Study Questions for Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Read from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight in the textbook and answer the following questions.

Part 1

1. What expectations are raised by the time of year in which the poem is set?

2. How is Arthur characterized?

3. What is the initial reaction of the court to the Green Knight’s challenge?

4. Who first comes forward to meet the Green Knight’s challenge?

5. What motivates Gawain to accept the challenge?

6. Can you think of any significance beyond the miraculous for the beheading episode?

Part 2

1. At what season does Gawain set out on his quest? How is this significant?

2. What agreement does Gawain make with his host?

3. Gawain has three encounters with the lady in this section. Why might he feel some conflict?

4. How does Gawain’s guide test him? How does Gawain respond? In what way is his response chivalrous?

5. How are the chapel and its surroundings described?

6. How does Gawain respond to each of the Green Knight’s blows?

7. How does the Knight explain the blows? What is his evaluation of Gawain?

8. What is Gawain’s reaction to the Knight’s revelation?

9. Why will Gawain wear the green girdle?

Understanding Medieval Romances

Medieval romances were popular adventure stories of the Middle Ages. Originally cast in verse, they were later sometimes told in prose. In England, the best known of the medieval romances involve King Arthur and his knights. Below is a series of characteristics of medieval romances. For each, cite at least two details from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight that demonstrate the characteristic.

1. Medieval romances convey a sense of the supernatural.

2. Medieval romances give a glamorous portrayal of castle life.

3. Chivalric ideals—bravery, honor, courtesy, fairness to enemies, respect for women—guide the characters.

4. Medieval romances are imbued with adventure.