The Bridges Family Reunion Newsletter

July 2012

Hello family:

It’s time to remember our legacy. The legacy began with Joseph Sufford Bridges and Senora Carol Thompson Bridges and their descendants. This year’s reunion will focus on the importance of voting using the theme, “Voting Is A Privilege, Use It.”

Joe and Senora felt voting were just as precious as gold. They knew the sacrifices that Blacks endured to be able to vote!

There will be a voter registration table for family members who need to do the following:

· Change their address

· Register to vote which includes sixteen and seventeen year olds

As descendants of Joe and Senora, it is important to support the continuation of the reunion. This requires paying yearly dues. The Second Generation pays $40.00 and all other generations pay $30.00. The dues are used primarily to award scholarships in the memory of Joe and Senora.

The Second Generation

Saturday Event July 21, 2012

Meet and Greet

The Meet and Greet will be held at Hopewell Baptist Church, Shelby, NC in the Family Life Center from 5:00 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. The event will begin promptly at 5:00 p.m.

The planning committee has setup the following schedule:

5:00 – 5:30 Games

5:30 – 6:00 Light Refreshments

6:00 – 6:30 Games

The games will be played in stations setup in the Family Life Center. Participants attending the event are encouraged to bring their favorite games.

Sunday Events July 22, 2012


The family will worship with Washington Missionary Baptist Church during their 11 o’clock service. We will meet at 10:45 a.m. in front of the church. This will allow the family to be seated together.

A family representative will present the church a donation in the memory of Joe and Senora T. Bridges. This presentation will be done during the recognition of visitors. Give your donations to Eloise Wilson. We hope all family members will attend service.

The Traditional Family Gathering

The Traditional Family Gathering will begin at 2:30 p.m. in the Family Life Center of Hopewell Baptist Church, Shelby, NC.

The program for the gathering includes the introduction of the descendants of Joe and Senora, recognition of graduates, scholarship awards, and family in the spotlight.

The traditional dinner is potluck. Each family is asked to contribute meat, vegetable or some type of starch, and dessert. All food items must be in disposal containers. The reunion will provide the beverages, paper products, cups, and cutlery.

All graduates are asked to wear their caps and gowns.