The Calvary Spirit

“Sharing God’s Love in Worship, Fellowship and In Service to our Neighbors.” October 2017


“In the end, just three things matter: How well we have lived. How well we have loved. How well we have learned to let go” ~Jack Kornfield

How are you living this one precious life you have been given? Are you finding balance? Do you make time for work and for play; for being with friends and family and time for quiet reflection? Do you get enough rest? We live in a world where busyness and hectic schedules seem to be valued; where folks run from one event to another. Yet in Psalm 46 we hear the words: “Be still and know that I am God.” How well are we living this one precious life which God has offered to us? Perhaps we need to pause, to allow the Spirit to fill us, to allow the peace of Christ which passes all understanding to help us slow down a bit. In the quiet still spaces of life, we are frequently able to remember what matters in life—our family, our friends, our service to others, and, at the forefront, our God—Creator, Word, and Spirit.

How well are we loving those God has placed in our lives? How well are we loving our God? How well are we loving ourselves? Life is fragile. Life can be short. We know not what the next days, months, years will bring. Share love with your family. Tell them how much they matter to you. Take every opportunity to offer a hug or a kiss, to say those words, “I love you.” Share love with your friends. Call them up to ask how they are doing. Send them a card to show you are thinking of them. Make time to get together. Show love every chance you get. Pause each day to give thanks to God for all the blessings in your life. Show God love through your prayers, through your listening, through your service to God’s children. And love yourself…forgive yourself when you make a mistake; allow yourself the same grace you would offer to others, the same grace God offers to you. You are a beloved child of God. You are worthy of love. Your matter more than you know.

How well have we learned to let go? We often speak about God’s grace, about Jesus’ call to forgive, about the Spirit’s desire to transform us. Are you holding onto something you might be ready to release? This may be a disagreement with a family member or a friend. This may be stuff you have accumulated in your home. This may be negative comments which were directed to you at some point in your life. What do you need to release in order to become more like Christ? What might you need to let go of in order to grow closer to God? What might you need to hand over to God to be transformed by the Spirit into someone who is more grace-filled, more loving, more compassionate, more caring. Take some time to listen to God’s whispers and let go of what you no longer need to carry.

May you live this one precious life to the fullest. May you love others as deeply as possible. May you release what you no longer need. May you trust that God is with you today and every day to come…guiding you, providing for you, forgiving you, loving you.

Peace, love, and blessings,

Pastor Linda

Domestic/Family Violence Awareness Sunday

This year’s women-led Service of Worship at Calvary on Sunday, October 22nd will focus on domestic and family violence awareness. Often we think of domestic/family violence in terms of physical abuse, however, there are other forms of abuse and oppression. The oppressor frequently uses verbal, emotional, spiritual, financial, and social abuse to violate their victims. All forms of abuse go against the way Jesus calls us to live. All forms of abuse leave scars. All forms of abuse deny the love, the grace, the mercy of our God. Please join us as we leave the shadows and shine the light of God on abuse of all forms of domestic/family violence. The month of October is designated as Domestic/Family Violence Awareness month and the color associated with this recognition is purple. Consider wearing purple to support those who live lives shattered by abuse at the hands of someone they loved and trusted.

Pastor Linda’s FALL Office Hours

Pastor Linda’s fall hours will be Mondays 3:00-4:30 pm and Wednesdays 1-3 pm. Tuesdays will remain as visitation day. Other times available by appointment.


10/1 Layreader: Linda Himeback Acolyte: Tim Frey

World Communion Sunday

Exodus 17:1-7

Philippians 2:1-13

Matthew 21:23-32

10/8 Layreader: Deb Kurtz Acolyte: Hannah Saylor

Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20

Psalm 19

Matthew 21:33-46

10/15 Layreader: Sharon Felegie Acolyte: Emma Felegie

Exodus 32:1-14

Philippians 4:1-9

Matthew 22:1-14

10/22 Layreader: Denise Mathias Acolyte: TBD

Domestic/Family Violence Awareness Sunday/Women of Calvary Service

Scriptures TBA

10/29 Layreader: Becky Crist Acolyte: Eve Felegie

Reformation Sunday

Psalm 90:1-6, 13-17

1 Thessalonians 2:1-8

Matthew 22:34-46

Today we welcome Barbara A. and Donald J. Nuss as new members of Calvary United Church of Christ.

Don was raised in Norristown, Pa. where his church affiliation was Christ Church, W. Marshall Street. He is a 1951 graduate of NHS and served in the US Army ordinance from 1953-1955 as a special re-build engineer stationed in Germany. Don has been employed by ABC Automotive, Lansdale, Pa., Amchem Products, Ambler, Pa., and Devereaux Foundation, Greentown, Pa.

Don’s hobbies have included travel, woodworking, refinishing of household items, restoring dome trunks, acrylic painting, sport activities, gardening, cooking and fishing. He enjoys family time and has helped with many church activities.

Barbara was born in Rahway, NJ and moved numerous times as a student secondary to her father’s occupation. Her earlier church affiliation was also Christ Church in Norristown. Barbara is a graduate of NHS and Montgomery Hospital School of Nursing. She was employed at Montgomery Hospital from 1960-1989 and Wayne Memorial Hospital, Honesdale, Pa. from 1989-1998.

Barbara and Don were married on September 17, 1960. They have four married children and seven grandchildren and formerly lived in Harleysville and Greentown, Pa. Barbara’s hobbies include reading, cooking, music, gardening, quilting, and enjoying sports activities.

Since 2011, Barbara and Don have resided in Spring Valley Village. Welcome to Calvary United Church of Christ. We are pleased to have you join our faith community. Blessings to you both as you celebrate your 57th wedding anniversary.

In Memory Of...

