Instructional Materials Advisory Committee Page 3

Ashworth, Ede
Brooke County
School: Brooke High School / Years in Education: 34 years
·  Latin and Spanish 7-12
·  MA and BA
Awards and Special Recognition:
·  Milken Family Educator Award and WVTOY Award
·  Extracurricular: Spanish Club
Burke, Cynthia
Marshall County
School: Sherrard Junior High School / Years in Education: 32 years
·  MA, Mathematics
·  BS, Mathematics
Awards and Special Recognition:
·  National Board Certification, 2005
·  WVCTM Teacher of the Year, Middle School, 2007
·  Marshall County Teacher of the Year, 2007 and 2008
Carpenter, L. Kay
Retired from Webster County
School: Central Office / Years in Education: 38 years
·  Superintendent
·  Mental Retardation K-12
·  Principal Pre K-12
·  BS and MA
Chadwell, Brenda
Roane County
School: Geary Elementary/Middle School / Years in Education: 30 years
·  Reading Specialist K-12, Elementary Education 1-8
·  Social Studies 1-9, Appalachian Studies 4-8, English 7-8
·  Principal K-8 and 5-8
·  Supervisor General Instruction K-12
·  Vocational Administration 5-Adult
·  Superintendent K-12
·  AB and MA
Awards and Special Recognition:
·  2006 Arch Coal Teacher Achievement Award,
·  Roane County Teacher of the Year 1988 and 1998
·  Extracurricular: Head Teacher, Newspaper Advisor and Yearbook Advisor
·  Other: West Virginia Reading Association District V Director
Cline, Rob
Braxton County
Braxton County Middle School / Years in Education: 18
·  BA Biology/General Science
·  MA Science Curriculum & Instruction
Awards and Special Recognition:
·  Wagner's Math & Science Award
Fonner, Linda
Wetzel County
New Martinsville School / Years in Education: 29
·  BS in Elementary Education
·  BS in Early Childhood Education
·  Middle Childhood Authorization
·  Masters in Gifted Education
·  National Board Certified - Middle Childhood Generalist
·  Oracle Think Quest Trainer
·  National Science Teachers Association Certificates of Science Content Proficiency (Force, Gravity)
Awards and Special Recognition:
·  Wetzel County Reading Teacher of the Year - 1985
·  National Council for Geographic Education and Rand McNally Distinguished Teaching Achievement Award for Excellence in Geography Teaching - 1990
·  Wetzel County Teacher of the Year - 1994
·  WV Teacher of the Year Finalist - 1994
·  State Level Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching - 1996,1997,1998
·  Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching - National Level - 1999
·  WV Coordinated and Thematic Science Cadre - CATS
·  WV Master Trainer - 2003
·  Northern Regional Consortium Chair - 2 years
·  Handle-On-Science Project Mentor Teacher
·  The NEED Project (National Energy Education Development)
·  WV Lead Teacher and national energy education trainer
Gillian, Judy
Kanawha County
School: Kanawha County Schools / Years in Education: 37 years
·  English Language Arts 7-12
·  BS and MA
·  60+ hours leadership, reading, composition
Awards and Special Recognition:
·  English Department Chairperson 1981-2000,
·  Language Arts Teacher of the Year (WVELAC), Nominated Kanawha County Schools
·  Educator of the Year
·  Extracurricular: Reading, People Watching, Family Events, Needlework and
·  Gardening
Hoffmaster, Beverly
Berkeley County
School: Berkeley County Schools / Years in Education: 29 years
·  Elementary Education K-6
·  Early Childhood Nursery to Pre-K
·  BA and MA +45
Awards and Special Recognition:
·  1992 WV Teacher of the Year, 1992 Milken National
·  Educator Award, 1992 Ashland Oil Teacher Achievement Award, 1991-92 Berkeley
·  County Teacher of the Year, Women of Distinction Award, Rotary Paul Harris Fellow,
·  Shepherd college Outstanding Alumnus
·  Extracurricular: West Virginia Department of Education Reading Cadre, RESA VIII
·  Head Start Advisory Committee
McCarty, Helen
Retired from Harrison County
School: Lincoln High School / Years in Education: 44 years
·  English 7-12
·  Social Studies 7-12
Awards and Special Recognition:
·  Advisory Committee for Instructional Materials,
·  Curriculum Development for State, Curricular Mapping for Harrison County Schools
Powell, Betty
Wyoming County
School: Westside High / Years in Education: 33 years
·  Mathematics 5-12
·  BS and MA
Awards and Special Recognition:
·  WVCTM Teacher of the Year for Middle School,
·  Oceana High School Hall of Fame
Rhudy, Vaughn
Raleigh County
School: Shady Spring High School / Years in Education: 20 years
·  Journalism and English
·  BA
·  MA in Journalism and Leadership Studies
·  Ed.D. Doctorate in Education Leadership
Awards and Special Recognition:
·  2003 Milken National Educator, 1994 State English
·  Language Arts Teacher of the Year, 1992-93 Raleigh County Teacher of the Year,
·  1991 inducted in WV Journalism Teacher’s Hall of Fame at WVU
·  Extracurricular: Advise student newspaper, yearbook, monthly newsletter, basketball
·  coach at Ghent Elementary
·  Other: Adjunct Professor at Concord University
Swiger, Mark
Marshall County
John Marshall High School / Years in Education: 26 years
·  Social Studies Comprehensive 7-12
·  B.A. History
·  M.A. Social Studies Secondary Education
Awards and Special Recognition:
·  John Marshall High School Distinguished Service Award 2005, 2006;
·  STAR Society Technology Teacher Hall of Fame Honorable Mention;
·  Fulbright Study Abroad Republic of South Africa 1995;
·  NCAA Distinguished Service Award 2003;
·  RESA 6 Social Studies County Leadership Team;
·  RESA 6 InSTEP Coordinator
Wilson, Carla
Wood County
School: Jackson Junior High / Years in Education: 8 years
·  BA in Education-- Mathematics (5-9) and English (5-12)
·  MA in Educational Leadership
Awards and Special Recognition:
·  Nominated for Disney Teacher of the Year
(2002, 2003, 2004)
·  Selected as Who’s Who Among American Teachers (2004, 2005)
·  Braxton County Middle School Teacher of the Year (2002)
·  Served on WV Differentiated Instruction Cadre 2003-04
·  Received Kraton Golden Apple Award (2006)
Wayne Yonkelowitz
Fayette County
School: Fayetteville High / Years in Education: 25 years
·  BS – Secondary Education – Earth and Space Science
·  MA – Secondary Education
Awards and Special Recognition:
·  1999 – Milken Award
·  2001 – Fayette County Teacher of the Year
·  2002 – Presidential Award For Excellence In Science Teaching
·  2002 – National Board Certified – Early Adolescence – Science
Extracurricular: Wrestling Coach, School Technology Coordinator.

Instructional Materials Advisory Committee Page 3