The Fountain of Faith Missionary Baptist Church (FOFMBC)

2015 Scholarship Award Criteria/Guidelines

For more than 26 years, Fountain of Faith Missionary Baptist Church has awarded

financial assistance to graduating high school seniors in pursuit of a post secondary education.

Scholarships and bibles will be awarded to every graduating senior. All deadlines must

be adhered to without fail or the scholarship amount will be decreased.

Application Deadline

All applications should be completed on line at or submitted to the Church Office by 28 August 2014.

The requirements for the scholarship are as follows:

1. Applicants must be a member in good standing at FOFMBC for a period of one year at the time of the scholarship award.

2. Applicant must be active in a church ministry for at least one year.

3. Applicants must submit a Ministry Verification Letter (see Attachment 4)

4. Applicant must participate in Senior Showcase and the Showcase Finale (see Attachment 6).

5. Applicant must volunteer at least once during the year with the Homeless/Feeding Ministry and write a 1,000 word essay (minimum) but no more than 2,000words. See Attachment 3).

6. Applicants must attend Scholarship Information Meeting.

7. Applicants are required to sell at least six (5) tickets to the Scholarship Banquet Annual Fundraiser.

8. Applicant must submit a college acceptance letter.

9. Applicants must submit final high school transcripts.

10. Completed applications can also be mailed to:

Fountain of Faith Missionary Baptist Church

P.O. Box 960639

6712 West Fayetteville Road

Riverdale, GA 30296

Attn: Deatrix M. Morris, President, FOFMBC Scholarship Ministry

or emailed to: