Shane Carroll, A/Area Engineer,

Mr J. Flanagan, Town Clerk, Ms E. Tunney, Assistant Staff Officer.

1. Election of the Kells Area Cathaoirleach

Cllr. Catherine Yore as Elected the Kells Area Cathaoirleach.

Proposal – Cllr. E. Cassidy

Seconded – Cllr. B. Reilly

2. Election of the Kells Area Leas -Cathaoirleach

Cllr. Bryan. Reilly was Elected the Kells Area Leas - Cathaoirleach.

Proposal – Cllr. Eugene Cassidy

Seconded – Cllr. Oliver Fox.

Cllr. Oliver Fox – thanks members and staff for their support over the last twelve months and wished Cllr. Catherine Yore all best in the position.

Cllr. C. Yore – Thanked the members and Cllr. O. Fox for his term in the chair.

Item 3. Confirmation of Minutes of the April meeting.

The Minutes of the Area Council meeting held on the 23rd May 2011 were confirmed on the proposal of Cllr. B. Reilly and seconded by Cllr. O.Fox.

Item 4. Reports

Housing Report

Mr J. Flanagan, Town Clerk, submitted the Housing Report to the meeting, copy previously circulated.

Roads Report

· Mr. S. Carroll, A/Area Engineer, submitted the Roads Report to the meeting copy previously circulated.

· Cllr. O. Fox – How is roads programme progressing.

· Cllr. O. Fox – L-6187 Rahard to Newcastle road in need of repair.

· Cllr. C. Yore – Concur with the above

· Cllr. O. Fox – Can we get combination lock for playground in Oldcastle.

Sanitary Report

· Mr. S. Carroll, A/Area Engineer, submitted the Sanitary Report to the meeting copy previously circulated.

Cllr. C. Yore – Businesses have being left seriously effected in Athboy due to state of the roads.

Item 5.

To approve the allocation of Amenity and Lawnmower/Strimmers Grant for 2011.

Approved by the Members.

Item 6. To discuss the meeting with Iarnord Eireann & Cavan County Council regarding the Kingscourt Navan Railway Line (Tuesday 5th July at 11am in Cabra Castle)

Cllr. C. Yore, Cllr. E. Cassidy and Cllr. J.V. Farrelly will attend on behalf of the Kells Area. The CEO of Meath Partnership Michael Ludlow will also attend.

Cllr. E. Cassidy – want to look at putting in joint application with Cavan Co Co to do something will line in near future – Line cannot be used as line for modern day train. Possibly use line for cycle route for Navan to Kingscourt.

Questions to the Manager:

"Can the Area Manager outline the legal position in relation to recreational facilities (green areas) which have not yet been provided by the Developer when they were applying for planning permission. This is with specific reference to Turry Meadow in Athboy." ( Cllr. C. Yore)

Copy of report circulated to the members. Mr S. Carroll, A/Area Engineer informs members spoken with developer and the developer has given a commitment works will be completed over next few weeks.

"Can the Area Manager advise if the double yellow lines can be placed around the vicinity of the Gilson School in Oldcastle" ( Cllr. C. Yore)

Mr. S. Carroll, A/Area Engineer informed the members that proposal was put to Transport Management Agency and is currently being considered at the moment. The Council can implement By-Laws but enforcement of same is required.Bollards are something we can look at to stop cars.

Item put on hold until TMA returns report.

8. Any other business raised with the permission of the Cathaoirleach.

Cllr. O. Fox – Can residents fill in potholes on Cul de Sac themselves.

Cllr. O. Fox – Loughcrew Hill – does developer intend to honour all obligations.

Cllr. O. Fox – Speed Limit at Ardglassan Village

Cllr. O. Fox – No stop sign at Cluinn Loinn or Whitehills

Cllr. C. Yore – Bridge near Forge Restaurant in need of repair.

This concluded the business of the meeting.

SIGNED: __________________________

An Cathaoirleach

June 2011 Minutes Page 1 of 3

Kells Town Council and Area Office, Unit S(C), Lloyd Business Park, Cavan Road, Kells, County Meath

Telephone: 046 9240076, Fax: 046 9249316, Email: , web: www.meath.ie