Judson independent school district

Steve Linscomb, Director of Public Information


May 21, 2013

Border Patrol Horse Visits School That Shares Fallen Agent’s Name

The U.S. Border Patrol will make a special visit to Ricardo Salinas Elementary School Thursday, May 23, 2013 with a former wild horse that is now enlisted in the work of the patrol. That horse was named “Ricco” by students at Salinas Elementary after Ricardo Salinas, the school’s namesake. Salinas was killed along with another agent in the line of duty in July 1998 near San Benito, Texas. As a thank you to the students, the Border Patrol wanted to bring the horse out to the school to let them put a “face” to the name they chose. “Ricco” is a mustang donated to the Border Patrol by the Bureau of Land Management to beef up their mounted patrol along the border.

While Mr. Art Salinas (Ricardo’s father) will not be able to attend due to a commitment to attend the National U.S. Border Patrol Memorial Ceremony in El Paso, but Ricardo’s sister Lisa will be at the school.

While wild horses like “Ricco” have been tamed to use for riding patrol, they retain a lot of their survival instincts from the wild that are helpful to agents. Those instincts can detect and alert the ranger of problems like a stalking wild animal or even a smuggler hiding in the brush.

Join us as the U.S. Border Patrol and Salinas Elementary honor the memory and duty of Ricardo Salinas.

What: Visit by “Ricco” the Border Patrol Equine Agent

Where: Ricardo Salinas Elementary School, 10560 Cimarron Trail, U.C. Texas, 78148

When: May 23, 2013, at 1 pm

Contact: Steve Linscomb,

Director of Public Information

Phone: 945-5410 (o), 260-0512 (c)


8012 Shin Oak Drive • Live Oak, Texas 78233-2457 • (210) 945-5414 • www.judsonisd.org

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