How To Create Word Document For Programme

1. Click on the Program Link.

2. For a quick look click “open”. If you are ready to put it in word and format it click “save”.

3. Put it in a folder on your hard drive that you will be able to find that is set apart for your Music Festival Program.

4. Open Up MSWord and navigate to your folder to open the file.

5. Don’t Panic when it doesn’t look exactly like what you need. There are still a few steps to follow. You will see something like this:

6. Click “view” in your menu bar and select “print layout”

7. Set the margins. This will vary depending on your print service or the printer you are using. A good rule of thumb is a minimum of ½ inch or .50 all around. Click “File” the “Page Setup”, change the margins and click “ok”. In my example I am using .75 on all sides.

8. Click “file” on the menu bar, and “find”, then click on the replace tab. Type “~” (tilde symbol) in the find, and click the more button, then click in the replace box and then click the “special” button, and select “Tab Character”. The dialogue box will look like this.

9. Click the “replace all button”, it will tell you how many it replaced, click “ok” and then close the dialogue box..

10. Next you will need to select all the text. Click “Edit” from the menu bar and select “Select All” (it will highlight all the text).

11. To set tabs choose “Format” on the menu bar and click “tabs” you will need to set the tab at 6 for my example, but yours may differ depending on where your margins are. Choose a right tab by copying the settings in the diagram below. Then click “set” and “ok”.

12. You are ready to do your final editing add your breaks and any graphics you would like.