The following is the stuff that wasn’t in your notes but is information that is important to know about drugs:

Drugs and Altered Consciousness

A.  Definition of Psychoactive Drugs- these are drugs that affect the brain and change consciousness and other psychological processes.

1.  Most affect the brain by altering the interaction between neurotransmitters and receptors

2.  Drugs must cross the blood-brain barrier, a feature of the blood vessels in the brain that prevents substances from entering the brain tissue

3.  Agonists bind to the receptors and mimic effects of normal neurotransmitters

4.  Antagonists bind to the receptors and prevent normal neurotransmitters from binding

5.  Other drugs work by increasing or decreasing release of specific neurotransmitters

B.  Psychopharmacology- This is the study of psychoactive drugs and their effects on behavior and mental processes

C.  Physical Dependence or Addiction- This is a physiological state in which drug use is necessary to prevent a withdrawal symptom

D.  Tolerance- this is a condition in which increasingly large drug doses are necessary to achieve the same effect

E.  Psychological Dependence- This is a condition in which the person continues drug use despite adverse effects, needs the drug for a sense of wellbeing, and is preoccupied with obtaining the drug if it is no longer available.

F.  Learned Expectations Contribute to the Effects of Many Drugs

Activity: Professional Project Dare

You are part of a drug prevention team that is trying to foster a campaign to reduce illegal drug use in adults, similar to the DARE program that police officers use when working with children. As a starting point, you have decided to create targeted anti-drug campaigns for different groups, based on the risks of impairment of performance inherent in their activities. For each type of specialized occupation or interest below, specify the illicit or illegal drug that would most dangerously impair the user’s function and explain the likely effect of using the drug on the individual’s preferred activity.

Preferred Activity/Profession Most Dangerous Drug Substance and Predicted Risk

Bicycle messenger
Marathon runner
Stay-at-home mom
Sword Swallower
Tightrope walker