Theological Society of South Africa

Annual meeting

Saints, martyrs and ancestors: Theological reflections on prophetic witness

20-22 June 2007

John Wesley College, Pretoria


Wednesday 20 June 2007
15:00-16:00 / Registration
16:00-16:30 / Opening and welcome / Nico Koopman (TSSA)
Plenary 1 / Stanley M Mogoba (Methodist Church of South Africa) & IS Mekoa (UKZN) / Saints, martyrs and ancestors: An African reflection on the communion of the living and the dead
18:00-19:00 / Supper
Plenary 2 / John de Gruchy (UCT) / Redefining Sainthood and Martyrdom: The Case of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Thursday 21 June 2007
8:00-8:30 / Devotion / Rev Madika Sebeko
Plenary 3 / Etienne de Villiers, (University of Pretoria) / Prophetic theology or ethics of responsibility? Should they be viewed as alternative approaches in Christian ethics?
Parallel 1 / Godwin I. Akper (University of Mkar) / Between a self-styled consciousness and an imposed African agency: prophetic witness 30 years later
Paul Gundani (Unisa) / The unsainted martyr, ancestor, and national hero: The rise and rise of Dismas Kaguvi of the Chimurenga I epic (?-1898)
Stan L. LeQuire (Eastern University) / Finding Untold Stories
Llewellyn MacMaster (Stellenbosch University) / Where have all the Pastors gone? A Case for Public Pastoral Care in a Democratic South Africa experiencing growth pains
10:30-11:00 / Tea
Parallel 2 / Bruce Botha SJ (Holy Trinity University Parish) / The Chinese Rites controversy: Church, authority and inculturation, a lesson for today
Simanga.R.Kumalo (UKZN) / From reformation to reconstructionism: Christian activists and the struggle for democratization in South Africa
Des van der Water (Council for World Mission) & Steve de Gruchy (UKZN) / The prophetic and ecumenical leadership witness of Joseph Wing
Andrew Warmback (ACSA, St John’s parish) / Wangari Maathai: Green prophet of Africa
Plenary 4 / Lovemore Togarasei (University of Botswana) / The martyrdom of Stephen and its influence on Christian expansion and theology
13:00-14:00 / Lunch
Parallel 5 / Dion A Forster (John Wesley College) / “Do South Africans exist?” An African theological approach to individual human identity
Cynthia Holder Rich (Western Theological Seminary) / Spirit and Culture: Navigating Ecclesiological Minefields in Madagascar
Robert Matikiti (University of Zimbabwe) / Archbishop Pius Ncube and the struggle for democracy in Zimbabwe
Harold le Roux, Evangelical Seminary of South Africa / White, Afrikaner Zionist, Pieter Louis le Roux
15:30-16:00 / Tea
Parallel 4 / Ernst Conradie (UWC) / My children’s ancestors: Theological reflections on a genealogical quest
Wessel Bentley (John Wesley College) / Martyrs - Shall we die for the church or the faith?
Joseph Tlhabaki Modise (St. Augustine College) / Ancestorship as a theological strategy toward the unity of the church
Tony Moodie (Theological Education By Extension College) / “The sacred”, “Spirit” and “Spirit persons” – Towards a more adequate post-enlightenment Christian worldview
Detlev Tönsing, LTI / UKZN / JG Hamann - prophetic outsider to the Enlightenment, hidden ancestor for the postmodern approach to a scientific world
17:15-18:30 / Business Meeting
18:30- / Supper
Friday 22 June 2007
8:00-8:30 / Devotion / Bishop Gavin Taylor
Parallel 7 / Joan A Jackson (John Wesley College) / South African Methodist martyrs – Are they also saints?
Rodney Moss (St. Augustine College) / The companionship model of the communion of saints: recovery from the early Church.
Olo Ndukwe (University of Stellenbosch) / Yoder’s Christology and its implication for the Church’s Public Witness in Nigeria
Jeremy Wyngaard, Stellenbosch University / Community development as prophetic witness
Parallel 8 / Anthony Egan SJ (Jesuit Institute of South Africa) / Political Martyrdoms: Steve Biko, Rick Turner and the question of “Anonymous Sainthood”
Nico Koopman (Stellenbosch University) / On saints, holiness and public life in South Africa
Clint le Bruyns (Stellenbosch University) / Beyond prophetic ambiguity? On revelation and history in Barth and Tillich
Klaus Nürnberger (UKZN) / Richard Dawkins’ “The God Delusion”
Neville Richardson (John Wesley College) / Heroes of the struggle or martyrs for the faith? How do we recognize martyrdom today?
10:30-11:00 / Tea
Plenary 4 / Louise Kretzschmar (Unisa) / Spirituality, society and morality: Christian spirituality in dialogue with secular and African spiritualities
12:00-12:15 / Conclusion

Administrative matters


John Wesley Theological Seminary, 81 Pitts Avenue, Weavind Park

Registration and conference fees:

Any interested persons, including post-graduate students, pastors and other non-members, are most welcome to attend the conference.

Conference fees: R250. Reduced rate for registered students: R150. Fee per day: R100. Fees include lunch (Thursday & Friday), dinner (Wednesday and Thursday) and teas.

Conference fees are payable at registration. Cheques should be made payable to “Methodist Church of SA EMMU” (The Education for Ministry and Mission Unit of the MCSA). You are kindly requested to inform Dion Foster > of your intention to attend the conference by Friday 8 June 2006 since this will assist our hosts for planning and catering purposes.


The following forms of accommodation are available on the campus of John Wesley Theological Seminary itself: a) 17 Single rooms: R330 for the conference (including conference fees and meals); b) 8 shared rooms (16 beds): R270 or the conference (including conference fees and meals); c) there is also a shared cottage (R240) and a single cottage (R300) available.

For Bed and Breakfast options: Try Silverton Guest house (012 804 1597) or Weavind place (012 804 0434). The latter is closer to the college but a little more costly.


Members are reminded that they should pay the annual membership fees of R40 with registration at the conference.


The hosts at John Wesley College are willing to arrange two mini-bus trips (for 6 passengers) providing transport from the Oliver Tambo airport to the college and back at a price of R50 (per trip). The minibus will depart from the domestic arrivals terminal at 12h00 and again at 14h00 on Wednesday 20 June and at 12h00 and again at 14h00 on Friday 22 June from the college. If you wish to make use of such transport, please arrange your flights accordingly and contact the college in order to reserve a place.

There is also a shuttle service called “Wild Side” which can be contacted at 083 651 2052.

Contact Details

On the programme: Ernst Conradie, Dept of Religion and Theology, UWC, Private Bag X17, Bellville, 7535, Tel 021 – 959 2206, E-mail: ;

On practical matters: Dion Forster > John Wesley College: (012) 8043022