CREATE: “The Wall of Respect” displayed in room 154
“Tolerance is respect, acceptance, and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world’s cultures, our forms of expression, and ways of being human. It is fostered by knowledge, openness, communication and freedom of thought, and conscience and belief.”
“Tolerance is harmony in difference.”
1. Research family heritage and backgrounds, interview parents or other relatives for this information.
2. Design a portrait (face only) that reflects positive aspects of your heritage. Some examples include: music, sports, dancing, favorite foods, holidays, and religion.
3. Flag or flags from the countries represented must be included.
4. Written information about what each of the symbols and flags represent.
5. Oral presentation of the mask.
· The teacher will provide paper for the final drawing of the mask.
· You may use paper, crayon, markers, or paint to complete the mask.
· Be sure to cut out the head.
“The Wall of Respect” will promote self-esteem and respect for other cultures.
1. Mask was ready to hand in on time 10 20 30
2. Correct size and color of face 10 20 30
3. Correct style and color of hair 10 20 30
4. Correct shape and color of eyes 10 20 30
5. Correct facial characteristics 10 20 30
6. Nationality flag(s) represented 10 20 30
7. Favorite hobbies represented 10 20 30
8. Examples of your family’s traditions, 10 20 30
customs and celebrations
9. Neat and colorful mask 10 20 30
10. Thoroughly explained mask to class 10 20 30
based on the information written
on the back of the mask
Overall Score: _____________