Application Due: Monday, February 17, 2014

Program Description

This CFE grant program offers experienced PreK-8th Grade teachers (“Coaches”) the opportunity to share a Teaching Approach with colleagues across the Chicago public school system. CFE considers a “Teaching Approach” to be a particular methodology or thematic project involving integrated teaching strategies that has been proven to increase student achievement. Teaching Approaches may be focused within one core subject area or integrated across the curriculum. Examples of Study Groups include:


Past Methodology-Based Groups

· Guided Math: A Framework for Differentiated Instruction

· Inquiry-Based Learning in the Elementary Science Classroom

· Using Graphic Novels to Reach Struggling, Resistant, and ESL Learners

Past Project-Based Groups

· Building Student-Teacher Relationships through Photo Journals

· Improving Literacy through the Book Arts

· Math through Architecture

· The Web 2.0 Classroom


Each Coach mentors a team (“Study Group”) of 6-8 teachers (“Team Members”) in implementing this teaching approach in their own classrooms. Coaches will be expected to assist CFE with recruiting Study Group Team Members. Team Members will be selected at the end of April 2014 through a distinct application process. A majority of CFE Study Groups will be district-wide, but a limited number of Network-based and school-based applicants may also be selected.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must be full-time PreK-8th Chicago Public School educators (classroom teachers, librarians, social workers, specialists, etc).

The success of a Study Group rests largely on the Coach’s ability to facilitate and support the learning of others. However, specific professional and/or extra-curricular leadership experience is not a requirement. CFE welcomes applicants who have demonstrated an aptitude for the following:

· Facilitating the learning of others

· Fostering collaboration, reflection, and professional commitment

· Meeting the needs of colleagues and adult learners in general

· Offering critical, substantive feedback and mentoring opportunities

CFE Study Group Coach Award Information

Coach Benefits

· Receive a total of $1,000 ($1,100 with a Character Education Bonus).

o $700 honorarium ($800 with the integration of Character Education/SEL).

o $300 to purchase resources and/or materials for your Study Group.

· Earn up to 28 CPDUs by facilitating professional development for teacher colleagues.

· Receive training on effective Study Group facilitation.

· Develop leadership skills and network with educators from across the Chicago Public School district.

Coach Responsibilities

· Facilitate twelve hours of group meetings (between June and November 2014).

· Utilize meaningful activities to facilitate the learning of others (past Study Groups have worked collaboratively to: examine student work; model and critique lessons; develop curricula; and/or discuss professional texts).

· Participate in two after-school training sessions (tentatively May 7 & 14, 2014).

· Participate in Study Group Kick-Off Dinner Meeting (tentatively June 5, 2014).

· Collect attendance, report on progress, and submit all meeting documentation in a timely manner.

· Welcome classroom visits by your Team Members and CFE observers.

· If asked, present your Study Group Teaching Approach at the Teachers as Leaders & Learners Workshop (specific date TBD; will be in either September or October 2014).

· Offer a Study Group Information Session in the winter of 2015 to colleagues.

Award Criteria

Study Group applications are reviewed and rated on the following criteria:

· Teaching method and benefit to students (30%)

· Approach toward facilitating adult learning (20%)

· Coaching potential and leadership skills (30%)

· How the “Letter of Support” references the qualities listed in the Application Instructions; see Part I: Application Instructions below (10%)

· Overall presentation of application (10%)


School-Based OR District-Wide


Application Due: Monday, February 17, 2014

PART I: Application Instructions

Email your completed application to on or before Monday, February 17, 2014.

In the same email, attach a Letter of Support from your principal, assistant principal, or other individual (school administrator is strongly suggested but not required). The Letter of Support should specifically reference the applicant’s:

o Commitment to teaching and student achievement.

o Leadership abilities exhibited (including relevant examples).

o Personal and/or professional qualities likely to foster adult learning and collaboration.

o School-based and Network-based applicants only: See Part VII for additional requirements.

PART II: Applicant Information

Name: Title (check one) Ms. Mrs. Dr. Mr.

Home Address: Apt:

City: State: Zip:

Race: (optional) Black White Asian American Indian Pacific Islander Other:

E-Mail: Cell: Home:


School-Based OR District-Wide

Current teaching position:

Teacher, Gen Ed

Teacher, Subject:

Specialist, Title:

Other, Title:

What grade(s) do you teach?

Do you hold a leadership role
within your school?

Team Leader N/A


How did you learn of this application? (Check all that apply.)

Principal announcement

Nominated to apply

Another teacher/colleague

CFE Teacher Workshop

CFE poster

CFE email/e-newsletter

CFE mailing

CFE website


What are the top three things
that influenced your decision
to apply to be a coach?

