HCS/446 Version 8 / 9
University of Phoenix Material
ToolWire® SmartDraw® Facility Design Practice
Part 1: Accessing ToolWire® SmartDraw®
Access ToolWire® SmartDraw® using the link on your student materials section in New Classroom.
Select the Click Here to Start Lab Access link. The ToolWire® virtual desktop will launch.
Double-Click on the SmartDraw 2016 program on the lower left side of the ToolWire® virtual desktop.
*Make sure to save your work using the step-by-step instructions from the Week 1 assignment. Don’t forget to save often.
Part 2: Practicing Facility Design in ToolWire® SmartDraw®
1. The selection of Healthcare Facility Floor Plans will populate automatically.
· Select Outpatient Clinic.
2. Remove the wall in the waiting room.
· Select the “Add Wall Opening” option in the left toolbar under the Adjust section. Hover over and click on a portion of the wall you would like to delete. If you hover over the portion of the wall you removed you can click and drag the box to remove the entire wall. Hover over and click on the existing door and then strike the delete key.
2. Redesign the middle exam room.
· Add a wall to the middle exam room. You will need to move the furniture to accommodate the new wall. Click the furniture you wish to move and then drag it to the new location. The room should look similar to the image below.
o To move the bed into the correct position, select the bed and then select the Design tab in the top toolbar. Use the Rotate function.
o Delete the additional chair. Click the chair and strike delete key.
o Move the desk and table to make room for the door. To add a door, select More under Symbols and click on the Doors & Window library (if this library is not available, add it using the instructions from the Week 1 assignment). Select a door, click on the door, and drag it to the appropriate room.
o To add a wall, select Add Single Wall. Use the pen to add your wall. Click on the starting point for your wall and then drag the pen and unclick when you have created the appropriate wall. You can adjust your wall by hovering over and using the arrows.
6. Change the floors to different textures.
· In the Home tab, click on the shape button and select rectangle. Hover and click on the room you would like to add texture to. After placing the rectangle, resize it using the arrows to fit the room.
· Select the rectangle and then select fill in the Home tab. Select texture and then pick your desired flooring. Once you have selected the flooring color, click on the rectangle and go to the Design tab and click on Send to Back.
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*Your final floor selections should look similar to the above image.
8. Add the following items to your facility. Follow the facility pictured below. You will need to delete existing furniture and other office items to insert new items. Remember to click on the item from the appropriate library and drag it to the desired location.
· Medical Facility library à Office Library à Laptop to main desk (Office)
· Medical Facility library à Furniture Library à Art of Care Baratric Chair and Art of Care Spanned Lobby Seating (Waiting room)
· Medical Facility library à Medical Library à Phillps IE33 (Recovery Room)
· Medical Facility library à Physical Therapy Library à PhysicalCycle XT and Power Height Paralell 1362 Bars (Exam room)
*This image represents your final facility. Continue to Part 3.
*The assets added to this image are highlighted with a white background for easy viewing. Assets added by students will have a clear backgound.
Part 3: Submitting Your Design
Save your design following the steps from the Week 1 assignment. This will save as an .sdr file. In the following steps, you will export your design as a Microsoft® Word document (.doc or .docx file).
To export your design as a Microsoft® Word document, click Export on the taskbar.
Export your design as a Word document.
After you have selected your design to be exported as a Microsoft® Word document, the Word document will open within your ToolWire® vitural desktop.
Click File, then Save As, and then Desktop. This will allow you to save the Microsoft® Word (.doc or .docx) document on the ToolWire® vitrual desktop. This step does not save this document to your personal computer.
Click on My Files (U:) to save your document. Use the following naming convention in the File name section: last name, week of the class, and assignment title.
Example: Davis_week1_SmartDraw_Exploration
Click Save after you have given your design a correct file name.
*You will notice that the Microsoft® Word document has the correct file name and still exists in the ToolWire® virtual desktop. Use the following set of instructions to save the Microsoft® Word document to your personal desktop or preferred storage area.
At the top of your ToolWire® Desktop, click File Transfer.
In the new window, navigate to the Current Folder area. If your assignment does not appear, select My Files to refresh the list of documents.
Click on your assignment (.doc or .docx file). The ~$vis_week1_SmartDrawExploration.docx is a temporary file, do not download these files as they will not work in Microsoft® Word.
Click on the downloaded document that appears at the bottom of the screen to save it to your personal desktop or preferred document storage area.
A traditional Microsoft® Word document will open outside of the ToolWire® virtual desktop.
Click File, then Save As to save this document to your personal desktop (Desktop) or preferred document storage area (Browse or My Documents).
In New Classroom, click the Assignment Files tab to sumbit your assignment. To receive full credit for this assignment, submit your SmartDraw® design you saved and exported in this step.
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