Straight Talk Tax Time

Training Guide

(Internal Use Only)


Friday, 2/3/2017 – 2pm- 8pm

Saturday, 2/4/2017 – 10am- 4pm

Friday, 2/10/2017 – 2pm- 8pm

Saturday, 2/11/2017 – 10am- 4pm

Friday, 2/17/2017 – 2pm- 8pm

Saturday, 2/18/2017 – 10am- 4pm

Friday, 2/24/2017 – 2pm- 8pm

Saturday, 2/25/2017 – 10am- 4pm

NOTE: These are 6 hour demos, but if your store allows you to set up the Straight Talk Tent each shift you should arrive 15 minutes early to do so (additional 15 minutes will be paid only if tent is set up).



ü / Task / Due Date
Receive your Demo Kits
·  You will receive (3) shipments needed for this Demo: your demo kit (which will include PDQ Tray and Demo Phone), your Straight Talk Tent Shipment and the Corrugate Table Shipment (standees will go directly to store).
·  Review all Paperwork included in your Demo Kit, including pre-visit paperwork
·  Use the Demo Kit Packing Lists on page 3 to be sure you have all materials needed. / Before your first Demo Day
Pre-Visit your Store as a Straight Talk Associate (share/gather the following information):
·  Be pleasant and accommodating to the Management team during your visit.
·  Capture the Name of Manager you spoke to and enter online with your report. Anyone from customer service is not acceptable).
·  Review the Pre-Visit Leave-Behind Sell Sheet and leave it with the Manager. Be sure to review Straight Talk Demo Event Dates listed at the bottom of the Leave behind.
·  Review a copy of the Letter of Authorization approved by Walmart Corporate that is in your demo kit.
·  Ask about the best placement for the table and tent (preferably near the front of the store).
·  Ask the store where they will store the shipment of (3) Standee signs that were sent to them; 2 to place next to your table during your Demo, and 1 to place in the Electronics department.
·  Conduct inventories outlined on Pre-Visit Report Form
·  Enter Pre-Visit Report Form online immediately after visit (by 1/30)
Contact your Supervisor immediately of any objections regarding demo execution from Mgmt. / 1/25-1/30
What to Wear each Demo Day:
·  Black or Khaki Pants
·  Straight Talk T-Shirt sent in your kit
·  Closed toe shoes (no gym shoes)
·  Straight Talk Lanyard & Nametag (write your name on it) / Before each Demo Day
What to bring to each Demo Day:
·  Straight Talk Canopy / Tent
·  Corrugate Table
·  Entire Demo Kit (you may remove some premiums and brochures to lighten your load)
·  The Samsung S5 Phone completely charged
·  Have your Demo Execution Checklist/ Demo Cheat Sheet (page 5 &6) handy for step by step instructions of what to do upon arrival at the store / Before each Demo Day
Demo Rules:
·  Work your entire 6 hour shift. Do not take down your table early.
·  Do not leave the Samsung S5 Phone unattended for any reason. Keep it with you at all times during your Demo.
·  You are allowed (2) 15 minutes breaks. These breaks cannot be combined.
·  Be courteous and polite to all Walmart Staff members.
·  Do not eat at your Demo table.
·  Do not sit or use a chair even if a Walmart associate offers you one.
·  Do not leave your Demo Kit at the store. You must take it home with you after each Demo Day.
·  Do not use your personal cell phone at the Demo Table unless it is your Supervisor. Do not use headphones or listen to music during your demo. / ongoing

v  Review the checklist below to ensure you understand and complete all tasks needed before your Demo starts.


·  Before you execute your first demo, you should have the following materials newly shipped to you. Make sure you have everything listed below before execution. Everything shipping to you will reach you no later than 2/2/2017.

