My Dear St. Mark’s Community,

As St. Mark's experiences a year of continued transition and change, as Senior Warden I ask that you consider being an important part of this new beginning in our communal life by applying for the committee that will assist the congregation and Vestry in the call of a new Rector.

This body will be called the Discernment and Search Committee (DSC for short) and, based on advice and direction from the Bishop and the Diocese, it will consist of nine members (2 will serve as co-chairs and there may be one or two alternates.) It will be their task to lead the parish process in the discernment of what we need/want in a new Rector; recruit and identify candidates for the position and make recommendation(s) to the Vestry for the selection. It will be the Vestry’s role to actually call the next Rector, but the DSS will drive the process. I ask that you consider applying to join the DSC and would ask your serious and, if so moved, prayerful consideration before you do. Much will be asked of you, but I’m sure, if selected by the Vestry, you will be enriched by your year of service. What is required for you to serve:

·  You need to be an active member of St. Mark’s at least 18 years of age. Active means that you have demonstrated a serious commitment to this community by cheerful giving of your time, talent, and treasure as your situation allows (yes, you should be a pledging member of this community if you want to serve.) However, length of membership will not be a deciding factor.

·  You should be committed to meeting at least weekly for a year. Tuesday has been designated as the beginning scheduled day for the meeting and this process is likely to last into September of 2015. By comparison, the Vision 2020 Steering Committee has been meeting weekly or more frequently as a whole or in part for at least four years)

·  The ability to maintain the strictest confidence within the DSC of its considerations and deliberations. This will preclude sharing confidential information with friends, family, clergy or staff except with professional staff from the Diocese retained to assist the DSC and during periodic, but regular formal updates to the Vestry on progress of the effort (As this is ultimately a personnel matter, full transparency will not always be possible nor warranted for the Vestry or the broader congregation.)

·  The ability to work in a small group and strive for consensus whenever possible

·  The ability to express, receive and resolve disagreements and conflict as part of the creative process

Because the DSC will carry out such a significant task, I will recommend to the Vestry a group that reflects the great diversity of our community. That said, applicants should understand that as members, they do not serve on the DSC to represent particular sub-groups or interests in our community but to discern what is in the best interest of the entire community

In order to facilitate my making recommendations to the Vestry on who should serve on the DSC, I have asked Bill Jordan (chair), Caitie Whelen, Louise Walsh, Gwen Dillard and Jim Steed to serve as an ad-hoc nominating committee to me in this selection. Their job will be to encourage our members who feel they fulfill the requirements to apply (with no guarantees of selection), assist me in reviewing the applications, and help me ensure that the recommended candidates reflect the breadth of our community, as much as possible. I will submit a slate of seven candidates to the Vestry for their approval. If confirmed, they will serve along with Jim Ashley and Nadine Hathaway whom the Vestry endorsed at the June meeting as the co-chairs of the DSC.

Thank you for your part in our communal life and faith journey. And thank you for carefully considering whether to apply for this position. The application process assures the Vestry and me that you understand the importance of the task at hand and commitment required to see it though. Of course, more of our community will step forward than there are slots to fill. So I hope you understand that if you are not selected. There will be many ways to serve in leading the changes ahead besides the DSC. I hope you will step forward for them as they arise. That is essential if we are going to truly live into our Vision2020.

Grady B. Hedgespeth

Senior Warden

St. Mark’s Rector Discernment and Search Committee Application

Must be submitted to St. Mark’s Office or emailed to by Sept 15.


Name / Email / Age
Address / Profession (current and/or prior) / Phone Number - Daytime
Phone Number - Evening:
Immediate Family / Avocations/Hobbies / Other Skills

Membership at St. Mark's (year you joined) ______-

Past and/or current roles at St. Mark's ______

What particular strengths will you bring to this committee? ______

What do you believe will be the most difficult part of the DSC’s work? ______

What is your growing edge? (where you want to learn and grow) ______

Are you open to the diverse beliefs and attitudes that make up St. Mark's? Y N

Are you a pledging member of St. Mark’s? Y N

Can you commit to attend weekly meetings and complete task assignments starting late September 2014? Y N

What do you see as the biggest challenge/opportunity facing the new Rector and St. Mark’s? (no more than 200 words)




What else should we know that will help us with our decision? (no more than 100 words) ______
