ON 28 JANUARY 2007 AT 2.00PM


1. The meeting was called to order at 2.30pm by the out-going

President, William Cheng.

19 out of 26 members were present.

2. The confirmation of the Minutes of the 2nd Annual General

Meeting on 15 January 2006 was proposed by Greg

Chamberlain and seconded by Tan Lee Hua.

3. In his welcome speech, William Cheng dwelled on the

following issues:

a) About the Runs

The quality of the runs had improved a great deal, with

a number of good runs set in new and enjoyable venues

and terrains. Members were putting in more efforts to set

good runs.

The ladies had also improved a lot and were more confident. In future, it would be nice to see ladies set runs

on their own without the assistance of the men; but for safety reason, this might not be advisable.

We did our Anniversary Run, Chinaman Run at the start

of Year 2006. As in previous years, we rounded up our running calendar by making a trip up North to join JB and

TGIF HHH in their runs. We should continue this annual

visit to build up the brother/sisterhood spirit with our

Northern brothers/sisters.

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Another notable event worth doing again was the Dinner

& Dance organized by the JB HHH. As a small Club, it

was not worthwhile for us to organize such an event on our own. It made economic sense to join JB HHH in

their D&D, and consider it as our own.

b) Membership

The current membership stood as 27.

At this juncture, clarification on policy of membership was

timely. We do not have what is known as Leave of

Absence(LOA) for members. However, if a member, for whatever reason, would like to leave the Club for a period of time, he/she would need to inform the Secretary in advance. If the Committee found that his/her reason was valid, his/her membership would be “frozen” without paying subscription or setting run. When he/she returned

to the Club, his membership would be reinstated together with his run counts.

c) Circle Proceeding

We should carry on the following procedures in the Circle:

i) Sing a song to start off the proceeding;

ii) Make guests feel at home by greeting and talking to


iii) Award “Sotong of the Week”, and “Hashshit Run”,if


d) Speaking Up

Members, especially the ladies, were urged to speak up.

Speak up to support a good idea, and speak up against

a bad talk.

e) Term of Grand Master

As a small and young Club, not many members were

ready to be the GM, although everyone had the potential.

The GM should be mentally prepared to serve two terms

of office in order to have continuity and to carry out his

vision for the Club.

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f) Club Funds

The new elected Committee should continue to build up

the Club fund. They should put in effort to raise funds

for their activities/events.

g) Words of Thanks

His Committees and helpers have served the Club for

177 weeks/runs.

He would like to thank the following members, not in order

of merits:

1) First Treasurer, 2nd Year Stand-in, Thursdae Maid-

Lena Lee ( AgarAgar)

2) First JM- Tan lee Hua (Spiker)

3) 2 terms as Secretary- Ricky Ng (Sleeping Dick)

4) Score-keeper( 3 years and counting)- Amy Lin


5) Second JM- Johnny Chan (BigBin)

6) Secretary- Chan Siew Fang (RollOver)

7) Treasurer, cook, etc,etc- Jill Chiang( Wait-a-While)

8) Second JM (after BigBin went MIA)-

Greg Chamberlain (NurseF**ker)

9) Very special thanks to someone not a member of any

Committee but who had helped the Club and him tremendously- Patricia Lee (Hole-in-One)

4. Presentation of Audited Account for Year 2006

Treasurer Jill Chiang presented the audited account for year 2006.

Up to 31Dec2006, the Club had a very healthy surplus of $5,642.80

The adoption of the audited account was proposed by

Patricia Lee and seconded by Tan Lee Hua.

5. Election of New Committee

The Meeting was then handed over to Andrew Cheng for the

election of the Committee for 2007.

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The following office bearers were elected:

i) President : Tan Sim Lay

ii) Vice President : Tan Lee Hua

iii) Hon Secretary : Alan Chong

iv) Hon Treasurer : Amy Lin

v) Auditors : Patricia Lee

: Jill Chiang

6. The in-coming President, Tan Sim Lay, took over the meeting.

He initiated a vote of thanks to the out-going Committee and

introduced the in-coming Committee.

He said that he look forward to more exciting events in the year 2007 and beyond. The first major event would be the annual

Chinaman Run in February.

7. Any Other Business

a) the following motions were tabled at the Meeting:

i)To amend Clause 5c of the Constitution from

“The President of the Club shall be a Singaporean”

to “The post of President is open to all members

regardless of nationality, race or gender. However,

a non-resident or foreigner who wishes to stand for

the post of President must be a regular member of

Thirsdae HHH for at least 3 years continuously”

The motion was unanimously passed.

ii) The holder of the post of President will not be allowed to

hold for more than 1 year. He must vacate the post

regardless and will be banned from holding this post for

the next 2 years.

The motion was not passed.

iii) A member will be allowed to go on Leave of Absence

(LOA) for a period of 3 months, after which he/she has

to decide whether to continue as a regular member or

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resign from the Club. He/she is required to pay a

special subscription fee of $15 for this period. He/she

is allowed to run with the Club free once a month. If

he/she chooses to run more than once a month, the

subsequent run will be at $10 per run. He/she is not

required to set a run if his/her turn is due during this


This motion was not passed.

b) Mementos for Members

Andrew Cheng opined that in recognition of members

who had achieved the milestone of 100/200 runs, a

memento would be presented to the member.

As a matter of fact, this was already decided in the

2nd AGM on 15Jan06. The new Committee will follow

up on this issue.

8. End of Meeting

There being no other business, the Meeting ended at 5.30pm.

Recorded by:

Chan Siew Fang

Hon Secretary

Thirsdae HHH (2006)

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