ACT Health 10th Annual Allied Health Symposium-2017

“The 3 R’s-Back to Basics or Forward to the Future?”

[Responsive Services, Reliable Systems and Resilient Workforce]

Wednesday 5th April 2016-12.00pm-5.00pm- Gandel Hall, National Gallery of Australia


The aim of the annual ACT Health allied health symposium is to bring together our diverse allied health workforce from the clinical, education, research and management and leadership practice domains. Our gathering in a common place provides a forum at which ideas, visions, challenges, strategies and research can be examined and shared.


The objective of the 2017 Symposium is to provide an opportunity for allied health practitioners to reflect on the ‘basics’ of effective practice (‘the 3 R’s’) and to consider how these can or have been applied in the workplace to drive our reform and innovation agenda.

To facilitate this objective, the Symposium program will be shaped by the contributions of both external keynote speakers and local allied health presenters ranging from clinicians through to experienced allied health researchers.


The 2017 Allied Health Symposium will bring together a range of external and local speakers to

explore and challenge our perceptions of what it means for us as practitioners to promote and

participate in shaping and sustaining Responsive Services, Reliable Systems and Resilient Workforce

and linking these to our reform and innovation agenda.

Reform and innovation summary -details of each theme provided over the page

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·  Access

·  Quality

·  Mental Health

·  Innovation and sustainability

·  Culture

·  Partnerships

·  Infrastructure

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The 3 R’s-Back to Basics or Forward to the Future?

Responsive Services, Reliable Systems and Resilient Workforce

Linking the Symposium Theme to ACT Health Reform and Innovation Themes

1: Access – is about improving ACT Health’s front door, and how we deliver excellence in patient and family centred care. Included in this stream are projects focused on clinical service redesign and whole of hospital coordinated care.

2: Quality – is about setting meaningful and achievable goals and standards for the provision of healthcare in the Territory, benchmarking against our peers, and driving continual improvement.

3: Mental Health – a key focus for most contemporary health services is the effective, efficient and supportive implementation of mental health services. This theme will focus on assessing and implementing contemporary delivery models for mental health services.

4: Innovation and Sustainability – looking to the future, this theme centres around encouraging strategic thinking, developing a strong program and project delivery capability, and enabling safe access to technological and methodological advances in healthcare to the Canberra community.

5: Culture – this theme encompasses workforce strategies, as well as ethos, ethics, and the Directorate’s approach to a positive working environment. Three key elements include instilling a culture of service, reducing the incidence of unacceptable behaviour in the workplace, and emphasising ‘care’ as central to the delivery of health services.

6: Partnerships – developing and building on existing relationships across the ACT Government, the community and our service delivery partners including NSW and Calvary Hospital. This theme also encompasses our research and educational partners, as well as exploring the possibilities for partnerships with the private sector to support the efficient delivery of ACT Health services.

7: Infrastructure – an enabling service, infrastructure is essential to the delivery of health services. In the immediate future, ACT Health will focus on: optimal utilisation of existing assets, the on time and on budget delivery of capital works, and detailed evidence-based forward planning.

CALL FOR POSTERS-ACT Health 10th Annual Allied Health Symposium-2017

·  Make sure the theme of your poster relates to at least one of the Symposium themes.

·  Your abstract should do two things-tell the Symposium Committee what you are going to ‘talk about’ in your poster, and persuade them that people will be interested in coming along to view your poster.

·  Please provide a title for your poster-an interesting or catchy title helps but please make sure it accurately reflects the Symposium theme(s) and your presentation.

If you need assistance please contact


·  Please provide a title for your poster-an interesting or catchy title helps that accurately reflects the Symposium theme(s) and your poster content. If you need assistance please contact

·  All posters must be AO in size (841 x 1189 mm).

·  All posters must be PORTRAIT orientation.

·  A poster design and information session will be conducted for all successful applicants in February 2017 (date and time to be advised).

·  Poster Grants-up to 10 poster grants valued at $250 each will b awarded to successful applicants to fund the design and printing of a single A0 portrait poster; poster grant applications will be assessed by the Symposium Committee and a ranking system established if demand exceeds the available number of grants.


·  Abstract should be written on Abstract Cover Sheet-see next page

·  Title should be Calibri Bold 14 point single spaced

·  Poster author(s) information should be set two lines below the title in Calibri 11 point

·  The body of your abstract should be set two lines below presenter/author information.

·  Body of the abstract should be in Calibri 11 point with 1.5 line spacing and double spacing between paragraphs.

·  Maximum of 300 words.

·  If you have an existing poster that aligns with the Symposium themes please still complete the abstract cover sheet and attach a PDF of your poster.


How you write your abstract is up to you but the Symposium Committee encourages you to use the following headings:

1.  Introduction

2.  Objectives

3.  Methods or Approach used

4.  Practice Implications

5.  Conclusion

·  Introduce the context of your poster, including the Symposium theme(s) your poster responds to. Use this opportunity to set up the context of your poster and objectives of your project; outline how the question/issue informing your poster is interesting and worth answering.

·  Outline your poster/project, the theoretical or practical techniques/approach you used and how you addressed the question/issue/symposium theme(s).

·  Summation of practice implications arising from your project, including relevance to a wider context-particularly in relation to patients and families but also your discipline and/or your service.

Section 1: Primary contact person for this poster abstract.
Section 2: Please circle below if you wish to apply for a Poster Grant.
Yes-I wish to apply for a poster grant.
No- I have an existing poster (please send PDF of existing poster with completed abstract).
Section 3: ABSTRACT (maximum 300 words)
Poster Author(s) Information-include all authors.
Start typing here (in accordance with Layout requirements as per page 2 of this document)

Please submit your abstract to

By 5.00pm Friday 23rd January 2017

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