There are different levels of Physical Activity.
Play is physical activity in which there are:
· no formal rules
· no pressure
· no winners or loser
· no set time
· no defined playing area.
In play, people enjoy spontaneous physical activity.
If you are swimming with a group of friends, or kick a ball around in a park, then you are at play. You are involved in physical activity just for fun.
Recreation is more planned than play but also has:
· no winners or losers
· no highly organized rules
· May require a higher level of skill.
Examples of recreation are non-competitive fishing, walking, surfing and skiing.
Games are more organized than recreation and play. They involve:
· An agreed playing area
· An agreed time limit
· A higher level of skill than is needed for play
· Rules which can change
· Contest between two people or between two groups, where one person or group is the winner
If ten players play five-a-side hockey using some of the rules of traditional hockey and at the same time keep score, then they are playing a game. Games, therefore, are more formal than play but less structured than sport.
Sport is much more organized than play, recreation or games. Sport involves:
· Set rules, area and time
· Set positions for team players
· Usually vigorous physical activity
· Complex physical skills which are applied throughout the set time
· Serious training and preparation
· Competition between individuals or teams where winning is very important
· Satisfaction for players coming not only from the enjoyment of playing the sport but also from winning awards, prizes and even applause from supporters.
Play Recreation Games Sport
As physical activity moves from play to sport, the following occur:
· The physical activity becomes less spontaneous and more controlled by rules.
· Individuals put in more effort and time in learning skills, preparing tactics and playing to win
· Spectators become more evident and involved
· The rewards involve personal enjoyment but more and more also include gaining rewards, prizes and/or recognition
Review your notes to answer the following.
A. Write in the different levels of physical activity in the correct order on the continuum.
B. Use the words from the continuum to complete the following sentences.
1. ______has no formal rules.
2. ______is more planned than play and also has no winners or losers.
3. ______has rules which can change.
4. ______is much more organized than games.
5. ______has set rules, area and time.
6. ______and ______has winners and losers.
7. Games require a higher level of skill than ______.
8. ______requires vigorous physical activity.
9. ______has no defined playing area.
10. ______and ______has no organized rules.
11. ______requires serious training and preparation.
12. ______has an agreed time limit.
C. Number these sentences 1 to 4 in the correct order to show what happens as physical activity moves from play to sport.
No. / Sentence._____ / · Individuals put in more effort and time in learning skills, preparing tactics and playing to win.
· The rewards involve personal enjoyment but more and more also include gaining rewards, prizes and/or recognition.
· Spectators become more evident and involved.
· The physical activity becomes less spontaneous and more controlled by rules.
(22 marks)