Tom McCall Elementary School
Title 1A: School Level Parent Involvement Plan
1. McCall will take the following actions to involve parents in the joint development of its parent involvement plan:
● Title 1A Specialist will invite the Title 1A parents to a working session in order to review/revise a Parent Involvement Plan as a team.
● Schedule future meetings, as necessary, to plan for specific activities throughout the year.
2. McCall will take the following actions to involve parents in the process of school review and improvement:
● Parents will participate in the review and update of our site’s Targeted Assistance School Plan (TASP).
● Parents will fill out a Survey to share their educational needs.
● A school-wide agreement designed by parents and staff will outline how students, families, and teachers share the responsibility for improving learning.
3. McCall will plan and implement effective parent involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance by:
● Teaching parents about how to access core curricula resources online.
● Providing parents with information about the Title 1A program, its curricula, and its instructional program.
● Providing meaningful and varied opportunities for parents to support their child’s academic achievement.
● Providing outreach for parents of limited English proficiency students to bolster their ability to participate in their child’s education and school events.
4. McCall will build school and parent capacity for strong parental involvement by:
● Conducting an annual Parent Survey requesting parental input on workshops and trainings offered during the school year.
● Scheduling parent events at a variety of times to meet the needs of most families.
● Providing parent activities or workshops based on information collected from parent surveys including, but not limited to: homework support, “just right” books, and family literacy.
● Reaching out to parents through fliers, email, phone calls, monthly newsletters and/or social media prior to events.
● Providing childcare and literacy materials at scheduled events.
5. McCall will, to the extent feasible and appropriate, coordinate and integrate parental involvement programs with local community resources by:
● Partnering with programs such as the Redmond Public Library and FAN to support literacy achievement.
● Provide information about community programs that support families, and when feasible, help families make connections to those resources.
6. McCall will take the following actions to ensure that information related to the school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities is sent to parents of participating students in an understandable and uniform format, including in languages parents understand:
● Providing, whenever possible, pertinent school information in the parent’s native language.
● Utilizing interpreters, whenever possible, in order to offer workshops in parents’ home language.
● Using parent-friendly language that is not complicated by “educational” jargon.
This School Level Parent Involvement Plan has been developed jointly with, and agreed on by parent representatives and staff members at McCall Elementary School.
Date created by/revised: 9/22/16
Disseminated by (date): 10/18/16
Disseminated through: Title 1A Fall Kickoff & website
Signatures: Kelly Hill, Beth Pengra, Anne Perkins, Jason Gruetzmacher, Cameron Glogau, Alan Vellutini, Drew Frank, Cyd Wheeler, Dawn Alexander, Rokki Apker