
We, the undersigned, agree that we have been given the following information, and understand it fully.

I. The school agrees to provide:

A. Supervision

B. Instruction

C. Promote Safety

II. To abide by all written rules regarding behavior and safety:

A. SWHS Cheerleader Constitution

B. SWHS Rules and Regulations

III. That participation in cheerleading may cause injury. Reasonable precaution will be exercised to avoid injury, but I understand the school assumes no financial obligation for any injury that may occur.

A. Conditioning and strength training will be required to limit injury.

IV. Sweet Water High School requires that each athlete have adequate insurance coverage against injury while in practice or performance.

V. I give permission for treatment of illness and injury that may be sustained while performing cheerleading duties.

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Signature of Cheerleader Signature of Parent

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Name of Doctor Signature of Parent

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Insurance Company Policy Number

