General Description:

This game is modeled after “Jeopardy” or “Taboo.” Players take turns trying to get their partner to guess the words in a specified category by giving oral clues describing each word.

How to Play:

1. Create a list of 5-7 terms under a category title that you will show in the front of the class when the game begins.

2. Organize students into pairs, standing face to face with one player designated the talker and facing the words, while the other player is back to them.

3. On your signal, reveal the terms and say, “Go!”

4. The objective is for the students facing the list of words to immediately tell their partner the category (such as Geometry) and attempt to get them to say all of the terms within the minute by only providing them clues such as definitions, synonyms, antonyms, but they can not say any of the words on the list first or rhyming words.

5. The first team to correctly identify all of the words in the category raises their arms. All other teams stop talking. Award the winning team a point.

6. Discuss the different clues used to describe each word. Which clues were most helpful? Why?

7. Designate a new talker for each team and begin the next round with new words.


• Remind students that

o they may not use any of the words in the category title

o they may not use any rhyming words

Talk-a-Mile-a-Minute is quick, easy, fun, engaging, cooperative learning, and provides instant feedback to the teacher on their students' progress with vocabulary or unit concepts.