The Boston Massacre

1.  Colonist One
2.  Colonist Two
3.  Colonist Three
4.  Colonist Four
5.  Colonist Five
6.  Crispus Attucks
7.  John Adams
8.  Colonial leader
9.  Solider / 10.  Patriot One
11.  Patriot Two
12.  Little boy
13.  Captain Preston
14.  Crowd member one
15.  Hugh Montgomery

Act One

Boston Massachusetts 1769

At the docks by Boston Harbor while waiting for a friend…

Colonist one-This is so unfair! First the King doesn’t ask us what WE want! He doesn’t give us any rights.

Colonist two- Then he makes us pay for taxes to pay off the French and Indian War! England is not being fair!

Colonist three- And what about these soldiers that he has sent to enforce his laws! This is ridiculous.

Colonist Five- Well, at least he repealed the Stamp and Sugar Act.

Colonist two- Yeah, but we STILL have to pay a tax on tea!

Colonist one- Look there is Crispus Attucks getting off the ship!

Colonist four- Mr. Attucks! We are over here! How have you been?

Crispus Attucks- It is good to see you, Ben. Fine thank you. How have things been here in the colonies?

Colonist four- Better, if it wasn’t for those lobsterbacks!

Act Two

Meeting in a home between colonial leaders

John Adams- This is disgraceful! There was a fight this weekend between the townspeople and the soldiers. Several soldiers and colonist were hurt!

Captain Thomas Preston- Your townspeople are acting like barbarians!! It is your job to keep them under control!

Colonial leader- This must end! Blood will surely flow now.

Act Three

Town Square

Attucks is speaking to a crowd

Crispus Attucks- the way to be free is to strike out against those who would enslave you! You must stick together! You are right and must not be afraid! You must have courage.

Patriot one- We will not be taxed by a government that is 300 miles away!

Patriot two- Yes! Samuel Adams stated our rights as Americans some time ago, but the Kind ignored his letter!

Little boy- Hey look! The bloodybacks are coming!!

Solider- What’s going on here?

Attucks- Go home and get some rest! Tomorrow things may clear up.

The crowd begins to drift away talking among themselves.

Act Four

9:00 pm at night. Fire bells are ringing. People rush out of their homes to find Attucks marching toward the square at the head of a small group.

Attucks- There is no fire. The bells are calling all patriots out to help those who are already out.

Crowd member one- What is the trouble?

Attucks- Too many people are being hurt. This is a bad situation.

The crowd is growing as more patriots join to protest.

Captain Preston and eight soldiers show up.

Captain Preston- Go home! These sentries’s are only doing their jobs!

Crowd members start throwing rocks, snowballs and oyster shells at the soldiers.


Hugh Montgomery- Firing, sir!

Several soldiers begin shooting. Crispus Attucks falls dead, several others fall. Hearing the shots Samuel Adams races out in to the streets.

John Adams- (shouting) Stop this disgraceful show!! (Once he sees the dead bodies) Lord have mercy on us all!