Systems Engineering Domain Special Interest Group (SE DSIG)

Boston Meeting Minutes (June 21-23, 2005)

The following are the minutes from the OMG Systems Engineering Domain Special Interest Group (SE DSIG) meeting held in Boston, Mass. on June 21-23, 2005. The next SE DSIG meeting will be held the week of September 10 in Atlanta, Georgia.

Sanford Friedenthal

Lockheed Martin Corporation


(703) 293-5557

The minutes and reference documents for the meeting are available from the meeting link on the SE DSIG URL at.

· SE DSIG-Meeting-Minutes-Boston-Jun 21-23-2005 (syseng/2005-06-01)

· SysML Specification V0.9 Addendum (ad/05-05-01)

· SysML v0.9 Submission Update (ad/05-06-01)

· UML Profile for DODAF/MODAF (UPDM) RFP - DRAFT - May 30, 2005 (syseng/05-05-01)

· UML-Profile-for-DODAF-MODAF-Boston (syseng/2005-06-02)

· MODAF Meta-Model (syseng/2005-06-03)

· DODAF 2.0 (syseng/2005-06-04)

· Architecture Evolution Description (Proposal) (syseng/2005-06-05)

· UML Profile for DODAF/MODAF – Methodology Concerns (syseng/2005-06-06)

Meeting Objectives

· Presentations from OSD and MOD reps on DODAF and MODAF

· Review Draft RFP for UML Profile for DODAF/MODAF

· Review Status of SysML

Meeting Attendees

Dan Appleton DACOM

J.D. Baker BAE Systems

Laurent Balmelli IBM

Ian Bailey Cornwell

Loring Bernhardt Mitre

Cory Bialowas EmbeddedPlus

Jeffrey Carter LMC

Kenny Cason Boeing

Michael Chonoles LMC

Fatma Dandashi Mitre

James Davey ASG-IMMS

Sanford Friedenthal LMC

Dong-Han Ham Middlesex University

Jim Hollenbach SSI

Fariba Hozhabrafkan Cornwell

Robert Joyce Sandia Labs

Cris Kobryn Telelogic

Alan Moore Artisan

Hiroshi Myazaki Fujitsu

Andy North Integration Authority, UK MOD

Gundars Osvalds WellsLanders

Laurent Rioux Thales

Rick Steiner Raytheon

Akira Tanaka Hitachi

Dian Ukleja Raytheon

Lou Varveris Telelogic

Ron Williamson Raytheon

Bryan Wood Open–IT Ltd

Bill Wood SEI

Paul Work Raytheon

SysML V0.9 Specification Addendum and Status Update. Sandy Friedenthal, Cris Kobryn, and Alan Moore presented the SysML status to the ADTF on June 22. SysML V0.9 was submitted to the OMG on January 10, 2005 and was presented to the OMG in Burlingame on February 2. The V0.9 submission represented the beginning of a new phase for SysML where SysML tool vendor partners began to prototype the V0.9 specification to help validate the language and drive out implementation issues. Since that time, four of the SysML vendor partners including Artisan, EmbeddedPlus, I-Logix, and Telelogic have been actively prototyping the specification and providing feedback to the Partners. Each of the vendors plan to demonstrate their prototypes and/or offerings at the INCOSE symposium in Rochester the week of July 10

Alan presented the status of the new Profiles and Model Libraries Chapter which is an addendum to the v0.9 specification. The changes are continuing to be coordinated with the UML 2 RTF to help improve the UML 2 spec as well as serve the needs of SysML. The changes include new notational options and clarifying the semantics of stereotypes. In addition, a new feature is being added to profiles to explicitly constrain the subset of UML that is required for the profile.

The specification will be updated to reflect the results of the vendor prototyping and other feedback. The spec update will include unifying classes and assemblies into a block construct, and reorganizing and refining several other sections of the specification. The revised SysML Submission will be presented at the next OMG meeting in September.

UML Profile for DODAF/MODAF RFP DRAFT: Fatma Dandashi presented a summary of the UML Profile for DODAF/MODAF (UPDM) initiative to the C4I TF on Wednesday morning and the SE DSIG on Tuesday.