1 / Paperwork:
·  Training Guide (this document)
·  Training Instructions
·  Money Center directions
·  Pre-visit Leave Behind Sell Sheet
·  Pre-visit Visit Guide & Report Form
·  (8) Copies of Demo Day Report Form
·  (4) Copies of the Letter of Authorization / N/A / ·  Take Pre-visit Leave Behind with you for your pre-visit to the store
·  Read through all Paperwork before your first Demo Day.
·  A Letter of Authorization will need a signature from management each weekend (4 Total).
·  A Report Form will need a signature from management each demo day (8 Total).
1 / Straight Talk Wireless T-Shirt / ·  Wear T-shirt to each Demo
·  If t-shirt does not fit, then wear a white collared shirt instead.
1 / Straight Talk “It’s time for a switch” button / ·  Place button directly over the word “It’s” on your t-shirt.
1 / Lanyard w/ Name Badge / N/A / ·  Wear Lanyard and print your name on the insert
1 / Samsung S5 Demo Phone / N/A / ·  Use as a demo prop. Must return phone.
300 / Straight Talk Brochures (use 37 per day) / N/A / ·  Place these items on your Demo Table.
·  Tie balloons to the legs of the tent or to the Standees.
·  Please stock your PDQ Tray with LG Premiere LTE Phone on the side and Straight Talk Service Cards as shown here (both $45 & $55 Plans). If store personnel will not allow the LG Premiere to be used in PDQ Tray, use the LG Rebel LTE instead, if allowed.
525 / Straight Talk Calendar Magnets (65 per day)
32 / Mylar Straight Talk “It’s time to switch” Balloons and Strings (fill up (4) balloons each demo day)
2 sets / Match to Learn Cards (2 sets of 12 double-sided cards/ more info on page 6)
1 / Dollar Sign PDQ Tray – with set-up instructions
1 / Corrugate Table – with set up instructions / ·  Prior to each Demo Event, set-up the corrugate table using instructions provided.
·  Use as your Demo table during your shift.
·  Take the table down at the conclusion of each demo event and take it home with you
1 / Straight Talk Canopy Tent- with set up instructions / ·  SAVE THE BOX THAT THIS ITEM SHIPPED IN. The return label is attached to the outside of the box. . You will need it to return the tent.
·  Prior to each Demo Event, set-up the tent using instructions provided.
·  Take the tent down at the conclusion of each demo event and take it home with you.
·  If a store manager refuses to allow you to set the tent up on any day, return the tent IMMEDIATELY using the Fed Ex Return label on the tent box.
2 / Federal Express Return Labels (1 placed on the Phone Return Box in the demo kit box and 1 taped to the outside of the tent box) / N/A / ·  Use the provided Phone Return box with label and the Return Label on the tent box to return your Samsung Galaxy S5 demo phone, and Straight Talk Tent on the last demo day. Remember, if you are unable to execute tent for any reason, return it IMMEDIATELY.


Position your Demo Table at the front of the store/ action alley in a high traffic area.

·  If your Walmart has a Front of Store Wireless Center (Store within a Store), set up your demo table right outside the entrance.

Set up your Demo Station using your corrugate demo table, tent, PDQ tray and all of the components in your Demo Kit. ALWAYS SET UP YOUR TABLE FIRST SO THE STORE AND EARLY BIRD AUDITORS KNOW YOU ARE THERE!

·  Your demo station should look very similar to the picture example (below), and should ideally be flanked by (2) Straight Talk Cube Standees that were shipped direct to store.

·  Refer to your Demo Kit Packing List for images of each item and more detailed information.

·  Straight Talk Cubed Standees were sent directly to the store in large box, so ask the Electronics Manager for help finding them. Instructions for setting them up will be included in the box.

·  Do not use a chair during your Demo, even if a Walmart associate offers you one, and try to stand in front of the Demo Table so you can proactively approach customers to play the “Match to Learn” card game. Do not stand behind the table as shown below!

Next, Set-up the Standees:

·  A large shipment of (3) Straight Talk Cubed Standee displays were sent directly to the store.

·  Place (2) Standee Displays near your Demo Table and (1) in the Electronics Department.

·  At the conclusion of each Demo Day place the (2) Standees near your Demo Table in each of the store’s front entrances. If left up in the store, be sure to locate them and place next to your table each subsequent demo day.

·  If the manager insists you take the Standees down, store them in the back room until your next Demo Shift. You do not have to take these signs home with you after each Demo Day.

·  If you receive resistance from the store manager on placing any standees, simply ask if you can place them (or even one) next to your demo table during demo times only. If this is allowed, be sure to store them somewhere safe between shifts.

