Tallahassee Region AACA

Membership Application

Dues for new members are $25.00. Those joining after September 1st will be paid up through the next year. Annual membership dues (due on Jan 1st) for renewing members are $25.00 ($30.00 after February1st). Dues must accompany application/renewal (except renewing Charter Members).
Make checks payable to: Tallahassee Region AACA.

Antique vehicle ownership is not a prerequisite.

Please print or type

____New Member ____Annual Renewal ____Life Member

Name ___________________________________ Birthday (mo/day) ___________

Address ____________________________________________

City ______________________________ State ____________ Zip ____________

Telephone: Home: ___________________ Work: ___________________

E-Mail Address _____________________________________

(Members with internet access can download the monthly newsletter from the club website at http://TRAACA.org.)

AACA Member number: ______________________

NOTE: It is a requirement of AACA that membership in a local region requires that you must also become a member of the National Club. Please ask any club officer for information.

Applicant Signature ________________________________ Date _______________

Optional Information:

Occupation: ____________________________________________

Spouse’s name: ___________________________ Birthday (mo/day) ___________

Children’s names/birthdays (living at home):


Please list classic/antique vehicles you own (continue list on the other side if necessary)

Year Make Model

_______ ________________ _____________________

_______ ________________ _____________________

_______ ________________ _____________________

_______ ________________ _____________________

What is your favorite activity with antique vehicles? ________________________


Complete and mail to: Tallahassee Region AACA

P.O. Box 3903

Tallahassee, Fl 32315

or bring to the next club meeting or event.

Updated 08/14/13