Toward a Sustainable Agriculture page 5 of 5

Towards a Sustainable Agriculture Evaluation

Teachers, please give us your feedback to help us improve this curriculum.

Module III, Fur, Feathers, and Fins: Animals in Our Food

1. Please rate the module overall:

Excellent Good Fair Poor

2. Do you plan to use this curriculum again? Yes No Maybe

If yes, what modules do you plan to use?

_____Module I, Introduction to Sustainable Ag.

_____Module II, Sustainable Field Crops

_____Module III, Sustainable Animal Agriculture

_____Module IV, Sustainable Horticulture

_____Module V, Natural Resources Management in Sustainable Agriculture

_____Module VI, Organic Agriculture

3. How did you access the curriculum? Web CD

Did you have any technical difficulties accessing the curriculum?

If yes, please describe them:

Please give your comments on the specific components of the module

Section A: Animals in the Food System

4. How was the background information?

Good Fair Poor Did not use


5. What comments do you have on the activities?

Activity 1: Track it Down, if You Can

Good Fair Poor Did not use


Activity 2 Pyramid Presumption

Good Fair Poor Did not use


Activity 3: The Meatrix

Good Fair Poor Did not use


Section B: Real People, Real Farms: Case Studies

6. Which case study did you use? ______________________________________

How was the case study? Good Fair Poor

7. If you used more than one case study, what were the others? ____________________

8. How was the case study activity? Good Fair Poor


Section C: Animals in the Agro-Ecosystem

9. How was the background information?

Good Fair Poor Did not use


10. What comments do you have on the activities?

Activity 1: Water and Numbers

Good Fair Poor Did not use


Activity 2: Ecological Pawprint Analysis

Good Fair Poor Did not use


Section D: Economics of Sustainable Animal Agriculture

11. How was the background information?

Good Fair Poor Did not use


12. What comments do you have on the activities?

Activity 1: What’s it Worth to You?

Good Fair Poor Did not use


Activity 2: You’re Planning What?

Good Fair Poor Did not use


Section E: Regulation and Handling of Animal Products – a Special Challenge

13. How was the background information?

Good Fair Poor Did not use


14. What comments do you have on the activities?

Activity 1: Where do You Put the Groceries?

Good Fair Poor Did not use


Activity 2: What are the Rules?

Good Fair Poor Did not use


Additional Comments

15. Please add any additional comments you may have about this curriculum

THANK YOU for evaluating this curriculum.

Please return your completed evaluation to:

Diane Mayerfeld


1450 Linden Dr.

Madison, WI 53706

(608) 262-8188