Please sign and mail to Right Way, P.O. Box 11701, Cedar Rapids, IA 52410
Winter Weather Driving Waiver
I, _________________, (father, mother, or guardian) of __________________________,
acknowledge that while my son or daughter is driving during winter months, they will be subjected to weather conditions and terrains that are much different than those driven during other seasons of the year.
I also acknowledge that Right Way does not follow school cancellations. Because oftentimes the interstates are hazardous but the residential areas are not, and vice versa, I understand Right Way will try to make the most of the opportunities given during the winter months and will still drive even though schools may have canceled.
I give permission for my son or daughter to drive during winter months knowing the risk involved will be higher than when not driving in winter weather.
____________________________ __________________
(Signature ) (Today’s Date)
Please list student’s cell phone number in case the instructor would need to communicate with student prior to their drive time.