Town of Putney
P. O. Box 233
Putney, Vermont 05346
Putney Selectboard
Monday, November 3, 2003
The Putney Selectboard convened the meeting at 6:00 P.M., Monday, November 3, 2003.
Selectboard Members Present: Dave Hannum, John Nopper, and Regina Rockefeller
Selectboard Members Absent: None
Others Present: Derek Gladding, Larry Hyde and Barbara Taylor
1. Approve Selectboard Minutes of 10/20/03
Regina Rockefeller made the motion, which was seconded, to accept the Selectboard Minutes
as written. The vote in favor was unanimous; the motion carried.
2. Approve Verizon new pole location on Aiken Road
Larry Hyde said Dennis Wilson had approved the site.
John Nopper made the motion to approve the new pole location on Aiken Road, which was seconded. The vote in favor was unanimous; the motion carried. The Board signed the required document.
3. Approve the new Putney Pool Construction bid
Larry Hyde presented the Cifco, 103 Frost Place, Brattleboro, Vt bid to the Board for approval. Discussion continued regarding the references of the Town of Hinsdale, NH as well as the final date of completion. The pool is due to open on June 20, 2004. Cifco informed Larry Hyde that they couldn’t guarantee with weather issues so it could be closer to June 30. They would build in a $100 penalty beginning July 15, 2004. It is possible the Town could lose 3 weeks of pool use.
Larry Hyde said the lifeguards would need to be notified of the July 1st. He also provided
Cifco with Brad King’s name to do the cement work. Further discussion took place on the bids as well as the lack of response from some companies since they were instrumental in helping to put the final budget together.
John Nopper made the motion to approve the Cifco bid, which was seconded, negotiating the contract with a June 30, 2004 date and a liquid penalty beginning 7/15/03.
Larry Hyde noted that the bid shows the amount not to exceed $246,120.
The vote in favor was unanimous; the motion carried.
4. Approve Delinquent Property Tax Sale Resolution for Delinquent Property tax sale 12/6/03
Regina Rockefeller moved the Town of Putney engage the firm of Parker & Ankuda, P.C. to assist the Tax Collector in conducting Tax Sales to collect delinquent taxes owed to the Town of Putney, the first such sales to be scheduled for December 6, 2003. Parker & Ankuda, P.C. to be compensated at the rate of 15% of the amount of tax due. I further move that the Town Manager be authorized to purchase on behalf of the Town of Putney at Tax Sale to be held on December 6, 2003 all properties for which there is not a bid equal to unpaid taxes and costs, and is in the best interest of the Town to own, which was seconded.
The vote in favor was unanimous; the motion carried.
5. Approve Loan Resolution for proposed Water System
Larry Hyde reported that this resolution was missing from the original batch of forms. It requires the signatures of the Selectboard. The form was completed.
6. Approve bid to establish a Town of Putney web site to be operated and maintained by the Town Hall Staff
Larry Hyde presented the proposal sent in by Dan Hoviss, Dosolutions, Inc. 120 Main Street, P.O. Box 627, Putney, Vt. for a web site enhancement for the Town of Putney’s municipal web page. The purpose of the enhancement is to give the Town control over the content of that site. The proposal cost is $700. This includes creation, design and training. Larry Hyde said an anonymous benefactor has agreed to pay $500. Since receiving the Estimated Cost information, he has been trying to contact the benefactor to see if they would meet this figure. If not, then the Town would be looking at a maximum one-time fee of $200. Dave Hannum said he might know of another benefactor who would be willing to sponsor the balance.
Regina Rockefeller made the motion, which was seconded, to approve the proposed enhancement of the Town of Putney’s municipal web site. The vote in favor was unanimous; the motion passed.
7. Approve Tuesday, 12/9/03, for a joint Selectboard meeting with the Selectboards of Dummerston, Westminster & Putney; 7:00PM in Westminster.
Glenn Smith, Westminster Town Manager, called to set up the 12/9/03 combined Selectboard meeting, which they will host at the fire station in Westminster.
