Staining Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School

Staining Road



Lancs. FY3 OBW

Tel: 01253 882983

Fax: 01253 896987


Web site:

Headteacher: Mrs J Shoulders

Deputy Headteacher: TBC

Chair of Governors: Mrs K Guy

People Who Work at Staining School:

Teaching Staff: Mrs J Shoulders Headteacher

TBC Deputy Headteacher

Mr J Brooks

Mrs K Ivison

Miss M Craft

Mrs R Middleton

Mrs Colclough

Mrs C Nugent

Ms A Vines

Mr J Collinge

Visiting Staff: Mrs G Hume

Ms D Spence

Mrs C Shipway

Mrs L Croft

Mr T Lockyear

Mrs J Rayton

Secretary: Mrs B Montgomery

Site Supervisor: Mr R Davies

Cleaner: Mrs L Hull

Nursery Nurse: Mrs S Barker

Mrs C Jackson

Classroom Support: Mrs R Ali

Mrs B Aspden

Mrs K Dunn

Mrs C Hall

Mrs K Hamadi

Mrs A Heaton

Mrs G Hulme

Mrs G Riding

Mrs J Rowcliffe

Mrs A Shorrocks

Mrs A Slack

Learning Mentor Mrs D Hayward

Welfare Assistants:

Mrs V Lingard

Mrs A Shorrocks

Mrs L Hull

Mrs L Marshall

Mrs D Raw

School Meals Staff: Mr A Edwards

Crossing Patrol Officer: Miss T Bennett

Dear parents

Thank you for choosing Staining School for your child.

The information in this booklet will hopefully cover most of the questions you may have about the organisation of the school, but please let us know if you think we have left out something important. We want this prospectus to be as helpful as possible and would value any comments you make which will help us improve the information we give to you.

We are very proud of our school and the fantastic children we work with. Information in writing can never convey the atmosphere of a happy, busy school environment, so if you haven’t done so yet, please pay us a visit!

Another good source of information is the school website, which is packed with information about different classes, school events and activities and information for parents. You can find us at:

We hope you and your child have a happy and fulfilling time at Staining School. We know that during any child’s life at school there may be times when you are unsure or have concerns about something and would like to reassure you that we are here to help! Please call, write or e-mail and we will do our best to answer any questions you may have.

We look forward to meeting you and working together.

Jen Shoulders (Headteacher)

Our Motto

Love School

Love Life

Love God

Staining CE Primary School Mission Statement

At Staining Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School, in a Christian atmosphere of faith and trust, we aim to provide a safe, happy and stimulating environment for learning. Our vision is of a Christian school that has high expectations of its children and the adults who work here. We aim to develop the full potential of all our pupils, whilst nurturing strong links between the school, home, church and wider community.

This is achieved by:

·  Valuing all members of the school community

·  Being guided by Christian principles and living, and building these into the school ethos

·  Encouraging alert and agile minds, a sense of curiosity and awe and wonder of learning

·  Providing a stimulating and creative education of the highest quality, through a broad and balanced curriculum

·  Fostering awareness of individuals to ensure they develop a respect for themselves and each other as children of God

·  Sharing and celebrating the Christian faith, academic successes and achievement within the school and in the community

·  Developing care and respect for their environment and the community in which they live

·  Welcoming in to the school parents and representatives from the local church and community

·  Show children they have rights, but also responsibilities, within a loving and tolerant community

·  Celebrate diversity, ensuring fairness of opportunity

·  Enhancing support or challenge for individuals through quality teaching and focused interventions, ensuring individual children’s needs are met through the excellent knowledge of the class teacher

The Governing Body comprises:

(a) three representatives from the Church

(b) one representative from the Parish Council

(c) one representative from the Local Education Authority

(d) five representatives from the Parents

(e) one representative from the Teaching Staff

(f)  one representative from the Non-Teaching Staff

(g)  one representative from the Community

(h) the Headteacher

School Sessions:

KS1 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon KS2 9.00 a.m. to 12.10 p.m.

KS1 1.10 p.m. to 3.25 p.m. KS2 1.10 p.m. to 3.25 p.m.

% / The bell for the start of the morning session is rung at 9.00 a.m.

It is important that the children be at school five minutes before the start of each session, however all children can enter the building from 8.45 am. The school assumes responsibility for the children from 8.45 am and until 3.40 pm. We cannot guarantee supervision of children outside these times.

If you collect your child from school, please try to make sure that you are on time as delays can be upsetting particularly for younger children. If you are going to be late or have arranged for a different person to collect your child please let us know. Children whose parents are late will always be asked to wait outside the school office until they are collected.

The teaching hours for the school, including religious education but excluding the statutory daily act of collective worship, registration and breaks, including lunch, are –

Years R, 1 and 2: - 21hrs. 50 mins. Years 3 - 6: - 23 hrs. 35 mins.


The school caters for boys and girls from the age of 4+ until they are 11 years old, when they transfer to High School.

The admission number approved by the Governors for this school in the Academic Year 2016/2017 is 35. Reception admission in September 2016 was 32.

Parents wishing their children to attend the school should visit or telephone the school to register their interest. It is important to note that even if you already have a child in school you still need to register your interest and complete and return an application form for any younger siblings. There is no automatically guaranteed place for younger siblings.