On Saturday, September 16th, two of Calvary's long-time members passed from this life into the realm of eternal life. We continue to hold the family and friends of Grace Gilbert and Forrest Kolb deeply in prayer. We also give thanks for their lives and the promise of Resurrection which God offers to us through Jesus Christ.

Sponsoring SefemO

For the past several years, Calvary UCC has been sponsoring Sefemo Mokholo who lives at the Lephoi Center for Blind Children in the country of Botswanna. Our support of $25 a month helps to cover Sefemo’s educational expenses as well as provide for other necessities.

What do we know about Sefemo? He was born on November 26, 2006 with the ability to see. By age three he completely lost his vision. Sefemo is the oldest of three siblings; he has one sister and one brother. He is a talkative boy who enjoys interacting with other children. And we are told that he loves to get mail which is read to him.

For Sefemo’s upcoming 11th birthday, we would love to shower him with birthday cards. Cards which make noise or “speak” would be a bonus. Please consider putting a card for Sefemo in the basket on the Faith In Action Table in the greeting area (Narthex). We would like to have all cards collected by October 22nd. And, if you are able, consider taking a month to sponsor Sefemo.

A recent letter from Sefemo

Dear Sponsor Parents,

It is by the grace of God that I am able to say that I am doing well. I hope you are also doing fine.

Currently I am back at the Centre where my heart belongs. I am with my friends and we have some other students who have joined us. I hope they will also be my friends. Our centre is really good and we are settling in well. In our country it is the raining season and time of plowing so most farmers are doing what they love most. The problem is that roads and some other buildings are being damaged by the rain. I believe God will take control to restore things.

With much love and hopes to receive a reply soon, your lovely son,




How does our church vision the future of Christianity? Many UCC congregations are asking a range of questions on this subject, from “Who are we, and who is God calling us to be?” or “How do we think beyond our walls to impact the community around us for the better?” to “Where are the younger Christians?”

One way we are already involved in imagining the future is through giving to the UCC’s Strengthen the Church Special Mission Offering. Additional envelopes are located on the Faith in Action Table in the greeting area. With our gifts to this offering, the UCC is able to fund new ministries that experiment with church beyond the walls of our buildings. As we know, the shape of Christianity is changing. The ways the church can have an impact on the world around us are multiplying! Thank you for your continuing support of this special mission offering!

Below are some questions to ponder:

What is church?

A) Worship on Sunday mornings

B) Protests and rallies in support of the least of these

C) Helping to feed the hungry and support the addicted

D) All of the above!

Where is church?

A) In the sanctuary and church building

B) In breweries and coffee shops

C) Around the dinner table

D) All of the above!

Why church?

A) To love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength and our neighbor as ourselves.

B) To be united in Spirit and inspired by God’s grace to welcome all, love all, and seek justice for all.

C) To vision a just world for all, united in Christ’s love.

D) All of the above!

Where does Strengthen the Church money go?

A) To seed brand new churches that bring hope to people on the margins who wouldn’t set foot in church otherwise.

B) To help established churches begin projects working with refugees and immigrants

C) To fund creative ideas experimenting with the new way Christian millennials are gathering.

D) All of the above….and so much more!

If you answered “d) all of the above” then you’re not only correct, but you’re thinking outside the buildings and boxes that have defined the message of Christianity for the last several decades. You’re thinking on the forefront of the UCC and the way in which we are Strengthening the Church not only for the church we have grown up knowing, but for the church God is calling us to be!

2016 Consistory Officers

President – Becky Crist

Vice President – Denise Mathias

Secretary – Connie Jordan

Treasurer – Linda Himeback

2016 Consistory Representatives

The Calvary Spirit 1

Christian Fellowship:

Marlene Latshaw, Becky Crist,

Rona Britton, Shirley Neiman,

Denise Mathias


Tammy Saylor,

Denise Mathias

Church Property:

Scott Freed, Shirley Neiman

Christian Social Ministries:

Marlene Latshaw, Rona Britton,

Stewardship & Evangelism:

Becky Crist

Christian Education:

Connie Jordan, Denise Mathias

Tammy Saylor

Spiritual Council:

Marlene Latshaw,

Scott Freed, Rona Britton

The Calvary Spirit 1


We kicked off our Sunday School year on September 10th with presentations of bibles for Ashley Haring, Eve Felegie and Emma Felegie, a sweet treat to recognize all who attended Sunday School this past year and a performance by Linda Holliday. Both young and old enjoyed Linda’s message of God’s Love through her magic, humor and Baby Chuckee, who she used for her ventriloquist show. If you weren’t with us, you missed a great and entertaining show.

Pastor Linda also anointed and installed the Sunday School Staff who were present.

Sunday School gathers each Sunday morning from 9-10 am. The confirmation class also meets during the Sunday School hour. All children and youth meet in the social hall for a combined class. The Adult Class meets in the Church library. We invite everyone to join us, whether you attend regularly or if it’s been awhile. You will be welcomed with a smile! We hope to see you Sunday!


Youth Fellowship meets the second Sunday of the month after worship.

2017-2018 Youth Fellowship officers

President – Hannah Saylor

Vice President – Eve Felegie Secretary – Elizabeth Saylor Treasurer – Kiera Jordan


The Calvary United Cancer Crusaders would like to thank everyone that supported them for the 2016-17 relay year. We had a goal of $5,000. We were able to raise $7197. Thank you, thank you, thank you. This will go a long way in the fight against cancer!

Join us on October 14th for our Pork and Sauerkraut Dinner from 3-7 pm. Dinner includes Pork, sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls and ice cream. It is all you can eat for a donation of your choice. All proceeds will go to our Relay for Life team, Calvary United Cancer Crusaders. A lot of help is needed to serve and clean up. If you are interested in helping please sign up on the fellowship board. Any questions please see Chris or Denise Mathias.