Syllabus: Chevalier, 7th grade English Language Arts ~ BMS

Syllabus: Mrs Chevalier ~ 7th Grade English Language Arts, 2014-2015

Eagles Team ~ GW Bush Middle School

Required Supplies

It is very important that all students come prepared to every class with all necessary supplies including:

Syllabus: Chevalier, 7th grade English Language Arts ~ BMS

·  Binder

·  Lined paper

·  Sticky notes

·  Pencils

·  Glue sticks

·  Completed homework

·  Student Planner

·  Reading book

·  Literature textbook (GenEd) or Reading book: Catherine, Called Birdy (Honors)

Syllabus: Chevalier, 7th grade English Language Arts ~ BMS

·  Spiral notebook with 100+ pages, 8-½” x 11” (3-subject or 5-subject notebooks are fine)

Student Planner

The students have been reviewed on the procedures and responsibilities at Bush Middle School, and understand how to use their student planner to keep track of assignments for each class. It is very important that all students and families thoroughly review the first 14 pages of the student planner, which outlines all important information for Bush Middle School. Students’ planners will be checked every week at school and at home.


During the 1st quarter, students will be assigned a textbook for the school year. At the end of the school year, students are financially responsible for returning the textbook in a condition similar to when it was checked out.

Students can store their textbooks in the classroom or in their lockers; students can take their textbooks home anytime. Textbooks need to be ready for class every day.

Syllabus: Chevalier, 7th grade English Language Arts ~ BMS

English Language Arts: Literature textbook

·  Hardback textbook = $70.00

·  Online access is available at (students will gain online access codes during the 1st quarter of the school year)

(Honors English Language Arts will be assigned additional various required reading books.)

Syllabus: Chevalier, 7th grade English Language Arts ~ BMS

Reading Practice

A part of each student’s responsibilities is to read daily. Individual sustained reading is imperative to build vocabulary and to practice reading skills. Students will be accountable for individual reading by submitting four specific reports on four separate novels each semester. Students can choose which book reports to submit; book reports will become available and unavailable as students are learning and as they master skills.

Students must bringing a current reading book to class every day:

Ø  Some in-class time is dedicated to individual reading

Ø  Reading books can be required for in-class activities and review

Ø  Students need reading books to re-take skills’ assessments

**Very limited in-class time is available to visit the library… students need to be use their own in-school time to visit the library when needed.


Along with reading, your student may have reading and/or writing homework, including work not completed in class. Homework and classwork is expected to be turned in on-time, complete, and of high quality. Students are informed of all assignments’ due dates when they are assigned, and reminded of due dates in-class on a daily basis. Assignments and due dates are also available on the class website, and are attached to the individual Skyward grade link. Students are responsible for obtaining their own homework assignments for any classes missed.

Syllabus: Chevalier, 7th grade English Language Arts ~ BMS

CORE, CORE2, and CORE Academy

CORE/FLEX time is built into the daily schedule at Bush Middle School. Students who are not assigned or need CORE time have social FLEX options with their peers.

®  CORE: Students and teachers can use this time together to build, practice, and show proficiency in skills and assignments.

®  CORE2: Students are assigned this time for focus on incomplete work.

®  CORE Academy: Students who will benefit from additional time outside of this classroom are assigned this after-school time with focused teacher interventions.

Chevy’s Website

What can you find on Chevy’s website?

Syllabus: Chevalier, 7th grade English Language Arts ~ BMS

*  Link to the online textbook!

*  Link to the library!

*  Link to the Skyward gradebook!

*  Assignments and due dates!

*  Upcoming events to remember!

Syllabus: Chevalier, 7th grade English Language Arts ~ BMS

If you would like to opt out of having your student’s photos shown on any district, school, or teacher website, please follow our district procedures for opting out. For more information please visit:

Academic Grades:

Syllabus: Chevalier, 7th grade English Language Arts ~ BMS

A students’ academic grade represents how the student shows knowledge of English Language Arts skills.

Syllabus: Chevalier, 7th grade English Language Arts ~ BMS

Academic Grading Scale:






Students’ academic grade is weighed by categories:

Final Products/Projects: 90%

Practice Assignments & Reading Practice: 10%

Syllabus: Chevalier, 7th grade English Language Arts ~ BMS

Projects and assignments to show knowledge of skills are scored via a rubric, which lays out the expectations of the assignment and clearly explains what students need to do to show they reach standard. (Assignments with rubrics can be found on the classroom website.)

CATEGORY / 4 = 100% = A / 3 = 80% = B- / 2 = 65% = D / 1 = 50% = F
Academics / Student has strong understanding of standard and is able to convey this through exceptional work that goes above and beyond the requirements of the assignment. / Student shows solid understanding of standard and may be able to show above-quality work in some areas. / Student shows some understanding of standard and is approaching solid work. / Student needs significant work to show understanding of standard.

What if I want to improve my grade?

Ø  Assignments can be improved for a better grade or score. Assignments and projects that do not reach standard are required to be re-done. CORE time is available for students who need time and guidance in order to reach standard.

Ø  Quizzes that do not reach standard can be re-taken to show standard. All quizzes can be re-taken during CORE time; students must successfully complete all related practices or assignments before re-taking a quiz!

