Revised list of indexing terms, based on the UNESCO Thesaurus

The original list of terms, drawn up by the SOAS Archives team and circulated in 2001, has been revised in the light of comments received from a number of sources. Feedback has been most helpful and we have incorporated a number of changes.

Unless indicated otherwise all terms have been developed from UNESCO micro-thesaurus (MT) 3.20, Religion. Where UNESCO fails to provide adequate terms, the desired term has been slotted in at the most appropriate level. These new terms are indicated with a (*).

The Missionary Thesaurus is still being developed. We would be interested in comment and feedback. A broader-based subject Thesaurus is also in process of development.

For those unfamiliar with the UNESCO Thesaurus the abbreviations used are explained below:

BT = Broad Term

MT = Micro Thesaurus

NT= Narrower Term

RT = Related Term

SN = Scope Note

*Artisan missionaries

*BT1 Missionaries

*Assistant missionaries

*BT1 Missionaries


*BT1 Sacred texts

*Bible schools

BT1 Schools

*RT Mission schools

*Bible women

*BT1 Indigenous lay workers

*Children of missionaries
*UF Missionary children

*BT1 Missionaries

*Church history

*BT1 Religious history


UF Ministers of religion

UF Priests

BT1 Religious groups

*NT1 Indigenous clergy

*Comparative religion

*BT1 Religious studies


*USE Missionary deputations

*Devotional texts

*BT1 *Religious texts

*Educational missionaries

*BT1 Missionaries

*RT Educational missionary work

*Educational missionary work

BT1 Missionary work

*RT Mission schools

*RT Bible schools

*Evangelistic missionaries

*BT1 Missionaries

*RT Evangelistic missionary work

*Evangelistic missionary work

BT1 Missionary work


*BT1 Religious studies


NT1 Religious History

*NT2 Church History

* NT2 Mission History


*BT1 Devotional texts

*Indigenous clergy

*UF Indigenous priests

*UF Indigenous pastors

*UF Native clergy

BT1 Clergy

*Indigenous lay workers

*UF Catechists

*UF Indigenous preachers

*UF Indigenous readers

*UF Indigenous teachers

*BT1 Laity

*NT1 Bible women

*Industrial missionary work

*UF Industrial missions

BT1 Missionary work

*RT Urban missionary work

*Industrial missions

*USE Industrial missionary work


BT1 Religious groups

*NT1 Lay organizations

*NT1 Lay preachers

*NT1 Indigenous lay workers

*Lay missionaries

*BT1 Missionaries

*Lay organizations

*BT1 Laity

*Lay preachers

*BT1 Laity

* Liturgical texts

*BT1 *Religious texts

*Medical missionaries

*BT1 Missionaries

*RT Medical missionary work

*RT Mission hospitals

*Medical missions

*USE Medical missionary work

*Medical missionary work

SN refers to all medical work carried out by missionaries

*UF Medical missions

BT1 Missionary work

*RT Mission hospitals


*BT1 Religious studies

*Mission administration

*BT1 Mission policy

*NT1 Overseas / foreign mission administration

*NT2 District Councils

*NT2 District Synods (etc. terms specific to denomination)

*NT2 District Chairmen

*NT1 Home mission administration

*RT Missionary deputations

*Mission educational institutions

Educational institutions (MT 1.35)

SN Institutions, colleges or seminaries established and run by missionaries for the education and vocational training of indigenous people. Included training in agriculture, crafts,

medicine, Christian education and skills in preaching.

RT Vocational schools

RT Training centres

*Mission history

BT1 Religious history

*Mission hospitals

BT1 Hospitals

*RT Medical missionary work

*Mission policy

*BT1 Missionary societies

*NT1 Mission administration

*Mission schools

Educational institutions (MT 1.35)

BT1 Schools

*NT1 Missionary children’s schools

*RT Bible schools

RT Community schools

*Mission ships

BT1 Ships


BT1 Religious groups

*NT1 Artisan missionaries

*NT1 Assistant missionaries

*NT1 Educational missionaries

*NT1 Evangelistic missionaries

*NT1 Lay missionaries

*NT1 Medical missionaries

*NT1 Ordained missionaries

*NT1 Women missionaries

RT Clergy

*RT Laity

*Missionary children

*USE Children of missionaries

*Missionary children’s schools

*BT1 Children of missionaries

*Missionary deputations

*UF Deputations

BT1 Missionary work

*Missionary societies

SN When using narrower terms such as Methodist Missionary Societies, consider using the name of the Society as a Corporate Name Index Term.

