7th Grade Technology Education:

Photoshop Elements 5.0 – Tutorial 4

Introduction: This set of directions will take you through the fourth tutorial lesson for the “Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0” program.

Step 1 - Images: We need to an image from Mrs. Stevens’ teacher website. Use FIREFOX to navigate to this address: eastpennsd.org/teacherpages/astevens Then, locate the “Grade: 7"tab and click on it.

Step 2 - Download the “Donut Sketch” - Find and click “Donut Sketch” - Save it in

your Tech Ed folder.

Step 3: Start Photoshop - just like you have before; close all the extra windows that pop up. Then File > Open > Donut Sketch

Step 4: Save your File before you begin! File > Save As > Tutorial 4 – Donut

PLEASE: Turn OFF the “Organizer”!

Step 5 - Selecting Areas of the Donut to Modify: Let’s start with the bottom parts. Use the MAGNETIC LASSO tool to outline the “bitten” area (click to start, then trace the area, the magnetic lasso will “stick” to the outline):

Step 6: Create a New Layer - do not deselect anything, we’re going to color the selection onto a fresh layer. Name the layer “Bite”

Step 7: Fill the Selection with a “donuty” color (the color will depend on the “flavor” you want your donut to be. I’m going to use a ‘plain donut’ tan color)

NOTE: After you color it in, press CTRL + D to deselect that area!

Step 8: The rest of the non-iced sections of the donut…

~Use the Lasso Tool + the “Add to Selection” button

~Select the rest of the non-iced areas of the donut (If you make a mistake you can go back later, use the “subtract from selection” button and get rid of stuff you don’t want!)

~Color them in ON A NEW LAYER (use a darker shade of the “bite” color)

~Name the Layer “Donut Edges”

~Press “CTRL + S” to save your progress

Step 8B: Coloring “mistakes” - If you feel like you missed important areas with that color; use the BRUSH tool to color them

Step 9: Icing - Use the Lasso Tool again; select and color the icing on its’ own layer:

Step 10: Shadows on the “Donut Edges”

~If you haven’t deselected your icing, press CTRL + D

~Click on your “Edges” layer

~Open the “Artwork and Effects” tab

~Click on “Special Effects”

Step 11: Set the Layer Style to Inner Shadow -

You want the “Low” option

Be sure you are on the DONUT EDGES layer!

Step 12: Glow Settings…

Click on the little ball on the layer to open the Style Settings

Set the settings just like mine, then click OK

Step 13: Shadow Settings…

Select the style INNER GLOW

Set it to SIMPLE

Click the “ball” again, set the Glow Size to 11px:

Step 14: Advanced Glow


Make sure it says “ALL”

Find “Diffuse Glow” and DOUBLE-CLICK it

Set it as you see below, then click OK:

Step 15: Gradient Effect - we need to set up the colors for a gradient effect on the EDGES layer…

~Click on the Foreground Box and select the color of your donut edges (a little color selection tool will appear, it looks like an ‘eyedropper’, click the color you want on your actual donut)

~Click the Background Box and select a color darker than the first color

These two colors should

now be a donut color,

and a darker donut color!

Step 16: Gradient Effect Area

Use the MAGIC WAND tool and the “Add to selection” button to select all of the donut edges, make sure you are on the EDGES layer!!

Step 17: Gradient Effect Settings

Find the Gradient Tool

Set the settings at the TOP edge of the page like this:

Step 18: “Bite Texture”

~Click on your “bite” layer

~On the Effect Tab, select Filters

~Use “Film Grain” with the settings seen below…

Step 19: “Icing – Linking layers for neat effects!

~Hold CTRL down.

~Go to your ICING layer Thumbnail (the little image of the layer on the ICING tab)

~While holding CTRL click the little picture. Is all the icing selected now? If not, see me, I’ll show you how to do it!

~Create a new layer – name it GREY

~LINK it with ICING – hold SHIFT, Click both layers, then find the little “chain” icon at the top and click that:

~Fill it: EDIT > FILL LAYER > 50% GREY

It should be the same shape as the icing layer!

~Click the GREY tab, and change NORMAL to LINEAR LIGHT:

Step 20: “Icing – Burn and Dodge

~Use the burn and dodge tools to create light and dark areas on your GREY layer. Be creative! Every donut will look different, switch back and forth between the two tools, have fun!

Step 21: “Sprinkles”

~Create a new layer, name it “Sprinkles”

~Select the Brush Tool

~Set the Brush Size to 4 px

Step 22: Tablet Options

Click on the menu, set it this way:

Step 23: More Options

Find “more options” set them…

Step 24: Final Brush Settings

Click the brush setting dropdown menu and set it like this:

Step 25: Make Sprinkles! Use different colors, and change the size of the brush (it is set to 4px, try other sizes)