Outline to Lecture on Angelology:



1. Robert Lightner, Angels, Satan, and Demons.

2. C. Fred Dickason, Angels: Elect and Evil.

I. Introduction:

II. Creation of Angels:

A. Angels are created beings.

B. Angels were probably created on the first day.

III. Nature of Angels:

A. Angels are spirit beings

1. Angels are ministering spirits.

2. Angels do not possess physical bodies.

3. Angels may assume human form and function temporarily

Some scholars argue for a unique, spiritual “body” on the order of that which characterized the resurrection of Christ.

4. Angels are not subject to death.

B. Angels are personal beings.

1. Intelligence.

2. Emotion.

3. Will.

4. Service.

C. Angels created in the Image of God?

D. Angels are moral beings.

1. The Bible clearly presents two broad classifications for angels, elect

and evil.

E. Angels are powerful beings:

1. The power of angels is superior to that of man

2. Angels are not omnipotent.

F. Angels are distinct from and “higher” than man.

G. Angels do not reproduce.

H. The Bible does not assign sex to angels.

IV. How many angels did God create?

V. Names and Classifications of Angels:

A. Descriptive Terms.

1. “mighty ones” (Psalm 103:20).

2. “watchers” (Daniel 4:13, 17, 23).

3. “princes” (Daniel 10:13, 20, 21; 12:1).

B. Only three angels are identified specifically by name, Michael, Gabriel and Lucifer.

C. A number of groups of angels are distinguished by a combination of name, function and activities, Cherubim, Seraphim, and the four living beings.

D. The following is a general catalog of the names and classifications of angels.[1]

1. Angel.

2. Minister.

3. Sons of God.

4. Holy ones; elect.

5. Host.

6. Assembly.

7. Watchers.

8. Morning stars.

9. Mighty ones.

10. Chariots.

B. Names and Classifications.

1. Michael.

2. Gabriel.

3. Lucifer.

4. Cherubim.

5. Seraphim.

6. The four living beings.

7. The twenty-four elders?

8. Rank or administrative designations.

IV. The Activities of Elect Angels:

A. In Relation to God.

B. In Relation to Jesus Christ.

C. In Relation to the Unregenerate.

D. In Relation to Believers.

1. Revealing.

2. Guiding.

3. Providing.

4. Protecting.

5. Delivering.

6. Strengthening and encouraging.

7. Agents in answering prayer.

8. Attendance upon the righteous dead.

9. Serve those who are yet to be saved.

10. Guardian angels?

[1] C. Fred Dickason, Angels: Elect and Evil, pp. 61-76.