Non-Academic Grades:

Students will also earn behavior grades in the categories of participation and work completion. Students self-assess themselves in these areas based on the following rubric:


Syllabus: Chevalier, 7th grade English Language Arts ~ BMS

CATEGORY / 4 = A = 100% / 3 = B = 80% / 2 = C = 70% / 1 = F = 50%
Focus on Task; Work Ethic / Student consistently stays focused on the task. Student is very self-directed and is a leader in following directions and procedures. / Student usually stays focused on the task. Student works independently and follows teacher directions and procedures. / Student stays focused on the task with some teacher reminders. Student works independently and follows teacher directions and procedures with some reminders. / Student struggles with focus in class, and needs frequent reminders. Student struggles with following teacher directions and procedures.
Cooperation / Student always has a positive attitude, and plays an active role in large group, small group, or paired activities. / Student often has a positive attitude, and participates consistently in large group, small group, or paired activities. / Student usually has a positive attitude, and sometimes participates in large group, small group, or paired activities. / Student sometimes shows a negative attitude; student may struggle with participation in varied groupings, and/or relies on the work of others.
Following Rules / Student’s strong character raises the level of others’ participation and improves class dynamics. / Student’s character sometimes raises the level of others’ participation and improves class dynamics. / Student’s character is quiet and reserved; student is working on raising level of participation. / Student’s character may harm others’ participation and/or class dynamics.
Respect / Student always shows respect for self, others, the classroom, and others’ property; student helps show others how to be kind. / Student usually shows respect for self, others, the classroom, and others’ property. / Student sometimes shows respect for self, others, the classroom, and others’ property; sometimes student needs reminders. / Student struggles to show respect, and may cross the boundaries with others’ feelings, personal space, and/or property.

Work Completion

Syllabus: Chevalier, 7th grade English Language Arts ~ BMS

CATEGORY / 4 = A = 100% / 3 = B = 80% / 2 = C = 70% / 1 = F = 50%
Work Completion / Student work is always turned in on-time or early, and work goes beyond the stated requirements of completeness. / Student work is usually turned in on-time, and work meets the requirements of completeness. / Student work is often not turned in on-time, and/or work often does not meet the requirements of completeness. / Student work is rarely turned in on-time, and rarely meets the requirements of completeness.

Students’ grades and progress can be accessed online anytime via Skyward Family Access.

Syllabus: Chevalier, 7th grade English Language Arts ~ BMS

Eagles English Language Arts 2014-2015


  In-District Benchmark Tests (used for data and planning)

  Direct teaching of reading skills

  In-class stories and comprehension exercises (Text: McDougal Littell Literature)

  Literary Reading: novels, short stories, drama, poetry, prose, etc.

  Informational Reading: articles, speeches, autobiographies, essays

  Projects to assess reading skills

  Assessments and quizzes to assess reading skills

  Novel study and Literature Circles (Honors class)


  Reading practice

  Celebration of Dr. Seuss: Read Across America


!  Direct teaching of writing process, writing standards, elaboration techniques, and literary devices

!  In-class “Qwik Writes”

!  Various writing assignments including: vocabulary, poetry using literary devices, advertisements, and journal writing

!  Formulated responses to literature

!  Writing projects

?  Descriptive Narrative

?  Expository research writing for Science Fair

?  Argumentative essay on an environmental issue

!  Using technology to research, publish, share, and collaborate

Speaking & Listening

^  Direct teaching of oral language skills for discussion and presentation

^  Literature inquiry discussions

^  Speeches, and evaluating speeches

^  Using technology to enhance presentations


O  Unit: The Power of Language

O  Direct teaching of grammar skills

O  Grammar practice and activities

O  Practicing vocabulary in context

O  Analysis of accurate use of grammar, vocabulary, and spelling within writing

O  Direct teaching of vocabulary

O  Vocabulary practice and quizzes

English Language Arts Common Core State Standards, 7th Grade


1.  Determine explicit text and make logical inferences, citing text to support conclusions.

2.  Find main idea and summarize with key supporting details.

3.  Analyze how and why story elements interact.

4.  Interpret words and phrases in text, including denotations, connotations, and figurative meanings; analyze how word choice effects meaning and tone.

5.  Analyze how text structure relates to the whole.

6.  Analyze how point of view or purpose shapes content and style of text.

7.  Integrate and evaluate content in diverse media and formats.

8.  Evaluate the relevance and validity of reasoning of arguments and claims in text.

9.  Analyze, compare and contrast themes or topics presented in multiple texts.

10.  Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts.


1.  Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or informational and literary texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

2.  Write informative/explanatory text to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.

3.  Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.

4.  Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

5.  Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, drafting, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.

6.  Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing to interact and collaborate with others.

7.  Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects based on focused questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.

8.  Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of each source, and integrate the information using MLA citations to avoid plagiarism.

9.  Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

10.  Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes and audiences.

Speaking & Listening

1.  Participate in a range of oral collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing persuasively.

2.  Integrate and evaluate information from diverse formats.

3.  Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence.

4.  Present information so listeners can follow the reasoning and organization, with style appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

5.  Use diverse digital media to effectively enhance informational presentations.

6.  Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, using correct English.


7.  Show correct conventions of grammar in writing and speaking.

8.  Show correct capitalization, punctuation, and spelling in writing.

9.  Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts to aid comprehension and make choices for meaning and style

10.  Clarify word meaning through context clues, analysis of word parts, and resources.

11.  Show understanding of word relationships and nuances in connotations.

12.  Show ability to independently acquire vocabulary sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career-readiness level.