Triad Community Unit School District No. 2

Teacher Evaluation Rubric

Standard / Unsatisfactory / Satisfactory / Excellent
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Possesses content knowledge / ·  Makes content errors.
·  Does not correct errors of students or self.
·  Lacks initiative to research content. / · Displays minimal content knowledge.
· Cannot Does not articulate connections with other disciplines.
· Beginning Makes effort to research content. / ·  Displays basic content knowledge.
·  Attempts to aArticulates connections with other disciplines.
·  Researches unknown content. / ·  Displays strong content knowledge.
·  Seeks to research and add to own understanding.
·  Integrates other disciplines. / ·  Displays content knowledge across the disciplines,
·  Takes initiative to locate and teach information beyond basic curriculum.
·  Seeks to keep abreast of new ideas and understanding in the field.
·  Involves students in the research of content.
Engages students in meaningful learning of content / ·  Does not engage students in learning of content. / ·  Attempts to engage students in varied content learning experiences. / ·  Plans activities and assignments using methods of inquiry and other varied learning experiences that engage students in content learning. / ·  Plans and executes activities and assignments using methods of inquiry and other varied learning experiences that engage many of the students in content learning. / ·  Plans and executes activities and assignments using methods of inquiry and other varied learning experiences that engages most of the students.
·  Students are engaging in appropriate content learning experiences.
·  Inquiry is encouraged.
Recognizes varied learning styles / ·  Displays little or no understanding of varied learning styles. / ·  Displays an understanding of varied learning styles and
·  Attempts to implement varied activities to teach to these learning styles / ·  Plans and implements activities and assignments that address varied learning styles. / ·  Routinely plans and implements activities and assignments that address varied learning styles. / ·  Consistently plans and implements activities and assignments that address varied learning styles


Standard / Unsatisfactory / Satisfactory / Excellent
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Teaches to individual learning abilities / ·  Displays no awareness of individual learning abilities as all students receive same delivery of instruction and assignments regardless of differences. / · Displays minimal understanding of learning abilities, but no accommodations are made in delivery of instruction or assignments. / ·  Makes adaptations in assignments (i.e. time allowed, response mode, etc.)
·  Tries to accommodate these needs for different learners. / ·  Makes adaptations in assignments (i.e. time allowed, response mode, etc.)
·  Appropriate adaptations are a routine part of planning and delivery. / ·  Lesson plans take into account the needs of various learners.
·  Instruction allows for students to succeed and be challenged.
·  Students are involved in their own assessment when appropriate.
Selects resources to meet a range of individual needs: special education to gifted / ·  Uses or seeks no additional resources or supplemental materials for students with individual needs. / ·  Has limited knowledge of additional resources, but does not attempt to meet the individual needs of students (i.e. Low achieving or gifted). / ·  Uses additional resources to attempt to meet the individual needs of students (i.e., low achieving or gifted). / ·  Utilizes supplemental materials and outside resources with students at both ends of the learning curve. / ·  Seeks out additional resources and routinely utilizes these sources and materials for the benefit of varied students.
·  Students are included in the selection of materials when appropriate.
Plans short/long term lesson plans / ·  Displays little or no planning. / · Shows some effort in planning. / ·  Designs lessons with a clear purpose and organization.
·  Prepares sub folder. / ·  Develops lesson plans with connections to past/future teachings.
·  Plans are linked to students needs and performances. / ·  Incorporates lesson plans with goals that follow state and district requirements.
·  Students are included in selection of material when appropriate.
Prepares learning activities based on essential skills, state standards & district curriculum / ·  Creates activities that are not compatible with essential skills. / ·  Prepares minimal activities for essential skills. / ·  Uses learning activities that stress essential skills that relate to state standards. / ·  Designs activities that match instructional goals and are relevant to students’ needs.
·  Unit plans keyed to state standards. / ·  Researches and prepares learning activities that follow a well-organized progression and incorporate the essential skills and state standards.
·  Involves students in the selection and research of activities when appropriate.