*BT1 Religious organizations

*NT1 Mission policy

*NT1 Missionary support organizations


*NT1 Protestant missionary societies

*NT2 Nondenominational Missionary Societies

*NT2 Denominational Missionary Societies

*NT3 Anglican Missionary Societies

*NT3 Baptist missionary societies

*NT1 Roman Catholic missionary societies

*NT1 Orthodox missionary societies

*Missionary support organizations

SN Home organizations working for the support of overseas missionary work, often organised at local or regional level

*UF Auxiliary missionary societies

*UF Diocesan associations

*Missionary training

Vocational education (MT 1.5)

SN The training of missionaries

*UF Training of missionaries

*UF Missionary education

*NT1 Missionary medical training

*Missionary training institutions

Educational institutions (MT 1.35)

SN Institutions for the training of missionaries

*UF Missionary training colleges

BT1 Training centres

RT Vocational schools

*Missionary wives

*USE Wives of missionaries

Missionary work

BT1 Religious activities

*NT1 Medical missionary work

*NT1 Educational missionary work

*NT1 Evangelistic missionary work

*NT1 Women’s missionary work

*NT2 Zenana missionary work

*NT1 Rural missionary work

*NT1 Urban missionary work

*NT1 Industrial missionary work

* NT1 Missionary deputations

*Native clergy

USE Indigenous clergy

*Ordained missionaries

*BT1 Missionaries

*Protestant missionary societies

*BT1 Missionary societies


SN : if further degree of specificity required index by name of Church e.g. the Pentecostal Church, Coptic Church etc.

NT1 Ancient religions

NT2 Buddhism

NT2 Christianity

*NT3 Ecumenicalism

*NT3 Orthodox Christianity

*NT3 Roman Catholicism

NT3 Protestantism

*NT4 Anglicanism

*NT4 Evangelicalism

*NT4 Protestant nonconformity

NT2 Confucianism

NT2 Hinduism

NT2 Islam

NT2 Judaism

NT2 Taoism

NT1 Primitive religions

NT2 Animism

Religious activities

NT1 Missionary work

NT1 Religious practice

UF Religious ceremonies

UF Worship

NT1 Religious reform

*NT1 Religious conversion

Religious buildings

NT1 Mosques

NT1 Temples

*NT1 Chapels

*NT1 Churches

*NT1 Meeting Houses

*Religious conversion

BT1 Religious activities

Religious groups

NT1 Christians

*NT2 Orthodox Christians

*NT2 Roman Catholics

*NT3 Jesuits

*NT2 Protestants

*NT3 Anglicans

*NT3 Evangelicals

*NT3 Protestant nonconformists

NT1 Moslems

NT1 Clergy

UF Ministers of religion

UF Priests

*NT1 Laity

*NT1 Missionaries

Religious history

BT1 History

Religious institutions

NT1 Church

NT1 Religious communities

UF Congregations

UF Religious orders

NT1 Religious movements

UF Religious missions

Religious missions

USE Religious movements

Religious movements

UF Religious missions

*Religious organizations

*NT1 Missionary societies

*NT1 Religious charities

*Religious studies

BT1 Theology

* Religious texts

Literary forms and genres (MT 3.40) Literature

Terms 3481, 3504, Thesaurus for Manus c ript Studies

*NT1 Sacred texts

*NT2 Bible




*NT1 Liturgical texts

*NT2 Service books

*NT1 Devotional texts

*NT2 Prayer books




*NT1 Sermons

*NT1 Tracts

*Roman catholic missionary societies

*BT1 Missionary societies

*Rural missionary work

*UF Rural missions

BT1 Missionary work

*Rural missions

*USE Rural missionary work

*Sacred texts

*BT1 *Religious texts


*BT1 *Religious texts


*NT1 Religious Studies

*NT2 Comparative Religion

*NT2 Hermeneutics

*NT2 Missiology


*BT1 *Religious texts

*Urban missionary work

*UF Urban missions

BT1 Missionary work

*RT Industrial missionary work

*Urban missions

*USE Urban missionary work

*Wives of missionaries

*UF Missionary wives

*BT1 Missionaries

*Women missionaries

*BT1 Missionaries

*RT Women’s missionary work

*Women’s missionary work

BT1 Missionary work

*NT1 Zenana missionary work

*Zenana missionary work

*UF Zenana missions

*BT1 Women’s missionary work

*Zenana missions

*USE Zenana missionary work

Revised October 2002
