St. Peter Interparish Scrip Order Form

Person Ordering: ______Day time phone#______Date______

Family receiving credit______I will pick up my order______

Student’s name and classroom______Not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Questions call Karen Balcer 636-8922 ext. 325 Go to for the full list of items available. Orders must be turned in on Monday by 10:30 a.m. No scrip if 3 or less days of school that week.

Amazon $25, 100 / 3% / McDonald’s Blue $5 Holts Summit / 5%
American Eagle $25 / 10% / McDonald’s Yellow $5, JC except Jeff. St. / 5%
Applebee’s $25 / 8% / McDonald’s card Jefferson St. $5 / 5%
Arby’s $10 / 8% / MC Sports $25 / 8%
Arris Bistro $25 / 10% / Mel’s Country Café $25 / 10%
Arris Pizza $25 / 10% / Menard’s $25, 100 / 3%
Bandana’s BBQ $25 / 5% / M & M Trans. $25, 100 / 3%
Barnes & Noble $10, 25, 100 / 9% / MO Valley Mercantile $10, 25 / 8%
Bass Pro $25, 100 / 9% / New Skinsations $25 / 5%
Bath and Body $10, 25 / 13% / Old Navy/Gap $25 / 9%
Best Buy $25, 100, 250 / 3% / Olive Garden $25 / 9%
Bob Evan’s $10 / 10% / Origami Owl Lockets $20 / 5%
Break Time $25, 50, 100 / 2% / Oscar’s Classic Diner $25 / 10%
Buffalo Wild Wings $10,25 / 8% / Outback Steakhouse $25 / 8%
Burger King $10 / 4% / Payless Shoes $20 / 13%
Cabela’s $25, 100 / 11% / Panera Bread $10, 25 / 9%
Canterbury Hill Winery $25 / 10% / Papa John’s $10 / 8%
Capital City Cleaners, $25 / 5% / Papa Murphy’s $10 / 8%
Chick-fil-A / 10% / Pier One $25 / 9%
Chili’s $25, 50 / 11% / Pizza Haus (McCarty St.) $10 / 10%
Chipotle $10 / 10% / Pizza Hut $10 / 8%
Claire’s $10 / 9% / Prison Brews $10, 20 / 10%
Classroom Conn $10, 25, 50 / 10% / Red Lobster $25 / 9%
Colton’s Steakhouse $25 / 10% / Robo Car Wash $6 / 20%
Cracker Barrell $10 / 9% / Roly Poly $5 / 20%
Daisy Delight $5 / 10% / Ruby Tuesday $25 / 8%
Daisy Delight $5 / 10% / Sally’s Beauty $25 / 12%
Dillard’s $25, 100 / 9% / Save A Lot $25 / 4%
Domino’s Pizza $10 / 8% / Schaefer House $10, 25 / 5%
Ecco Lounge / 10% / Schulte’s $25, 50, 100 / 5%
El Espolon $25 / 10% / Sear’s $25, 100, 250 / 4%
El Jimador $25 / 10% / Shell $25, 50, 100 / 2.5%
Goodrich Theater $10 / 4% / Shoe Carnival $25 / 5%
Head’s Up Salon $25, 50 / 10% / Sonic $10 / 5%
Hy-Vee $25, 50, 100 / 4% / Southbank $10, 25, 50 / 5%
I Hop $25 / 8% / Staples $25, 100 / 5%
I Tune $15, 25 / 5% / Steak n Shake $10 / 8%
JC Penny $25, 100 / 5% / Studio 1 Salon $50 / 5%
Kate and Ally’s $10 / 10% / Subway $10 / 6 %
Kmart $25, 50 / 4% / Sydney Broderick $25 / 10%
Kohl’s $25, 100 / 4% / Taco Bell $10 / 5%
Kwik Kar Wash $25 / 15% / Target, $25, 100 / 2%
Land’s End $25, 100 / 16% / Tennyson’s Furniture $25, 50, 100 / 5%
Lee’s Chicken $5 / 10% / T J Max $25, 100 / 7%
Little Caesar’s Pizza $20 / 8% / Walgreens $25, 100 / 6%
Longhorn Steakhouse $25 / 9% / Wal-Mart $25, 100, 250 / 2.5%
Long John Silver’s $10 / 8% / Wendy’s $10 / 4%
Lowe’s $25, 100, 500, 1000 / 4% / Yo Yums $5, 10 / 10%
Madison’s Café $25 / 10%