Prior CFE Coach Grant winner

Prior CFE award-winner

Received nomination

Gain leadership experience

Networking opportunities

Colleague recommendation

School asked me to apply

Grant money



School-Based OR District-Wide

How many years have you been teaching? At Current School: In Total: With CPS:

How many students would be impacted by the proposed teaching method? (Conservative estimate):

PART III: School Information

School Name: Principal Name:

School Phone: Principal Email:

School Address: School Fax:

PART IV: Grant Information

TEAM Application* or INDIVIDUAL Application

*If you are applying as a team, EVERY MEMBER of your team must complete Part II of the application.

DISTRICT-WIDE Study Group Application or SCHOOL-BASED* Study Group Application

The Study Group’s focal “Teaching Approach” be a Methodology or Project

Study Group Title:

For which grade levels is this Study Group applicable (MAX of 4 grade levels)?

Primary Subject Area of Study Group (check only one please):


Language Arts



Social Studies

Special Ed


*Please note that school-based applicants will be asked to participate in a school site visit with a CFE staff member.

Guidelines for Parts V, VI, and VII:

o Each response should be approximately 7-10 sentences.

o Any education terminology must be clearly defined.

o If you do type the answers on another sheet, please include the full question before each response.

PART V: Application Questions (All Applicants)

Q1. Provide an overview of your proposed Study Group, including the instructional methods employed in the focal Teaching Approach. CFE considers a “Teaching Approach” to be a particular methodology or thematic project involving integrated teaching strategies.


Q2. What specific kinds of student activities are included in your Teaching Approach and exactly how do these activities engage students in the learning process?


Q3. How has your Teaching Approach impacted student achievement in your classroom? Share the tools used for measurement, as well as examples of quantitative and qualitative results you have experienced.


Q4. What specific professional learning activities (i.e. literature reviews, text studies, journals, etc) will you utilize to facilitate Team Member understanding of your Teaching Approach? How specifically will you engage Team Members in these activities?


Q5. Please discuss the biggest challenge you anticipate in leading a group of diverse adult learners. How specifically might you overcome this projected challenge? (To former Coaches: How do you plan to approach your Study Group differently this year?)


Q6. How will you and your Team Members maintain collaborative relationships throughout the learning and implementation phases of the Study Group process?


Q7. Specifically explain three to four qualities (personal and/or professional) that make you a strong Study Group Coach candidate.


Q8. Share one teaching and one non-teaching experience in which you have fulfilled a leadership and/or collaborative role.


PART VI: Character Education (CE)/Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) Applicants Only

Choose One:

Yes! I am applying for a Character Education/SEL Bonus for my Study Group and will be answering the two questions listed below.

No. I am not applying for a Character Education/SEL Bonus and will skip to Part VII of this application.

CFE will award $100 Character Education/SEL Bonuses to Coaches who incorporate the principles of Character Education and/or Social and Emotional Learning Standards into their Teaching Approach. For more information, including Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) grade level goals, standards, and the new Math & English Language Arts Common Core Standards, please refer to the ISBE website (

If you would like to be considered for a Character Education/SEL Bonus, you must check the first box above and answer the two additional questions below. If you apply for, but do not win, a Character Education/SEL Bonus, you will still be considered for a $1,000 Study Group Coach Grant.

Q9. Describe the specific Character Education concepts and/or SEL standards you will integrate into your methodology or project. How will you model these CE/SEL concepts and/or standards for your Team Members during the Study Group experience?


Q10. How specifically will you and your Team Members evaluate the success of the Character Education/SEL component of this project as the teaching approach is implemented with students in the classroom?


PART VII: Network- or School-Based* Applicants Only

Choose One:

Yes! I am applying for a Network- or School-Based Study Group and will answer the following questions.

No. I am applying for a district-wide Study Group Coach Grant, and therefore will not be answering the following questions.

A majority of CFE Study Groups are open to teachers across the district. However, if your area or school would like to limit participation to teachers within your specific community, you must check the first box above and answer the two additional questions below. If you are applying to lead a community-specific Study Group, your letter of support must be from your Principal or another senior administrator. In addition to the components listed above in Part I: Application Instructions, your letter must corroborate:

o The need to limit your Study Group to this particular teacher population (school or Network).

o How your administration will support you throughout this leadership experience.

o How your administration will identify potential Team Member candidates, and help encourage their participation for the program’s duration.

*Please note that school-based applicants will be asked to participate in a school site visit with a CFE staff member.

Q11. Why are you requesting that your Study Group be limited to this particular population of teachers? What specific network-wide or school-wide goals will be met as a result of your Study Group being network-based or school-based, respectively?


Q12. In what specific ways do you envision your administration supporting your Study Group? How will they support the implementation of your teaching approach by all Team Members?
