“Totally Twisted Trees”

Grades 2-3

Joanna Davis-Lanum, NBCT

Garden Elementary School

Venice, Florida (Sarasota County)

Ever wonder what to do with all those brown paper towels we go through? I have students put aside clean paper towels and allow them to dry for this project. Even the smallest of scraps comes in handy for these cool recycled “trees”.


To expose students to different ways of creating artwork, in essence “Going Green”


Dried, used (clean) brown paper towels

Scrap tissue paper


We talk about how important it is to be a resourceful artist, how to use the things around us and how often artists (especially folk artists) do the same thing. I demo how to twist different lengths of paper towels into branches, twigs, sticks and trunks of trees. We twist away and glue the pieces together to make a bare tree. Then, using all the hundreds of pieces of leftover scrap tissue paper I have, the students ball up the tissue paper and glue on the “leaves”. The result is an amazing fall tree in relief, and all students create the most wonderful work!