Use the provided styles to format your document. Do not use other formatting unless essential.

Title, only the first letter upper case: no more than 2 lines

Principal Author1, Second Author2 and Third Author3
1First Institution, City, Country
2Second Institution, City, Country
3Third Institution, City, Country

ABSTRACT: Abstract of the full paper, no more than 200 words in length, paragraphs/s justified, with 1cm indent on both sides and no first line indents. The abstract should briefly summarise the paper stating its aims, methods and achieved outcomes. The preliminary (extended) abstract can be up to 400 words, describing the objectives, brief methodology, and summary of results.

Conference theme: Select one of the topics from web ANZAScA2012 site
Keywords: up to four key words


Each submitted paper will be blind refereed by at least two reviewers and, when accepted, published in the conference proceedings. Papers submitted for refereeing should contain all required information about their authors — that information will be encoded before sending them for review. Authors are fully responsible for their papers, which should not have been published elsewhere. They must have taken necessary steps to obtain permission for using any material that might be protected by copyright.

Please note that on delivery of your manuscript you transfer your copyright on your publication to the publisher.


1.1. Length of paper

The final paper should not exceed 8 (eight) A4 size (210x297mm) pages, illustrations and references included. This requirement will be strictly enforced.

1.2. Margins and organisation of the paper

Papers should have 2cm margin on all sides except for left margin which should be 2.5cm. No headers, footers or footnotes are allowed. Body of the paper should be formatted in a single column.

The paper should be organised in chapters and sections consecutively numbered using Arabic numerals and decimals. Both chapters and sections headings are to be used.

1.3. Font format

Text should be written using Arial typeface to the styles established in this document. Should you need to emphasise some words, use italics rather than underline or bold styles. Do not use formatting other than the provided styles unless essential.

1.4. Paragraph format

Paragraphs are to be justified with no indents for first lines. Use single line spacing throughout the entire document.

1.5. Quotations

Quotations shorter than 15 words “should be given within the body of text and enclosed in quotation marks”.

Where quotation is longer than 15 words, it should be given its own paragraph, indented by 1cm left and right and justified on both sides. Do not use quotation marks to open or close such quotations.

1.6. References

Reference to sources listed at the end of the paper, should be made by second name of the author and year of the publication given in brackets (Author 2008). Only for referencing quotations, add page number after colon (Author 2008:22). Should there be no author given in the source, use first words of the title sufficient to identify the source in the list and type them in italics (Title of the publication 2008). Do not use footnotes.

1.7. Figures: drawings and photographs

Illustrations should not exceed 50% of the entire paper content and should be located close to their corresponding text. All supplied images should be converted to grey scale and formatted as jpg or pdf. Ensure that when printed your illustrations are clear and easy to read.

All drawings and photographs must carry numbers in the text (e.g. Fig. 1) and captions. Captions should be complete enough to allow appreciation of the illustration without referring to the text. Lettering of the caption should be as large as the typeface used for the text. In addition, a source of the image other than the author’s own archive should be given directly under the image using the recommended referencing style (see 1.6 above).

Source: (Author 2005)

Figure 1: Images should be centred on the page

1.8. Tables

All tables should be consecutively numbered and adequately captioned. You should put them as close as practicable to the relevant part of the text (Table 1). Those tables not assembled by the author/s should have their source given immediately under the table (see 1.7 above).

Table 1: Tables should be centred on the page

Glazing type / visible light
transmitted / U-value[W/m2K]
out / in
Clear+clear / 78–82% / 0.42–0.61 / 169–192
Clear+low-e / 49–86% / 0.23–0.52 / 133–157
Clear+tinted / grey / 13–56% / 0.49–0.60 / 74–152
bronze / 19–62% / 0.49–0.60 / 76–152
blue / 50–64% / 0.49–0.58 / 120–154
Clear+coated / silver / 7–19% / 0.39–0.48 / 36–59
blue / 12–27% / 0.42–0.46 / 58–73
copper / 25% / 0.29–0.30 / 44

Source: (Ching 1999)

It is recommended that you use the same type face for the table contents as for the body of text.

1.9. Equations

Type equations from the left margin. Number equations consecutively with the number in brackets justified on the right hand margin. Symbols should be defined when they are first used.

1.10. Units

Use of the SI units of measurements is recommended. Other units (e.g. American) are allowed only next to the SI units and then must be given in parentheses, for instance, 404kPa (58.6psi) or 63.7m2 (685.7ft2).


If your paper has not met the requirements for submission, your file will not be processed for review and you will be requested to resubmit. If everything is in order, you will get a confirmation that the paper is under review.

The editor reserves the right to adjust the submitted text as required in publishing process.


Your paper should be submitted to before 30th September 2012. More information will be included in the abstract acceptance notification.


This document was adapted from previous ANZAScA Conferences and the contribution of the previous conference organisers and scientific committees is hereby gratefully acknowledged.


List all sources referred to in your text in alphabetical order. Each reference in the list of references must include author/s name and initial/s, year of publication in brackets, title (in italics), publisher, and place of publication. Where an item has no identifiable author, list it in the alphabetical sequence of references under the title of the item.

Sample references:


Author, I., Author, I. and Author, I. (2008) Publication title. Publisher: Place

Journal article

Author, I. (2008) Title of article. Journal Title, Vol.(no.), Pages

Web page

Page Title (2010). Retrieved from

General Notes for clarification:

Overall style:

Font: Arial, 9 point

Names of authors (of the paper): 12 point, bold (Heading 4)

Names of institutions of the authors: 9 point (Heading 5)

Headings of chapters: 10 point, bold (Heading 2)

Headings of sections: 9 point, bold (Heading 3)

Title: Arial 18 point (Heading 1)

46th Annual Conference of the Architectural Science Association, ANZAScA 2012, Griffith University