"The deaths head units were established in 1934 by Theodore Eike, the first Commandent of Dachau and later inspector of concentration camp's" (Encyclopedia of The Holoocaust, 182). Camp Dachau was a Nazi German camp near the city of Dachau, Germany. The camp was constructed in a disused gunpowder factory, and was completed on March 21, 1933. Together with the Auschwitz extermination camp, Dachau come to exemplify Nazi concentration camps to most non-experts. Theodore Eike, also had a seperate camp near the

command center, which consisted of living quarters, administration, and army camps. He became the chief ispector for all the concentration camps, he was also reasponsible for molding the other camps. The establishment of a 'concentration camp' was first made public by Heinrich Himmler in March of 1933 during a press conference. Two days later on March 22, 1933 the NS (National Socialist) opened the first official camp for communist protective detainees at the site for a former ammunitation factory near Dachau. In open trucks, the inmates were carried into the camp, at first the administration building which is seperated from the plant by barbed wire. The night before, 54 Policemen came from Munich to be on gaurd, and they told the prisoners who were arriving, that they were now in protective custody. The SS men woke the prisoners up in the middle of the night to hear, "We haven't come here to be friendly with these sons of bitches. They are not humans like we are, they are only second class people"(Baron Von Malsen-Ponickau).

The men that were imprisoned in camp Dachau, were treated worse then animals. Camp Dachau was made for 5,000 inmates to be held there, but there were 1,600 men in one barrck. The prisoners were stuffed in bunk beds like sardines from head to toe. The men in the camp were also starved to death. They hardly got anything to eat. Camp inmates were risking their lives just to steal a measily piece of bread. One man stuck his hand through an electrical barbed wired fence just so he could reach a piece of bread that was laying on the ground. The prisoners at camp Dachau were punished all the time for no reason, they were subjugated, and herded. The rations of food there were really scarce.

The early arrivers of camp Dachau were not illegal criminals, they had not been accused of any crimes, or for breaking ant current laws. They were known as political opponents of Adolf Hitler. He was trying to create a Superior race, against Jewish people. The inmates were placed in protective custody. Protective

custody was known as a police measure that was used to protect the citizens of Germany.

There were alot of famous people that were taken to camp Dachau. One of the men that was taken to camp Dachau was a man named Bruno Bettelheim. Bruno was a writer and a child psychologist. He was born on August 28, 1903. He passed away on March 13, 1990. Bruno was an inmate at camp Dachau, but he did not pass away there. He was depressed most of his life, so he commited suicide. He was imprisoned in camp Dachau, and Bunchenwald concentration camp from 1938 to 1939, but he bought his way out of the camp. Bruno was belived to be a cruel, and tyrant person. He was also knowmn as a freudian fundamentalist.

Camp Dachau had four specifically designed gas chambers for disinfestation. Each gas chamber was supplied with the identical Degesch Zyklon-B dispensers that had been proposed for Auschwitz. The gas chambers are small, their narrow, and they all have really low ceilings there. Once the disinfestation was

over with, the operators would have to open up the outer doors so they could let the remaing gas out, but they did it very volatile so they wouldn't hurt the atmosphere. The four gas chambers in camp Dachau are specifically designed for exterminating lice, and other insects. There was also a larger room that the operators used especially for homicidal purposes. This gas chamber looked like a shower room. They tricked the victims by placing shower heads in the gas chamber. They had also placed a sign above the door saying, 'Braused' (Meaning shower room). The smooth brick finish tiling were part of a elaborate ploy to make victims believe that they were gonna take a shower, after they had them dispose their clothes in the passage way that connected the gas chambers with the homicidal chamber. More evidence of the design of the homicidal

chamber is that they had two bin-like drawers that lad from the gas chamber to the exterior. These bin-like drawers were designed to receive the remainings of the Zyklon-B or some other lethal volatile poisin form a small tin. The person in charge of the operation of a homicidal gassing only needed a gas mask, opening the two bins and dump part of a very small tin of Zyklon-B into each one. I do not believe that Adolf Hitler, or any other Nazi commander could put people away like that, and kill so many people for not doing anything wrong or committing to any type of crimes.