Standard / Unsatisfactory / Satisfactory / Excellent
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Modifies instruction / ·  Does not modify instruction. / · Attempts to modify a lesson, but is unsuccessful.. / ·  Checks for student understanding and modifies to improve lesson. / ·  Routinely checks for understanding within the lesson.
·  Makes minor adjustments to lessons or units when needed. / ·  Unit plans keyed to state standards.
·  Uses a variety of methods to check for understanding.
Establishes intrinsic motivation & positive climate. / ·  Shows no regard for motivation or classroom climate. (i.e. uses threats and / or sarcasm) / ·  Ignores social relationships.
·  Reprimands more than complements.
·  Over uses extrinsic rewards. / ·  Compliments students for appropriate behavior and study habits.
·  Encourages students to appreciate others and their work / ·  Actively engages students and displays a caring attitude toward students. / ·  Creates a positive classroom environment with openness, mutual respect, support, and inquiry.
Establishes expectations for behavior / ·  Displays no standards of expected student conduct. / ·  Student behavior expectations are not clear nor enforced. / ·  Has established standards for student conduct and most students comprehend these standards.
·  Minimal student participation in creation of classroom standards. / ·  Makes standards of conduct clear to students.
·  Reviews and prompts .behaviors when appropriate.
·  Creates classroom standards with full student participation. / ·  Establishes consistent and clear standards of student conduct.
·  Makes these standards clear to all students.
·  These have been developed with student participation.
Monitors & responds to student behavior / ·  Seems unaware of students’ actions.
·  Does not respond to misbehavior.
·  Does not respect students.
·  Always ends in power struggle. / ·  Performs non-instructional duties inefficiently.
·  Ignores student behavior.
·  Responds inconsistently to behavior.
·  Does not respect students.
·  Engages in power struggles. / ·  Aware of student behavior but may miss the activities of some students.
·  Uses positive reinforcement.
·  Responds to misbehavior but with uneven results.
·  Seeks to avoid power struggles. / ·  Is aware of student behavior
·  Uses positive reinforcement and behavior prompts.
·  Responds appropriately and successfully to misbehavior while respecting the students’ dignity. / ·  Monitors student action in a subtle and proactive manner.
·  Responds to misbehavior in a highly effective manner.
·  Assists students in making appropriate behavior choices.
Standard / Unsatisfactory / Satisfactory / Excellent
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Executes directions & procedures / ·  Directions and procedures are confusing. / ·  Recites instructions and uses few procedures.
·  Ignores student confusion and does not assist in understanding.
·  Rarely uses an alternative description in clarifying instructions. / ·  Clarifies directions and procedures after initial student confusion. / ·  Gives appropriate level of instruction to make directions and procedures clear, checking frequently for understanding / ·  Makes directions and procedures clear to students anticipating possible misunderstanding through planning and monitoring
Demonstrates multiple teaching strategies, active learning, modeling / ·  Relies mostly on direct instruction/lecture method and giving assignments.
·  No modeling.
·  Always instructs in a lecture or recitation style. / ·  Makes an effort to encourage student participation and response.
·  Makes some attempts to vary style of instruction. / ·  Throughout the year prepares and delivers lessons using a variety of styles and strategies.
·  Students are actively engaged in the lesson.
·  Evidence of modeling. / ·  Leads class in discussion; stepping aside when appropriate.
·  Makes plans in which a variety of instructional strategies are incorporated in lessons.
·  Students are actively involved in problem solving and critical thinking with peers in small and large groups when appropriate. / ·  Allow students to initiate and discuss topics when appropriate.
·  Most students are actively engaged in questioning concepts, developing learning strategies, critical thinking, and problem solving.
Uses a variety of questioning techniques / ·  Poses questions of poor quality that inspire a low level of thinking and/or one word responses. / ·  Begins to improve questioning skills by including a few high quality questions that require thought, but does not allow wait time.
·  Still depends on low quality questions. / ·  Uses a combination of low and high quality questions inviting some thoughtful responses.
·  Displays wait time but is inconsistent. / ·  Uses a variety of questions and challenges students to justify responses.
·  Assists students in articulating ideas.
·  Consistently provides adequate wait time. / ·  Uses a variety of questions and challenges students to justify responses, asking follow-up and probing questions.
·  Stimulates discussion.
·  Promotes divergent thinking.


