Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt

Using the internet sites listed below, answer the following questions about Thanksgiving.

Website #1:

· Which president first proclaimed a Thanksgiving Day?

· What is the cornucopia a symbol of?

· When is Thanksgiving held every year?

Website #2:

· Who was the Ancient Greek goddess of corn?

· When is the Canadian Thanksgiving?

Website #3:

· What did young boy pilgrims typically wear?

· What are breeches?

· Did most pilgrims wear black clothes with big buckles as depicted in most pictures?

Website #4:

· Which of the following foods did the Pilgrims possibly have on the first Thanksgiving?

o Ham?

o Corn on the cob?

o Turkey?

o Indian corn?

o Sweet potatoes?

· When was the national Thanksgiving holiday approved by Congress?

Website #5:

· What kind of businesses are likely to give their employees paid time off for Thanksgiving and the day after?

· What kind of businesses are likely NOT to give their employees a day off around Thanksgiving?

Website #6:

· What tribe of Indians inhabited the area where the Pilgrims landed in 1620?

· What was the Pilgrim custom for women regarding mealtimes?

· Out of the original 102 Pilgrims, how many died the first winter?

· Who was the oldest Pilgrim on the Mayflower?

· How many times was William Bradford reelected governor?

· Were most of the Pilgrims Separatists or Puritans?

· Why aren't leaves green in the fall?


o On the Antiviral Checklist, you should regularly back up what?

o What are discussion forums which focus on computer virus issues called?

o The Anti-virus product AVScan 1.64 detected what percent of simulation infected?

o McCmag virus showed up on what date?


o What type of virus hides in the boot sector of a disk or the partition table of a hard disk and takes over control of the computer system when it is booted?

o What is a boot sector virus that transforms the current boot sector to an unused portion of the disks and marks that portion of the disk as bad sector?

o What is the #9 rule for computer data security?

o Under the heading Safe Computing, #10-c., what does it state?

o Computer fraud in the U.S. exceeds how much money each year?

o Over how much percent of computer fraud goes unreported?

o Computer viruses have been around since the late ___?


o Why are they called viruses?

o What does a Trojan Horse do?

o Can a Cookie contain a virus?


o The McAFEE company is located where?

o Their Virus Map shows infected files for only the United States, T or F?

o What is the definition of Default Password according to McAFEE's glossary?

o Name the hoax that shares its name with a world wide virus which is found in humans?

o What is the #8 tip for virus detection and prevention tips?

o The discovery date of the Baby New Year Hoax was?

o The discovery date of the Pokeman Hoax was?


o In the Abercrombie and Fitch Hoax, what is the name of the author of the letter?

o Can you get a virus from a text-based email?

o Can you receive a virus from a .jpeg image?

o Which hoax shares its name with a popular type of candy?

o The only way to get a real virus is only by downloading or receiving a file that is infected and you run on your computer. True or False?

o Who is the supposed authors of the Disney $5,000 quote?

o Can viruses be transmitted by computer networks?


o What do they list as the two known factors that make a successful hoax?

o Chain letters all have the three recognizable parts. A hook, a threat, and a _______?

o The Picture Through Your Monitor Hoax came out in July of what year?

o What famous singer has a hoax with his name on it that talks about a little girl dying?

o Chain letters that appear to come from a legitimate company but is a scam are called?

o One famous chain letter compared McDonalds to what other fast food restaurant?

o In the Needle on Gas Pump Handles hoax, the police captain from Jacksonville, FL was named?


o What man owns Almar Printing in Kansas City, Missouri, and received the Sam Walton Business Leader Award for 35 years of voluneer work?

o There are about ___________ children's hospitals in the Children's Miracle Network.

o What are the 4 sections of the 4-part company wide commitments?

o Does Wal-mart offer Scholarships?


o When did the first Wal-Mart open?

o Approximately how many people visit the Wal-Mart Visitor's Center each year?

o About how many Americans work at Wal-Mart?

o Where was the first Wal-Mart opened?

o On March 1, 1988, the first Wal-Mart Supercenter opened in what city?

o The largest Supercenter covers how many square feet of retail space?

o How many department stores does each Sam's Club have in them?

o The first International Sam's Club opened in what city?

o How many Supercenters are in China?


o What store did Wal-Mart originate from?

o When was the 5 and Dime first opened?

o When was Sam Walton born?

o What is Wal-Mart's motto?

o How often is Wal-Mart open?


o What is the world's #1 retailer?