Demo Execution Checklist

ü / Task / When to perform
·  Call your Supervisor 2 hours before Demo starts, to confirm you plan to conduct your Demo. / 2 hours before Demo Shift
·  Call your supervisor again once you arrive at the store to confirm your arrival. / Upon Arrival at the Store
·  Sign in on the vendor log located at Customer Service.
·  Sign in with your name as a “Straight Talk Associate.”
·  Introduce yourself to the Electronics Manager, present your letter of authorization and ask for help finding the Straight Talk Standees and where to set up (preferably a high traffic area at the front of the store). / Before Each Demo Shift
·  Set up the Corrugate Table and Tent First. Then continue with the rest of the components from your Demo Kit.
·  Refer to Demo Station Set-up and Placement Directions (on page 4).
·  Then, set up (2) Standee signs next to your demo table and (1) elsewhere in electronics department.
v  On each subsequent demo shift, you may have to search the store/Electronics Department for the standees.
v  If the Manager refuses to let you place Standees, ask if you can use them if you will take them down after each shift.
·  Fill up 4 balloons, using the store’s helium tanks and tie to the Tent legs or standees using strings in Demo Kit.
·  Conduct Demos using the Match to Learn game cards and talking points!
·  Refer to Demo Cheat Sheet on the other side of this document.
·  Have the Samsung Galaxy S5 demo phone handy and ready to use as demo tool, if you have one / During your Demo Shift
·  Keep a Tally of the number of people you spoke to about Straight Talk on the back of your Report Form so you can report accurately. Your goal is to talk to 85 people about Straight Talk each day.
·  If you speak with more than (1) person at a time, you can count each person in your numbers.
·  Move the Standees that are next to your Demo Station to front of store (entrances). / End of the Demo Shift
·  Fill out your Report Form and obtain a Manager’s Signature and Store Stamp.
·  The Manager signing your report form must be able to verify your hours.
·  Obtain a SECOND signature from the same Manager on the bottom of page 2 on one copy of the Letter of Authorization and offer to let the Manager make a copy of it after signing. Submit this signed LOA to your Supervisor with your Report Forms ASAP after the demo run each weekend. Do not have anyone in Customer Service sign your report form or LOA.
·  Report forms are randomly audited for accuracy. Report form MUST reflect ACTUAL Hours worked and reported
·  Any report form without a store stamp will be investigated.
·  Take down you Corrugate Table and Tent and take them home with you.
·  Place all other components back into your Demo Kit to take home with you.
·  If you have one, keep your Samsung Galaxy S5 demo phone in a secured, safe location between demo days. Also, be sure it is fully charged before each demo day.
·  Leave your space tidy and clean.
·  Call the IVR to report your shift.
·  Instructions on how to do this are at the top of your Straight Talk Report Form
·  After your final demo day, Saturday 2/25, return your Samsung Galaxy S5 using the provided phone return box with label from your demo kit, and return the Straight Talk Tent using the Fed Ex return label located on the outside of the tent’s original shipping box.
·  Drop off both items at your local Federal Express as soon as possible after you finish on 2/25! / End of Demo Shift: 2/25 only


·  Your goals are to speak with 14-15 people per hour (85 per Demo Shift), and to build brand and product awareness and encourage customers to purchase Straight Talk products and services.

·  You can reach your goals by approaching all passing customers! Always be PROACTIVE – you should be actively intercepting customers during your entire shift!

·  The $45 30-day plan offers unlimited talk, text and data.
·  5 GB of high speed (4G LTE) then data goes to 2G (2G data is unlimited) / QUALIFIED BUYERS ONLY! / ·  Any Straight Talk Phone $199 or higher qualifies for the lease-to-own program.
·  Get the smartphone you want right now for a low monthly cost, even an iPhone S6 or Galaxy S7!
·  Can cancel anytime without penalty and return the phone; or own the phone when terms are met
·  With the BYOP kit, you can bring your current smartphone to Straight Talk and keep your phone number. First $45 service card included for only $58.88! / ·  Straight Talk has contracts with the (4) major carriers (Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile) to use their towers, so no sacrifice in coverage.
·  Straight Talk runs on America’s largest, most dependable 4G LTE Networks
·  The $55 30-day plan offers unlimited talk, text and data.
·  10 GB of high speed (4G LTE) then data goes to 2G (2G data is unlimited) / ·  Straight Talk offers cutting edge high-end phones just like the contract carriers
·  Check pricing and availability in your store for the Galaxy S7, and all ST Phones.

For more information refer to the Straight Talk Brochure or