Crim Annual Walkathon – October 7th

The Crim Annual Walkathon is almost here! On October 7th, we are asking students to walk on behalf of Children’s Specialized Hospital. Children’s Specialized Hospital is a non-profit organization. They are leading the way into a brighter future for children and adolescents facing special health challenges – from chronic illnesses and complex physical disabilities to developmental and behavorial issues. They work with parents and families, including many of our own Crim families, to discover new and innovative ways to help children overcome their health challenges. All donations go directly to helping them pioneer new specialized children’s care and serve more children in need.

The Walkathon will take place October 7th (with a rain date of October 10th ).

The Walkathon is a cooperative fundraiser between the Crim PTO and Children’s Specialized Hospital each organization receiving fifty percent of the donations. Through this exciting event, our children will feel empowered by helping others as well as proud to support Crim School. This event not only raises money for two very worthwhile causes, it is a fun, healthy day for our children!

Children do not have to raise money to participate. All children will walk at a scheduled time with their class for approximately 15 minutes. Children should wear sneakers and dress appropriately for walking. If your child has a medical reason for not participating, please send a note to their homeroom teacher by October 4th.

Please send donations to your child’s teacher before October 7th in an envelope marked “Crim Walkathon.” If you have any questions, please contact the Walkathon Chair, Debbie Rible at .

Checks should be made payable to “Crim PTO.” All donations are tax deductible.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Sponsored by the Crim PTO