Texas Tech University Faculty Senate


May 6, 1998 Minutes #189

Post Tenure Review Resolution

President George relinquished the gavel to Vice-President Olivarez, who directed this portion of the meeting. The Ad-Hoc committee on Post- Tenure Review (Charlotte Dunham, Gary Elbow-Chair, Edward George, Timothy Floyd, and Gerald Skoog) proposed the following resolution:

Whereas the Texas Legislature has passed a law mandating post tenure review for state university faculties, and

Whereas the Texas Tech University administration, with the advice of the University Counsel’s Office, has decided that the law should be implemented through a policy which is separate from the existing O.P. 32.32 on faculty evaluation, and

Whereas the Faculty Senate appointed on April 8 and Ad Hoc Committee on Post Tenure Review to draft appropriate documents in collaboration with the Texas Tech University administration, and

Whereas the Committee, having met four times, including consultation with the President’s Office and input from the Office of Legal Counsel, has completed its charge,

BE IT RESOLVED: 1) That the Faculty Senate approve the accompanying draft of Post Tenure Review Policy, to be styled O.P. 32.31: and 2) That the Faculty Senate approve the accompanying draft Faculty Senate Evaluation Policy, to supersede the existing O.P. 32.32.

Resolution Passed Unanimously