French 2 Pre Diploma Summer Assignment 2013 Madame Seavey

SOL CORRELATION: (Note the Virginia Standards of Learning addressed in this activity.)

English: 8.4, 8.5, 9.4, 9.6, 9.7, 9.8, 10.7, 10.10, 11.7, 11.8

History and Social Science: WH I.1, I.2, I.6, I.9

Foreign Language:

Cultural Perspectives, Practices, and Products - FI.7, FI.8, F II.7, F III.6

Making Connections through Language - FI.9

Cultural and Linguistic Comparisons - FI.10

Communication Across Communities - FI.12

Listening and Reading for Understanding - FI.3

Computer Technology: 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4


Students will identify the geographical location of France and its neighbors.

Students will identify geographical features of France, its boundaries and major cities.

Students will demonstrate knowledge geography, culture, lifestyles and products of a particular city in France and how this city is representative of its region.


Resources include blank outline map (to fill in as information is gathered by the student): map of France, map of Western Europe, Internet access, word processing software (i.e. publisher, etc.).

Websites ( You MAY find APPROPRIATE ALTERNATE websites on your own to inform and enhance your project.)

Virtual Journey of France

France: the country

French cities

Map of Europe

Blank Outline Map of Europe

Blank Outline Map of France

Maps of France


Key expressions (in French): geographical and map terminology, names of world countries and bodies of water, vocabulary for brochure components (i.e., la brochure, les images, le titre, la bibliographie, les renseignements, la carte)

1. The teacher will provide the names of various countries, cities and bodies of water (see below).

2. Students will complete both of their outline maps in French.

3. The teacher will provide names of France’s mountain ranges, rivers, and major cities for students to place on the map (see below).

4. Students will use this word list and accurately place the labels on their map using a globe, and/or relevant websites/printed map outlines.


In addition to the two maps labeled in French, students will prepare a brochure in French advertising the merits of living in a particular city in France, using word-processing software (i.e. publisher, etc.), and internet resources for graphics, maps, climate, tourist attractions, festivals, historical facts, amenities, and product information.


Parts I and II will be counted as SEPARATE quiz grades.

Criteria and point values (total 100 points):


a. Six sided brochure with an invitation to live in your selected city (in French): “Venez habiter à ______________ (name of French city)”.

b. Design and color scheme up to the student.

c. Brochure (tri-fold) on 81/2 x 11” paper (5 points)

d. Contents: (60 points)

City name (5)

Map with city located (5)

Brief narrative of location (5)

Title - “Come Live in …” (5)

Information to be included:

festivals (5)

tourist attractions (may include museums, restaurants, hotels, monuments) (5)

climate (5)

sport/leisure opportunities (based upon location and climate) (5)

regional products, resources, industries (5)

Actual city web address (5)

Bibliography/sources listed at the end (5)

Appropriate graphics (no more than 4) taken from the internet (5)

e. Spelling accuracy (10)

f. Mechanics – punctuation, grammar (10)

g. Additional information beyond the basics (5)

h. 2 maps (5)

II. Oral

Simple oral presentation of brochure and maps (100 pts.)

a. projection (25)

b. pronunciation (25)

c. eye contact with audience (25)

d. enthusiasm (25)

Notez bien (take notice): Project and presentation are due the second day of class and will count as 1 written quiz grade AND 1 oral quiz grade. If you have any concerns or questions, contact me at . Work that appears to have been completed with the use of an online translator or extensive outside help will be required to be redone. Use paper dictionaries only. You MUST be able to tell me what everything means.

Les mers et les océans (Seas and oceans)

La Mer du Nord

La Manche

L’Océan Atlantique

La Mer Méditerranée

Les fleuves principaux (Major rivers)

La Seine

La Loire

La Garonne

Le Rhône

La Saône

Le Rhin

Les montagnes (mountains)

Le Massif Central

Les Pyrénées

Les Alpes

Le Jura

Les Vosges

Les Pays (countries)

L’Angleterre La Grèce L’Estonie La Serbie

La France La Pologne La Latvie La Croatie

L’Espagne La Suède La Finlande La Hongrie

L’Italie Le Portugal La Lithuanie La Slovaquie

La Suisse La Norvège La Biélorussie La Turquie

L’Allemagne La République Tschechoslovaquie L’Irak

Le Luxembourg Le Danemark L’Ukraine L’Iran

La Belgique La Russie La Romanie La Georgie

Les Pays-Bas L’Andorre La Bulgarie

L’Autriche La Bosnie La Macédoine

Les Régions(regions) Les Villes (cities) Les Régions Les Villes

Le Nord-Pas-de-Calais Lille, Calais La Franche-

La Haute Normandie et Comté Besançon

La Basse Normandie Rouen, Le Havre, Caen L’île-de-France Paris

La Bretagne Rennes, Brest, Vanne La Picardie Amiens

La Loire Nantes, Le Mans La Champagne Ardenne

Le Pointou-Charentes Poitiers, Rochefort La Lorraine Metz, Nancy

Aquitaine Bordeaux, Biarritz L’Alsace Strasbourg

Les Midi-Pyrénées Toulouse La Corse Ajaccio, Bastia

Langue-d’Oc-Roussillon Avignon, Perpignan

La Provence-Alpes-Côte-

d’Azur Nice Marseille

Le Rhône-Alpes Grenoble, Lyon

L’Auvergne Moulins, Clermont-Ferrand

Le Limousin Limoges

Le Centre Orléans, Tours

La Bourgogne Dijon