Delivering Catholic Youth Ministry through Scouting
Make these words come to life for your Scouts by including Religious Emblems as part of your Scouting program. It is easy, there are plenty of resources to assist you with all your questions.
As a reminder, there are four Catholic Religious Emblems youth can work on during their Scouting journey:
LIGHT OF CHRIST – Designed for Tiger or Wolf Cub Scouts, 6-7 years old.
PARVULI DEI – Designed for Bear or Webelos Scouts, 8-10 years old.
AD ALTARE DEI – Designed for Boy Scouts, 13-14 years old.
POPE PIUS XII – Designed for Venture Crew Members and Boy Scouts, 15 and up to 20.
LIGHT IS LIFE – Designed for Boy Scouts, 12 -13 years old of the Eastern-rite Catholic Churches. (Scouts in the Eastern Catholic Churches work on Light is Life rather than the Ad Altare Dei emblem).
If your Scouts completed the Religious Emblem for their age level, then look at integrating one or more of below Religious Activities into your Scout program:
Rosary Series Patch Program
Footsteps of American Saints Patch Program
Gold Medallion Award
International Catholic Awareness Patch, Pin, and Medallion
Pope Paul VI National Catholic Quality Unit Award
The St. George Trek for older Catholic Boy Scouts and Venture Crew members at Philmont Scout Ranch is designed to develop organizational and relational skills for leadership as well as nourishing the Scout's spirituality, the program will bring Catholic high school youth from around the country together with selected priests, religious, and seminarians for eleven days of backpacking on the trail including three days of intensive leadership training at a back country base camp. For more information visit:
For local Catholic Scouting information on youth and adult recognitions, the Annual Retreat and the Religious Emblems Presentation at Bishop’s Scout Gathering Mass visit: .

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