I, (Student – printed name)_________________________________________ , have read and understand all policies in the student handbook issued to me. I have also read and understand the policies and procedures for my MATH class. I agree that I will do my best to abide by these guidelines at all times. I agree that I will behave in a manner that is becoming of a responsible young adult who is representing Rider High School, both on and off campus.

I will do my best to be a model student and citizen. I will show respect for myself, my school, and other students and have consideration for cultural differences. I will continually challenge myself to reach my academic potential.

I agree that I will take a personal interest in my own learning and academic progress by applying myself at school and at home. I believe that I can learn and will learn. I will take responsibility for my actions, my assignments, and my preparations or lack thereof. When I do not live-up to my potential, I will correct the problem by attending tutorials, studying for tests, and communicating any academic concerns to my teacher(s), so that I may reach my academic potential.

_______________________________________________ ______________________

Student signature Date

I, (Parent/guardian – printed name) __________________________________________,

have read and understand all policies/guidelines stated in my son’s/daughter’s handbook and MATH class. I agree that I will do my best to help my child succeed by being actively involved in his/her learning. I will encourage him/her by doing the following:

* see that my child attends school regularly and is punctual

* establish a time and place for homework and check it regularly

* support the school staff, and respect the cultural differences of others

* monitor TV and movie viewing

I understand that I am encouraged to contact my child’s teacher when concerns arise. The school phone number is 940-235-1077.

_______________________________________________ ______________________

Parent/guardian signature Date

Students must be given the opportunity to learn and succeed. Therefore, I will provide an environment conducive to learning; have high expectations for myself, my students and school; maintain open lines of effective communication; encourage parent participation and support; and respect students and their parents.

_______________________________________________ ______________________

Teacher signature Date