Thursday, 23rd January 2014 at Admaston House

12 members were present plus 4 visitors. The meeting was chaired by the Lay Chairman, Rosalie Wheeldon.

Apologies were received from Rev. Gill Phillips, Claire Broderick, David Strefford, Jean Helm, Jackie Mills, and Sue Woods.

1. Rosalie Wheeldon welcomed members and visitors.

2. The Rev. Prebendary Dr. David Chantrey led the opening prayers remembering Beryl Maclean who passed away just before Christmas.

3. Speaker – The Rev Gill Goodwin “My Study Leave”

Gill spoke firstly about her trip to New Zealand where she visited the oldest church still in use which is in Russell, Bay of Islands. It is called Christchurch and was founded in 1836. She then went on to tell us about the oldest tree Tame Mahuta (tr ‘Lord of the Forest’) which is in the Waipoua Forest, Bay of Islands.

Secondly, she spent a lot of time studying art with help from Rosalie and Mike Wheeldon which she very much appreciated. She is particularly interested in using creativity and craft work with the elderly.

Finally she visited a number of churches with Stuart. They noted the ways these churches made them welcome and whether they would want to return. The greeting and welcome they were given as they walked through the door seemed to be the most important thing in forming their opinion of each church.

4. No refreshments.

5. Questions and discussion on presentation - There was considerable discussion and questions and the responses from Gill made the whole presentation very interesting.

6. Minutes – The minutes of the meeting held on the 16th October 2013 were agreed and signed.

7. Staffing – It had been hoped to have an interim Minister for a period of about six months, but this has not happened for one reason or another. There is to be a Team Council meeting with the Bishop in the near future when we hope to get this moving towards a replacement for the Rev Paul Cawthorne.

8. Courses:

a) Growing Leaders

b) “Living Faith” (Bishop’s Certificate) to start in the not too distant future.

c) “One2Four” a 4 session course to harness the energy of parishes – it is hoped to get someone to help with this.

d) “Discovering of Gifts and Callings” a 6 session’s course and “Worship4today” a course on Leading Worship – we have been thinking for sometime on putting on some sort of course about Leading Worship. It is hoped to get help from the Diocese in providing leaders for these.

9. Mandate/Covenant Review – Still on hold.

10. Diocesan Synod – We still have one vacancy in the House of Laity and if anyone is interested they could speak to Margaret Candlin to get more information about the meetings which amount to about 5 a year and are usually on a Saturday. Margaret offered to give anyone who was interested a lift in her car.

11. Reports from Parishes – Mary Jones said it would be very nice to have more members for the Mothers’ Union and it would be helpful if some encouragement could be given throughout the Deanery.

12. Correspondence – none

13. Next Meetings:

a) Thursday 8th May 2014 at Eaton Constantine Village Hall – The Rev Philip Swan “The Community of St. Chad”.

b) Wednesday 15th October 2014 – venue and topic to be decided.

14. Closing Worship – The meeting closed at 8.50pm with Grace.

