The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde

Chapter 9: Dr. Lanyon’s Narrative

Vocabulary Journal

As you read Chapter 9, look for the following vocabulary words. When you find them, write the page number, the sentence (or part of it) that contains the word, and give a brief definition or synonym for the word. (You may use a dictionary to determine the word’s meaning.)

1. phial
3. ludicrous
4. enigmas
5. incredulous

Most Important Quotation

After you read Chapter 9, write down what you consider to be the most important sentence, quotation, or phrase in the chapter. Then, in at least three complete, detailed sentences, explain your choice. It would be a good idea to include examples from the text to support your idea of what is most important.

Most Important Quotation/Phrase:


The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde

Chapter 9: Dr. Lanyon’s Narrative

Discussion Questions

The following questions highlight the important aspects of chapter 9. We will be discussing these issues in class and they will be important for your overall understanding of the text as well as your performance on the final test. Please complete them and use them to aid you in our class discussion.

1. From whose point of view is this chapter being told? How does this differ from previous chapters?

2. Describe the shock that Dr. Lanyon saw, causing his illness and eventual death.

3. Why did the above event shock Dr. Lanyon so? What does this tell you about his personality or character?

4. Why do you think Jekyll wanted to reveal his transformation to Dr. Lanyon?