At the SE DSIG meeting in February, 2005 in Burlingame, it was decided to proceed with development of an RFP for a UML Profile for the Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DODAF) and the UK's Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework (MODAF). The purpose of this effort is to provide standard UML representations for representing DODAF and MODAF Architecture Products. Fatma Dandashi from Mitre is the lead for this initiative and coordinated the preparation of the initial draft RFP.

At the SE DSIG meeting, Fatma presented a summary of this initiative including the problem statement, objectives, summary of requirements in the draft RFP, and tentative timeline. She gave the same presentation to the sponsoring C4I DTF on Wednesday. At the C4I DTF, a request was made by one of the participants to include the NATO Architecture Framework (NAF) in the RFP. A follow-up action will be assigned to validate this request with a NATO rep.

Representatives from Ministry of Defence attended the SE DSIG and presented an overview of MODAF. The representatives included Andy North from the Integration Authority of the MOD, and Fariba Hozhabrafkan and Dr. Ian Bailey who are providing MOD contractor support. Andy North gave an overview of the MODAF and the motivation behind developing it. The MODAF includes the addition of the strategic capability and acquisition views along with some minor changes to existing DODAF views. The new views are intended to capture capabilities and strategic intent and support delivery of network enabled capabilities. The MODAF also includes emphasis on integrating taxonomies such as taxonomies of air, ground, and sea platforms into the architecture modeling environment. Another area of emphasis is on the use of XMI for data interchange.

Ian Bailey summarized their efforts to develop a UML Meta-Model for MODAF. The Meta-Model is intended to reuse some of the SysML approach where practical. The Meta-Model is currently out for review and the update is planned for release in September. MODAF is available for download, review, and comment from:

Dan Appleton of DACOM represented OSD and gave a presentation on the directions of DODAF 2.0. Dan highlighted that DODAF 2.0 will emphasize the need to provide and access architecture data in underlying DARS/DAP repositories to support decision makers. DODAF 2.0 is also intended to include information overlays that support different stakeholder communities (e.g. acquisition, programming and budgeting, portfolio management, etc.).

On Wednesday afternoon, we had two additional presentations regarding the RFP. Laurent Rioux presented a proposal from Thales on an additional view (TAV-3). In follow-on discussions, it appears as though the data that is captured in this view is available in the MODAF. Gundars Oswalds presented a concern that the DODAF approach currently imposes a structured methodology and the need for the profile to be methodology independent so that Object Oriented and other methodologies can be effectively applied to architecture modeling. It was agreed that this should be clarified in the RFP.

The SE DSIG participants spent much of Wednesday PM and Thursday morning reviewing the Draft RFP. The comments will be incorporated into an updated draft for review and comment. The participants agreed that the updated RFP should be ready to present to the AB and issued through the Domain Technical Committee at the September 2005 OMG meeting in Atlanta.

Next SE DSIG Meeting.

The next SE DSIG meeting will be held in conjunction with the OMG Technical Meeting the week of September 12-16 in Atlanta. The meeting will include joint participation at the ADTF to review the revised SysML submission and we will plan to issue the RFP for the UML Profile for DODAF/MODAF. In addition, a suggested theme topic for the next meeting is the role of systems engineering in Model Driven Architecture (MDATM.).

Meeting Actions

The following action items were identified and assigned:

· Update and distribute the draft RFP for review and plan to request issuance of the RFP at the September meeting.– Updated draft available for review by July 22, Comments due back by August 12, Posted to OMG site by August 22, 2005) – Fatma Dandashi

· Identify a representative from NATO that can validate that NAF requirements should be included as a requirement in the RFP and provide approved source documentation to support the NAF requirements. – Jacek Skowronek

· Identify a representative from the French Ministry that can validate the added requirements in support of the THALES TAV-3 view and provide approved source documentation to support the requirement. – Laurent Rioux

· Validate the MODAF includes the information required by TAV-3 view. – Ian Bailey/Laurent Rioux