TASK STATEMENT: Computed Tomography
Steps in Task Performance:
Prerequisite Tasks: / Enabling Objective:A. Assess Request / 1. Identify procedure to be performed. (Ck)
2. Identify and check orders on chart. (Ck)
3. List any clinical information from patient chart on request. (Ck)
B. Prepare Patient for Exam / 1. Describe to patient the clothing to be removed (if necessary). (Cc)
2. Briefly explain procedure (exam) to patient.
3. Request patient history (present s) conditions, previous surgeries, etc). (P)
4. Demonstrate medical ethics. (A)
5. Administer final dose of oral contrast (if needed.)
C. Prepare Exam Room for Procedure / 1. Gantry at zero degree angulation. ( P)
2. Table set at correct height for patient transport.
3. Table set-up for correct exam (i.e., head holder engaged for head scan, arm boards connected if applicable, etc.).
4. Fill pressure injector with appropriate contrast using aseptic technique.
5. Ready venipuncture supplies for technologist including:
a. clean tourniquet
b. proper needles/angiocaths
c. heparin lock and saline (if appropriate)
d. Betadine/Alcohol swabs
e. tape and gauze
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Prerequisite Tasks: / Enabling Objective:D. Position Patient Properly / 1. Position patient supine/prone per exam accepted protocol. (P) for each one:
2. Position patient head/feet first per exam accepted protocol.
3. Place arms in required position-dependent upon exam to be completed.
4. Set table at correct height for part of body to be scanned.
E. Prepare for CT Scan / 1. Type patient’s name, ID number, historical data and physician’s name onto data page. (P)
2. Select appropriate scan default/protocol selection at input station. (Ce)
3. Instruct patient on time of exposure, need to hold still and proper breathing instructions. (P)
F. Perform Procedure, with Technologist
accurately and efficiently. / 1. Perform “scout” view on part to be sectioned,
utilizing correct view angle (P)
2. Select correct scan thickness and table incrementation for body part. (P)
3. Demonstrate a basic knowledge of anatomy for proper part coverage. (Ck)
4. Initiate scans at proper timeframe, post injection of contrast (if applicable). (P)
5. Perform “region-of-interest” measurements where applicable.
G. Perform Post-Scan Functions / 1. Check image completeness of study: (P) for each
a. all images included
b. all settings included
c. no processor related error
H. Dismiss Patient from Department per Technologist Request. / 1. Show alertness of patient status (if ER, OP or house-patient). (A)
2. Direct patient to proper writing area. (P)
3. Call report to attending physician if necessary. (P)
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Title of Procedure______
To the Evaluator: Observe the student preparing for and taking a radiograph of the type specified above. Evaluate the student using the following checklist. If you check other than “Satisfactory”, please comment. If the standards specified in the checklist are accomplished, check “PASS”, if the standards are not met, check “NO PASS”.
Procedure: / SAT / UNSAT / N/A / Comments:1. Evaluate CT request (check orders)
2. I.D. patient - assess condition
3. Prepare patient - explain exam
4. Prepare table set up
5. Request history
6. Position patient accurately for exam
7. Assist Technologist with injector set up
8. Gather venipuncture supplies for exam
9. Select correct patient information onto data page
10. Select correct exam defaults (if possible)
11. Instruct patient of exposure time/breathing instructors (if applicable)
12. Performs scan with Technologist.
13. Review the scan with aid of technologist.
14. Transmit the scan to PACS
15. Properly discharge the patient per technologist request.
16. Return room to pre-exam set up
17. Student efficiency / Time length of exam: ______
PASS ______NO PASS ______
Instructor Initial Student Initial
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Title of Procedure______
To the Evaluator: Observe the student preparing for and taking a radiograph of the type specified above. Evaluate the student using the following checklist. If you check other than “Satisfactory”, please comment. If the standards specified in the checklist are accomplished, check “PASS”, if the standards are not met, check “NO PASS”.
Procedure: / SAT / UNSAT / N/A / Comments:1. Evaluate CT request (check orders) / -5
2. I.D. patient - assess condition / -2
3. Prepare patient - explain exam / -5
4. Prepare table set up / -5
5. Request history / -5
6. Position patient accurately for exam / -5
7. Assist Technologist with injector set up / -5
8. Gather venipuncture supplies for exam / -5
9. Select correct patient information onto data page / -5
10. Select correct exam defaults (if possible) / -15
11. Instruct patient of exposure time/breathing instructors (if applicable) / -10
12. Performs scan with Technologist. / -10
13. Review the scan with aid of technologist. / -10
14. Transmit the scan to PACS with aid of tech. / -5
15. Properly discharge the patient per technologist request. / -5
16. Return room to pre-exam set up / -5
17. Student efficiency / -5 / Time length of exam: ______
PASS ______NO PASS ______
Instructor Initial Student Initial
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