Standard / Unsatisfactory / Satisfactory / Excellent
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Uses a Variety of Formal / Informal Assessment Strategies / ·  Methods of assessment are not consistent with instructional goals. / · Uses minimal number of assessments.
·  Attempts to assess instructional goals with limited success. / ·  Assesses instructional goals and is aware of state standards.
·  Gathers assessment data. / ·  Gathers data on student progress in multiple ways: observations, portfolios, performance tasks, and standardized tests. / ·  Involves learners in self-assessment to foster awareness of their strengths/needs and to set personal goals for learning.
Evaluates Criteria and Provides Feedback / ·  Provides little or no feedback on student performance. / ·  Identifies criteria for evaluation but does not provide feedback in a timely fashion or feedback is of questionable quality. / ·  Provides feedback to students in a timely fashion.
·  Learners may not be aware of performance criteria in advance. / ·  Provides learner with evaluation criteria in advance.
·  Feedback may include comments. / ·  Provides learner with evaluation criteria in advance.
·  Feedback includes qualitative comments to highlight strengths or needs.
Records and Monitors Assessment Data / ·  Record keeping is in disarray or not up-to-date, resulting in errors and confusion. / ·  Scoring of paper work is incomplete or of poor quality. / ·  Scoring of papers and written records is adequate. / ·  Has an appropriate scoring and monitoring system of student work and progress. / ·  Demonstrates a highly effective assessment system.
Uses appropriate oral & written language / ·  Uses language with errors in grammar, syntax, or spelling.
·  Speaks and / or writes in an unclear way. / · Occasionally writes or speaks unclearly and incorrectly.
· Works with a vocabulary inappropriate for students’ age or backgrounds. / ·  Speaks and writes clearly and correctly.
·  Makes an effort to enlarge student vocabulary. / ·  Speaks and writes clearly and correctly.
·  Uses vocabulary appropriate to students’ ages and interests. / ·  Speaks and writes correctly with vocabulary that enriches lessons.
·  Involves students in vocabulary studies.
Demonstrates respectful and productive communication with families / ·  Provides no information to parents. / ·  Provides little information to parents. / ·  Adheres to the existing formats for communication with parents. / ·  Teams with others to communicate with parents about their child’s progress (both positive and negative) on a regular basis. / ·  Demonstrates initiative in creating avenues for connections and communications with families.


Standard / Unsatisfactory / Satisfactory / Excellent
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Builds relationships with colleagues / ·  Does not maintain professional, cordial relationship with staff.
·  Does not attend required meetings. / ·  Interacts with colleagues, but the relationships can be negative, self-serving or unprofessional.
·  Attends a few required meetings. / ·  Maintains professional cordial relationship with school staff and attends required meetings. / ·  Works with colleagues professionally.
·  Is willing to give and receive help. / ·  Routinely shares materials, resources, and ideas with colleagues.
·  Has open door policy and treats colleagues with respect.
Demonstrates integrity and professionalism / ·  Unable to respect others and unable to commit. / ·  Recognizes and is beginning to respect others. / ·  Respects self and others. / ·  Models respect for self and others. / ·  Models respect for self and others in a majority of school situations.
Maintains appropriate attendance / ·  Frequently arrives late for assignment, departs early.
·  Does not let administration know about an absence in a timely manner so that a substitute can be found. / ·  Arrives late for assignment, but leaves at contracted time.
·  Arrives on time for assignment, but leaves early without permission
·  Does not always follow guidelines for use of personal leave days / ·  Usually arrives at and departs from assignment as per district guidelines.
·  Usually obtains permission to arrive late or leave early.
·  Usually follows district guidelines for using leave days / ·  Arrives at and departs from assignment as per district guidelines.
·  Obtains permission to arrive late or leave early.
·  Follows district guidelines for using leave days. / ·  Arrives at and departs from assignment as per district guidelines.
·  Obtains permission to arrive late or leave early.
·  Follows district guidelines for using leave days.
·  Puts extra productive time and effort into his/her work.
Sets and strives
to reach reasonable professional goals. / ·  Does not identify professional goals in writing. / ·  Identifies goals in writing but makes little or no effort to attain goals.
·  Goals set are not designed to promote observable professional growth.. / ·  Some effort is made to achieve goals for professional growth.
·  Certified employee can demonstrate efforts to achieve goals. / ·  At least half of the goals set were achieved and evidence demonstrates that reasonable effort was made to achieve remaining goals. / ·  Goals were met
·  Goals demonstrated a link to student achievement that has been attained.
·  More than the minimum number of professional goals were set and met.