Dave Hannum said he has a conflict with the 11/17/03 meeting. Regina Rockefeller said they were expecting the Fire Station Committee to present their findings to the Board. Discussion regarding a change in time from 6:00PM to 5:00PM. The meetings were set as follows:
11/17/03 5:00PM
12/1/03 6:00 PM
12/9/03 7:00 PM – Westminster Fire Station
12/15/03 6:00 PM
8. Discussion of 2004-2005 Department Budgets
Larry Hyde reported that he had gone over the departmental budgets with Dennis Wilson and Tom Goddard. Discussion continued on the operating budget.
9. Town Manager Report
Library: Larry Hyde reviewed the details of the new library building. He has spoken to Matt Phillipo (Downs, Rachlin & Martin) and met with Hep Caldwell. He has also discussed the sale of the building with several people. Library committee inquired whether the Selectboard would approve start of construction based on the pledges made rather than all the dollars in hand. Discussion regarding the collection of pledges since the Town is liable for the building. It was noted that fundraising is still continuing, i.e. the art auction held last weekend and the amount is still unknown. John Nopper asked if a decision was really needed tonight. He felt there were more questions that needed to be answered before a decision could be made. E.g. what is the amount of cash vs pledges? What is the timetable for receiving pledges? John also wanted the Library Committee to know that they were impressed with what has and is being done so far. Regina Rockefeller said she could not give approval since it would put the Town in harms way.
Water System: Larry reported on the progress and his discussion with Leon Cooper, of the Putney Community Center. The discussion reviewed the original agreement with Jim Mullen & Mark Youngstrom. Mr. Cooper inquired if the Town would consider providing free sewer to the Putney Community Center. Regina Rockefeller said she was not involved with the original discussion or the agreement. She was not happy with the idea of free sewer. There was a consensus with the Board members. Regina Rockefeller suggested it be brought before Town Meeting It was agreed to table the matter at present. Further discussion continued on the financial set up of the grant and the current amount of people that have come forward. Larry said there is still a list of 15 or so who have not responded. He has asked the Water Committee to research these people. He also reported that Mark Youngstrom is looking to send out bids for the well. John Nopper asked if there were any other options. Regina Rockefeller said they needed to make that Jan/ Feb date. Dave Hannum agreed that they should go forward.
John Nopper made a motion, which was seconded, to have Mark Youngstrom, on behalf of the Town of Putney, issue a request for bids on drilling the new well. These bids would be returned to Larry Hyde to be reviewed by he and Mark Youngstrom and then presented to the Selectboard. The vote in favor was unanimous; the motion carried.
Larry Hyde proceeded to update the SB on October Zoning permits, Fire Planning Committee, quote for preparation of the Town Report, Waste Water Treatment Facility, flooding of Sand Hill Road, High-Low Biddy Bridge, and the Planning Commission.
10. Review record of orders drawn for payment of Town expenses
Payroll (W/E 10/21/03 Check Date –10/24/ 03) $4,404.60
Payroll (W/E 10/28-31 Check Date – 10/31/ 03) 4,393.47
11. Coming Events – Silverado Presentation, 11/4/03, 7:00 PM
Veteran’s Memorial Dedication, 11/9/03, 2:00 PM
Discussion regarding the amount of people planning to attend Tuesday nights meeting and the plans for the Memorial dedication.
12. Monthly Budget Reports
None Available
13. Other Business
Dave Hannum reported that a crow had tested positive for West Nile virus. He felt that the mosquito period should be over at this point.
A reporter from the Rutland Herald called requesting information on the old Veteran’s Memorial sign. It was suggested the reporter call and talk with Anita Coomes or Malcolm Jones, Sr. This is a new reporter, Ms. Handy from Putney. She was aware of the Sunday memorial dedication.
Executive Session : Personnel
David Hannum asked the Selectboard to enter into an Executive Session to discuss a personnel issue.
Regina Rockefeller made the motion, which was seconded, that the Selectboard enter into Executive Session under 1 VSA 313(a)(3) to discuss a personnel issue. The vote in favor was unanimous; the motion carried.
The Board entered into the Executive Session at 7:08PM.
The meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM
file: sbminutes110303