Transitional Housing Participation Contract

As a participant of the Transitional Housing Program, I understand that I will be required to comply with the following guidelines:

1. I will be expected to work toward mutually agreed upon goals that have been predetermined by my case manager and myself and to make consistent progress toward accomplishing those goals. This will include following my case management service plan and creating and following a budget.

2. I will be expected to meet with my case manager on, at least, a weekly basis and will avoid habitual rescheduling of appointments.

3. I will be expected to remain in compliance with my lease and any other contract or agreement I might have with my landlord or leasing agent and to remain in compliance with the transitional housing case management agreement.

4. I will be expected to abide by the substance abuse policy of the AGENCY.

5. I will be expected to abide by the Domestic Violence/Abuser policy of the AGENCY (if applicable).

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Participant Signature Date

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Case Manager Signature Date