true animal stories like Koko's Kitten

Thanks to everyone for your suggestions of true animal stories.


I use animal stories (books and dvds) to teach character education.

Many times animals show wonderful characteristics like love and caring, =
attentiveness, respect and friendship.

I have Owen & Mzee and Koko's Kitten and I am looking for some others =
like these.

All true stories are welcome, although I would consider fiction if it =
shows animals being kind to each other, showing good character.



I just read Alex and Me about a gray parrot. The last thing he said to=20
his owner was "I love you."


1. Hero dogs : courageous canines in action

by Donna M. Jackson.

Presents a variety of stories about working and rescue dogs who help =
humans in many ways, such as those involved in the work at the World =
Trade Center site after the disaster of September 11, 2001.
2. Shelter dogs : amazing stories of adopted strays

Peg Kehret ; photographs by Greg Farrar.

Tells the stories of eight stray dogs that were adopted from animal =
shelters and went on to become service dogs, actors, and heroes.
Shelter dogs : amazing stories of adopted strays


I'm sure you know about the Owen & Mzee books by Isabel Hatkoff, Craig
Hatkoff, and Dr. Paula Kahumbu. Wonderful stories.=20


Andrew Clements has written a leveled series called Pets to the rescue, =
and they are based on true animal hero stories: Ringo saves the day; =
Tara and Tyree; Dolores and the big fire. Betsy Byars has a fiction =
short story book called My dog, my hero. These stories all demonstragte =
strength, loyalty, and a sense of doing the right thing for others' =
sake, even at the expense of the animal's own safety.


First flight : a mother hummingbird=92s story / Noriko and Don Carroll

The incredible truth about motherhood / Bradley Trevor Greive

Ice bears / Brenda Z. Guiberson ; illustrated by Ilya Spirin

A koala=92s world / written and illustrated by Caroline Arnold

A wombat=92s world / written and illustrated by Caroline Arnold

Close to you : how animals bond / Kimiko Kajikawa

Animal families / [written and edited by Lorrie Mack]

Like people / Ingrid and Dieter Schubert

Babies on the go / Linda Ashman ; illustrated by Jane Dyer

Mama=92s wild child, papa=92s wild child / Dianna Aston ; illustrated by =
Nora Hilb

Mama : a true story in which a baby hippo loses his mama during the =
tsunami, but finds a new home and a new mama / Jeanette Winter


"Tango Makes Three" is a great true story about two penguins who adopt =
abandon baby penguin in the Boston Zoo. It has been a little =
because it is two male penguins who do the adopting and some people are
against this idea :(. But that is irrelevant because it is a true story!




Do you know Chibi: a true story from Japan by Barbara Brenner? Its a =
true story of a family of ducks living in the Mitsui Office Park and =
Imperial Gardens in Japan, that had many people interested and watching =
them. It was also made into a movie called Little Duck Tale made by the =
Discovery Channel back in 1985!


Check out any stories by James Herriot. I can't think of titles right =
the top of my head, but he's a vet who wrote some of his stories in =


James Herriot was a veterinarian and he has a few books of stories of =
animals that are true. All Creatures Great and Small is one of his =
titles A couple of his stories have been made into picture books


What about And Tango Makes Three based on the true story about two male =
penguins that adopted an egg and raised the baby girl penguin? I know =
its controversial, but my Kindergarteners loved it when they were doing =
a unit about penguins. I also plan to use it with the second graders =
this year if they do penguins.
I'm on vacation and drawing a blank but I know there are two recent =
books about tortoises. I think one is called Sunnyboy which was =
semi-true about a 100+ year old tortise passing through several owners =
and going over Niagra Falls with one of his last owners, Sunnyboy =
survived...the human did not. I think there is also one about a lost =
tortoise named Lucille, and offhand I'm not sure if it is based on a =
true story or not. However all three of these titles are in my easy =
fiction section.


Jane Goodall has two books, The Chimpanzee Family Book and something =
along the lines of The Chimpanzees I Love. I seem to recall that they =
have some wonderful descriptive pieces about how famiy members take care =
of each other.


Eckert, Allan. Incident at Hawk's Hill.
Taylor, Theodore. The Trouble With Tuck [a seeing eye dog for a blind


Jane Goodall's book is Ricki and Henry (might be spelled Ricky and =


Hero Cat by Eileen Spinelli


Remembered one more, new Junior Library Guild selection: Two Bobbies: a =
true story of Hurricane Katrina, friendship, and survival by Kirby =
Larson and Mary Nethery