On completing the application form you will be asked to give three preferences for schools. If there are too many first preferences, the criteria below will apply. If your application is not successful you will then be offered your second or third preference.

Preference will be given to children in the following way:-

1. Children who already have a brother or sister in the school.

2. Children with special medical or social considerations.

3. The distance of the home in relation to this and other

County and Controlled schools, where space is available.

Appeals Procedure:

If, for any reason, you have asked for your child to be admitted and been refused, you may appeal against the decision by contacting the Area Admissions Officer at Area Education Office North, P.O. Box 606, Whitecross Education Centre, Quarry Road, Lancaster LA 1 3SQ (tel 01524 581112), asking for your case to be taken to the Appeals Committee. You would then be asked to appear before this panel to state your case.

At present, children are admitted as follows:-

Children are admitted at the beginning of the Autumn term, initially for a week of half days, then full time. All children will be on the full timetable by the second week of term. The induction dates are arranged for the benefit of the children to ensure they have a relaxed and happy start to school. We hope that you will be able to manage all of the dates, but if there are some you cannot manage, please contact school. There are a total of 6 afternoons and one morning session during the summer term for your child to visit school and get to know their class teacher.

Addresses and Contacts:

The Education Act states that we should keep a record of the names and addresses of all parents, and of who is the legal guardian of the child.

In the case of an accident to your child, or for other reasons, we may need to contact you quickly and so we ask you to provide addresses, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers of home and work and of another person to be contacted if we are unable to reach you. It is vitally important that these are kept up to date. Please inform us of any changes.

This and other information regarding your child will be stored on computer.The school will, as a registered data user, take every precaution to ensure that the data thus stored will be held and used only for specified and lawful purposes and will not be disclosed in any manner incompatible with those purposes. Any parent wishing to examine the data related to their child should apply to the Headteacher for access.

We do also use e-mailing for communicating newsletters and a texting service for parents for last-minute communications and ask that you provide us with an e-mail address.


A list of holiday dates is sent home with each child once a year. Further copies can be obtained from the office. The holiday dates for the year 16/17 are below.

Year / Holiday / Close at 3.25 p.m. / Open at 9.00 a.m.
2016 / After Summer / Teacher Day one 01/09/16
Teacher Day two 02/09/16
Monday 05/09/16
2016 / INSET Closure / Thursday 13/10/16 / Teacher Day three 14/10/16
Monday 17/10/16
2016 / Autumn Half Term / Friday 28/10/16 / Monday 07/11/16
2016 / Christmas / Thursday 22/12/16
2017 / Teacher Day four 09/01/17
Tuesday 10/01/2017
2017 / Spring Half Term / Friday 10/02/17 / Monday 20/02/17
2017 / Easter / Friday 31/03/17 / Tuesday 18/04/17
May Day / Friday 28/04/17 / Tuesday 02/05/17
2017 / Summer Half Term / Friday 26/05/17 / Monday 05/06/17
2017 / Summer / Friday 21/07/17 / Teacher day five
2017 / Start of school year / To be confirmed

Parent Help:

We are always very grateful to any parents who offer to help at school. They work with the staff assisting individuals or groups of children in a variety of ways. Should you feel able to help us in this way please let us know, your support is much appreciated. From time to time we ask for parents to help with transport or at specified events. Again we hope that you will be able to assist with these, it really does make a big difference.

Visiting the School:

Parents are welcome to come to school to discuss their children with the headteacher and class teacher at any time. It is helpful to arrange an appointment a day or two in advance, if this is possible. If you wish to speak to a teacher at the end of the day, please call at the office and make sure the teacher is available.

If parents have concerns about any other aspect of the school, they should follow the above procedure.

The school has an entry security system. Please follow the instructions inside the front porch, then contact Mrs Montgomery in the office to let her know the reason for your visit. If you are staying at school for any length of time, e.g. as a parent helper, you will be asked to fill in the visitors’ book at the entrance and wear a visitor’s badge.

Caring for your child:

At Staining School we aim to support our children in all aspects of their development and recognise that there are times when some children need additional support both in their learning and well-being. Our learning mentor, Mrs Hayward, works with children and their families who may be struggling with school due to circumstances in their private lives. These could be one-off events or long-term situations which have had an impact on your child or the whole family. Sometimes the school recognises a need, sometimes parents contact us. Whatever the circumstances, we will do our best to help. If we feel the needs of a child or family require more support than we are able to provide at school we may feel we need involvement from Children’s Social Care.

We will endeavour to work with the whole family under these circumstances, but the needs of the child must always come first if it is felt that there is a possibility of harm.

The Designated Person for Child Protection in school is the headteacher. Please contact her if you have any concerns related to child protection issues.

Parents’ Evenings:

The school holds two Parents’ Evenings a year. The first is a general evening to allow parents and teachers to get to know each other and to ensure that the children have settled into their new class. On the second of these occasions in the Spring term there is a more formal appointment-based meeting with the class teacher. Parents will have an opportunity to view their children’s work and discuss their progress. We would normally expect your child to accompany you to this mid-year meeting so that they can show you the work they have been doing. At the end of each term you will receive a brief progress report from the teacher which also includes a self-assessment by your child, then during the summer term a full written report. At the end of Year 2 and Year 6 you are sent information regarding your child’s results in national tests/teacher assessments.