The Unpaid Internship VS Part-Time Job

For many college and university students, the line between “job” and “internship” is simply blurred under the category of “employment”, or an internship just sounds like it involves doing all of the boring office tasks the actual staff members don’t have time for, or just plain don’t want to do. However, both positions offer unique opportunities and you should take the time to consider the pros and cons before choosing which one to pursue.

Unpaid Internship

Entry- level internships are available in every field, something that can be hard to find if you’re looking for a part-time hourly position in some industries. Especially in competitive fields, taking a summer to complete an internship will show future employers how committed and passionate you are about your field and will give you a huge leg up on your resume when it comes to full- time job seeking in the future. Also, many companies that offer internships are likely to hire you on as part of their salary staff once you finish your time with them. If they realise how valuable of an asset you’ve been, they’ll see how they just can’t live without you.

Part-Time Job

This type of employment probably won’t provide you with the same level of relevant experience as an internship, but it does have one big benefit: money! Tuition and class is expensive and many students, even when they take advantage of student deals and do their best to save money, simply can’t afford to spend the summer not earning any additional income. If this is the case for you, I would recommend doing your best to look for hourly jobs that are even partially related to the field you want to get into like being a receptionist for a doctor if you want to get into medicine for example. Even if you’re not directly involved, you can talk to your bosses and express you interest in the rest of the operation to see if they can show you around or introduce you to some of their daily activities so you can still get a feel for how things works. If this still isn’t possible, you can always try to get a part time job and volunteer or intern on the side. It might mean less free time for student travel, but it will give you that all- valuable experience without breaking your student bank account.