Tremper FBLA Local Chapter Regular Meeting Minutes

Call to Order

The September meeting was called to order Monday, September 22, 2014 at 6:06 p.m. in Room 126 of Tremper High School, Kenosha, WI. Co-president Filip Matic called the meeting to order. Officers Zach Raetzman, Kyley Smith, Brandon Flores, and Lea Sturzenegger were present. Officers Chris Kammer and Lilly Torres were absent.

Officer Reports

Co-president Zach Raetzman explained there are no minutes to be approved for the first meeting. The next month members should view the September minutes online prior to the meeting in order to approve them at that time.

Treasurer Kyley Smith reported a current balance of approximately $1,000.00 and 11 paid members.

Web Page Designer Brandon Flores showed the FBLA website. Pictures, minutes, and dates of upcoming events will be posted as they become available. He reported that Tremper FBLA has a Facebook page and Twitter account. All members are encouraged to join and follow us.

Historian Lea Sturzenegger explained that she will be taking pictures throughout the year at FBLA events and will create a scrapbook at the end of year. Anyone who has additional pictures is welcome to send them to Lea or Mrs. Pacetti.

Co-President Zach Raetzman talked about the newsletter Reporter Chris Kammer will prepare and send out to all members soon. The newsletter will have articles and information on recent and upcoming events.

Co-president Zach Raetzman ran the icebreaker.

Unfinished Business


New Business

Co-president Filip Matic shared the idea to begin a Homecoming committee in order to design a crazy car for the parade. The committee would meet on Tuesdays at 3:00 in Room 126. Zach Raetzman made a motion to form the new committee. Deanna Cibrario seconded the motion.

Co-president Zach Raetzman shared the idea to have a t-shirt design contest. The winner would get a free t-shirt. The theme this year is “Step up to the challenge.” The deadline for submissions is Oct. 3.


Historian Lea Sturzenegger gave a shout out to our summer and September birthdays: Kyley Smith (8/23), Marisol Cruz (9/7), Drew Pacetti (9/13), and McKayla DuLong (9/30).

Co-president Zach Raetzman shared information on the member of the month award that is given to one member each month for his/her outstanding involvement. The first member will be awarded in October.


Students are reminded of the next meeting on October 11th at 6:00 p.m. in Tremper’s cafeteria.

McDonald’s will be given to all members at the meeting.

Advisors’ Comments

Advisor Sue Pacetti shared with members an opportunity to sell cookie dough to cover some of their FBLA expenses this year. Forms are due on Friday, October 3. Also, sign-up are ready for members interested in competing this year. Please see Mrs. Pacetti soon!

Next Meeting is October 13 at 6:00 p.m. in Room 126.


At 6:46, Co-president Filip Matic adjourn the meeting.

Sue Pacetti

Tremper FBLA Advisor